Chapter 63

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Emmett's POV:

I picked her up from the floor as gently as I could, barely hearing Kate as she asked if there was anything she could do. I could only assume that Evelyn answered her though as she left the room, quietly shutting the door behind her. I laid Jeanie down on the bed in our room upstairs, before sitting next to her slowly.

I watched as my mate screamed in pain that tore at my heart and if I truly did have one, my very soul. I heard Evelyn muttering something in what I knew now was elvish and I again saw the green mist flow from around her. I watched as it flowed into Jeanie, but while she stopped screaming I knew she was still in pain.

"" (J)

"I know baby, I'm sorry, but you're free now babe. You're free and it'll be over soon." (Em)

I saw tears fall from her beautiful blue eyes and I gently ran my fingers through her hair as she cried. Evelyn kept muttering different things and I watched as green, silver, and then golden mist flowed into Jeanie. Nothing seemed to ease all of her pain though as I stayed by her side.

I watched as she curled up in a ball on her side as she screamed into a pillow again. I looked to Evelyn and saw that she was looking at Jeanie with a slight smile on her face. I was about to yell at her for that, thinking she was glad at the pain that Jeanie was going through, when she looked at me still smiling.

"You misinterpret my smile Emmett. I am proud of her, very proud, as Giovanni screamed like a banshee the entire time and he had twice as much help as she does now." (Eve)

"Help that Jeanie could have now?" (Em)

"Unless you are a shapeshifter with a pack to help with her pain then no." (Eve)

My eyes were tore away from Evelyn as I felt Jeanie touch my hand. I looked at my beautiful little mate and saw her shaking with tears falling from her eyes at a steady pace. She flinched in on herself as she laid curled up in a ball and I wondered if there was something that Carlisle could do for her that Evelyn couldn't.

"Em......sorry." (J)

"You're sorry? Jeanie it's not your fault." (Em)

"I it......hurts you too." (J)

"Babe, don't worry about me. Please I'm fine. I'm more worried about you. What can I do?" (Em)

"" (J)

"Of course." (Em)

Jeanie's POV:

Through the pain that felt as if my skin was on fire and my bones were shattering, I felt him lay down next to me. I saw Evelyn preparing who knows what for me to drink as I felt his cool fingers run through my hair. I sighed in what was to be the closest thing to relief that I would feel for the next few hours as I leaned backwards into his cold chest.

I felt the pain flare in my chest as another scream left my mouth, and more tears fell from my eyes. The other genies that had already been through this were right. It was the worst pain I could imagine anything living through, as every cell in my body seemed to scream in agony close to death and yet I didn't die.

"I'm so sorry babe, so sorry." (Em)

I shook my head at his apology trying to make sure he knew it wasn't his fault. This was bound to happen someday, finding him and then Kate through him simply sped the process up some. I felt his cool lips on my forehead before he helped Evelyn move me to a sitting position.

I felt the cup press against my lips as she held it out for me, and I drank the blue liquid down as quickly as I could. I felt a frozen sensation flow through my veins once I finished and I realized that while it still felt like my bones were breaking into pieces the fire on my skin dimmed.

"Thanks....Evie." (J)

"I will start on another one for you my friend. You will be in need of it in another few hours or so." (Eve)

I felt myself nod some at her as I felt Emmett help me lay back down on the bed. I leaned back into his chest some more as he slowly and carefully wrapped his arms around me. I wanted to tell him he could hold me as tightly as he wanted and it wouldn't hurt as the pain was all internal but I couldn't get the words to come. I felt my eyes grow heavy after a while and I welcomed whatever sleep might provide me, hopeful that a bit of the pain would fade while I slept.

I realized a few minutes in that sleeping did not diminish the pain, and I could still feel tears funning down my face as I cried in my sleep. I promised to myself then and there that Emmett would never know the pain that I felt during this, as I knew he would only blame himself and it wasn't his fault. It was the fault of the curse on the bottle that all genies had when they were created.

I heard him begin to hum next to me and used it as a distraction to the pain, but I still felt each bone piercing pain radiate through my body. I still felt everyone ounce of blood in my body protest it's existence in my veins, but even through the pain I reminded myself that after this I was free. After this I could be with Emmett for all of eternity in every way that I couldn't before. This was for my freedom, and so the pain become more bearable.

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