Chapter 68

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Jeanie's POV:

We arrived at Emmett's house at nine in the morning, being completely satisfied from last night's gift giving. Though with leaving very few surfaces in my house unused from our activities, I was a bit surprised at the energy I still had. When we walked in I saw the knowing look on everyone's face, though a few tried to hide it.

I felt my face blush a bit before I ignored them and sat on Emmett's lap in the open seat near the tree. Alice had already separated the gifts out into piles for everyone and they were only waiting on us to get back to open them. I smiled and shook my head with Esme as everyone began opening their gifts in a rush as much as children were.

I thanked everyone for the gold and blue clothing and jewelry that I was given, smiling at the fact that everyone knew what I liked by now. I was then tackled in a hug by Rose for her new handbag and matching leather shoes while Kate took her place next as she thanked me for her new outfit. The smile never left my face as I got up off the floor until I saw Emmett standing in front of me with a nervous look on his face.

"Emmett, is everything alright?" (J)

"Yeah.....yeah course. I just had one more gift to give you, well offer you more like it." (Em)

"Ok." (J)

I smiled at him in question before he took a deep breath and bent down on one knee. I raised an eye in question at him before I remembered the tradition that humans had when they found one they loved. According to many genie customs, after last night Emmett and I were one for all eternity already but I hadn't told him that.

"Jeanie, since the moment I realized you were my mate I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my existence with you. You are my heart and my soul, and I never want to be without you. So, I now ask if you would do me the honor of becoming my wife for the rest of our existence?" (Em)

I smiled as I saw him holding up a gold band with a blue sapphire stone in it surrounded by diamonds on the band. I laughed a bit before nodding my head to his silly question. He had looked so nervous until I nodded and then he broke out into the smile and dimples that I loved so much.

He was spinning me in his arms around the room, having already slid the beautiful ring up my finger. I heard the others let out soft laughs followed by congratulations before my attention was stolen completely by his lips on mine. It was only a few seconds later that Alice practically pulled us apart.

"Jeanie and Emmett have other news for us as well and if you don't tell the others or let me tell them I swear I will burst." (Alice)

I felt myself laughing along with Emmett at the fierce pout that Alice was giving us both, the rest of the family holding back laughs in tightly held smiles. I nodded and she smiled at us before returning to her seat in Jasper's lap. We went and stood in front of the family as Emmett took hold of my hand as I prepared to tell my new family exactly what Emmett and I had coming.

"Emmett and I will be gaining a new addition to the family at the start of the New Year." (J)

"What?" (Rose)

I saw everyone in the room except Alice, Edward, Emmett, and I freeze in shock. I saw a brief flash of hurt cross Rosalie's face and I realized that they thought I was pregnant. I shook my head a bit wondering how vampires could live forever and yet only retain so much information.

"Not in that way. I was given the honor of becoming a mentor, or rather Aunt, for a new genie." (J)

"And Rose and I will be happy to babysit whenever you need it." (Ed)

I looked away from Edward to meet Rose's eyes that were glistening with venom as she stared at me and nodded in agreement, a smile taking shape on her face. I felt her arms surround me in a gentle hug as she whispered congrats to me, everyone else soon following suit before Alice and Kate were talking in not so-quiet whispers in the corner about our wedding.

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