Chapter 29

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Jeanie's POV:

I was hiding out in the art classroom again during lunch, thankful that I had somehow been lucky enough to avoid the Cleopatra clad Madison and company. The genie costume that Rosalee was wearing was torture enough for my heart and I don't think I could take much more. I heard the door open and expected Emmett to make a joke about looking in the library first, but then I heard the laugh and it wasn't his.

"Well well well, looks like we found the party pooper in here rather than the library today. Where's your costume Jeanie? You could have at least come as your name, a genie." (Madison)

I looked up at the three humans that were cursed by that damn fairy wherever she is now. I had not felt anger at them for what they did until this moment. They had no right to smudge the name of Cleopatra by their actions, even if those actions were the result of a curse. I watched silently as they walked closer to me, laughing at the glare I was giving them until they were right in front of me.

"Betsy, Kim, hold her." (Madison)

I had a sense of fear pass through me as they grabbed me as I tried to run past them. They managed to slam me into a wall and I saw stars as I looked at Madison. It wasn't Madison I saw though through the pain, it was my friend Cleopatra as angry looking as she would look when dealing with incompetent humans that served her. I closed my eyes, not willing to associate pain with her memory.

I felt Madison's hand slap me across the face telling me to look at her but I refused. She continued slapping me as I refused to look at her, and then she must have got bored as she resorted to punching me in the stomach as I kept my eyes closed. I felt tears start to escape my closed eyes, and whimpers began leaving my mouth, just as the door slammed open.

The hold on my arms loosened some and I prayed for a teacher to come in, forget being forgiving about the curse anymore. It wasn't until I heard the animalistic snarl that I opened my eyes. I saw Emmett standing a few feet away as he stared at the three humans and then their hands on my arms still pinning me against the wall. I noticed his hands were clenched into fists, his eyes looked solid black, and he was practically shaking.

"Get away from her now." (Em)

The rest of his siblings soon ran into the room and I watched as Rose gasped as she saw me pinned against the wall, but my focus was soon drawn back to Emmett. I had never seen him so incredibly angry. The last time I saw anyone this angry I was being severely punished by Sultan Ahami for not granting his wish fast enough.

I felt fear at what he could do to me eat away at my love and trust that I had been building, just as Alice rushed forward and started whispering in his ear. I saw his face soften some, as his shaking stopped and he looked at me with remorse on his face. Betsy and Kim finally let go of me before Madison motioned to them to follow her, and they quickly left the room.

I watched them go before I slide down the wall, a sob finally escaping my mouth as I did. I saw Emmett walk toward me and I couldn't help the tension that I felt enter my body, as my mind reminded me of how angry he looked just a moment ago.

"Jeanie, forgive me if I scared you. I just wanted them to let you go." (Em)

I forced myself to look up and I met his now dark gold eyes, seeing that they were full of remorse. My heart finally told my mind to fuck off as I flung myself into his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Jeanie do you want to go to the office and tell them what happened?" (Em)

"No." (J)

"But Jeanie-" (Em)

"No! I just want to go home. Please." (J)

I felt him stiffen for a moment before he slowly nodded and looked at Edward behind him. Edward didn't say anything, just nodded before him and Rosalee left the room. Alice and Jasper offered me a sad smile before they left the room as well, as I continued to cry on Emmett's shoulder.

"I'm taking you home Jeanie and we can just relax for the rest of the day ok?" (Em)

I nodded into his chest as he picked me up and carried me out to the car as quickly as he could before setting me down in the passenger seat of my own car. I wasn't even sure when I had handed him the keys but I didn't care. I saw him smile at me, the dimples I loved so much showing as he did but I couldn't return it. I felt the tears continue to fall as he drove us to my house.

I knew that I would have bruises on my stomach no doubt, but I could also feel my cheeks start to bruise as well. Emmett parked my car in my normal space before he got and raced around to the front. He picked me back up into his arms before walking me to the house, unlocking it, walking inside, and shutting the door behind us with no problem at all.

He sits down on the couch, turning on the Tv to a random channel, before he takes my hair out of my bun and starts to run his fingers through it. I stay curled up on Emmett's lap, thankful for the company and the lack of conversation required to go along with it right now. I want so badly to be completely honest with especially when I know he'll ask why today was so bad for me, but I can't.

I don't want to risk the wrath of the genie council in telling a being what I am without him already knowing of genies. But I've used every channel of information and read every book I have on different species and I don't know what he is. I have only one option left, and that's to call Uncle Gene and see if he can figure it out. I glance towards the Tv and see a Halloween movie marathon start to play before a few more tears start to fall.

"I hate Halloween." (J)

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