Chapter 49

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Jeanie's POV:

I couldn't believe what I was about to do, but as I took a deep breath I disappeared from my house and from Emmett and appeared in the house of the shapeshifters. I opened my eyes to find myself in the living room where Gio was once laying bleeding on the floor before my attention was drawn to the many voices behind me that had just stopped talking.

"Who the fuck are you?" (Leah)

"Leah." (Sam)

I looked at the female shapeshifter glaring at the Alpha and then back to me before I saw the rest of the pack. It seemed to have grown quite a bit since the last time I was here. I saw Sam stand and start to come towards me and I flinched back a bit, gripping my bottle even tighter at the idea of him as a master.

"Sam, perhaps we should explain before we crowd the poor girl." (Emily)

"It's not a girl, it's a genie Em." (Seth)

"Then that makes you a wolf and not a boy doesn't it." (J)

I heard a few growls echo through the room before Sam, the alpha of the pack silenced them all. He looked to Emily who's face was showing concern, but I think her concern was directed towards me whether than the pack. A small smile graces my face as I know that I blessed a truly remarkable woman by removing her scars.

"Alright we'll explain first. About four months ago we smelled a few leeches cross our land. No one here or in Forks was harmed so we thought they were gone. Then the murders began in the next town over and then in Seattle. Last month there was a couple murdered in Forks." (Sam)

I had been watching them all from where I stood, watching their every move should they try and forcefully enslave me rather than allowing me to volunteer it. Though as I listen to them I realize that they may need more than just my help in this if they are about to ask for what I think they are.

"So you want help to get rid of them?" (J)

"Well we don't exactly want to ask them to stay do we?" (Collin)

"The taking of human life for non-vegetarian vampires is necessary you know. Killing them just for this, even though it is your purpose could very well land me in front of my own council facing hate crimes against another species. There must be more reason for me to intervene." (J)

"You have your own council?" (Brady)

"Not now Brady. We have more reason than just that, though the fact you need more than innocent lives being taken is disgusting. They are directly targeting one of our own now, having taken a personal interest in one of our imprints." (Sam)

"Who's imprint?" (J)

"Mine. This is Bella. Bella, this is the supposed genie that is going to help us protect you." (Jacob)

I turned towards the wolf standing in the doorway and recognized him from before, only this time with a pale human with brown hair and brown eyes. I saw her look at me but blushed and looked away when she caught my glance. I could almost feel the tension coming from the wolf as he held her close to him, and I could only imagine the worry he's had over her recently.

I tear my attention away from them as they walk in and sit down across from me at the table on the opposite side of the room, looking instead to the Alpha. I knew the importance of protecting one's imprint, having known several bear-shifters that would rather die than risk their imprints getting hurt in any way. I felt myself take a deep breath as I looked at them all, glancing at Emily last with a small smile on my face.

"This will require more than non-cursed magic can provide. So, I am offering my bottle to you and my services to aid your pack in protecting Bella." (J)

I watched as Sam started towards me again and felt myself tense as I thought of him as a master, fearing that the power I had to offer him would prove to tempting to ever allow me to leave. Before he reached me though, Emily stopped him and stepped between him and me.

"Perhaps Sam, I should do it." (Emily)

"Emily I don't know how safe it is." (Sam)

I felt a surge of annoyance run through me at his words, knowing that to me and even to Emmett this shapeshifter was nothing but a child. Barely even a child really as old as I was. I looked back at Emily, and I smiled at her earing a smile in return, before I turned to glare at him again.

"I agree with your imprint Alpha, I trust her more than I do you for at least with her I am something other than an it." (J)

"How does you know so much about us?" (Collin)

"I am older than all of you combined little one, knowing about other supernatural beings comes with living so long. Emily, if I entrust my bottle to you how can I know that when my services are up I will be allowed to return to my own mate?" (J)

"I can only promise that I will do everything I can to return you home." (Emily)

"Would you wish it to happen?" (J)

"I wish you would return home to your mate after you've helped us as much as you can or are willing to." (Emily)

I closed my eyes and sensed how heartfelt her wish was before I disappeared and reappeared right beside her. I saw her jump for a moment, heard the growl of warning from the alpha, and even sensed the other wolves ready to jump up to protect her at a moment's notice. I looked into her eyes though and only saw kindness, no deception, and it gave my heart a bit of piece at what I was about to do.

"I ask only that you release me as soon as the stopper comes back on. I don't do well inside the bottle. Also remember that anything you want from me, even things such as speaking must be wished for." (J)

"Wait don't we only get three wishes?!?" (Leah)

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that question, knowing that whoever started that belief never met a real genie in their own lifetime. I ignore the other wolves as Emily agrees to do as I've asked and I take the key around my neck and unlock the stopper before handing the bottle to Emily.

I felt myself start to shake at the thought of being trapped within the bottle but I forced myself not to cry in front of these wolves. I knew that Emily could see my worry as I stood before her and the open bottle before I turned to smoke and disappeared inside.

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