Chapter 37

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Emmett's POV:

I watched as Jeanie seemed to stay in shock or perhaps lost deep in thought after she came back into the classroom. I had tried smiling at her but it was almost like she saw something else when I smiled. I then heard Alice gasp a bit before she turned towards me and spoke in a voice that no human would be able to hear, just before the bell rings.

"She knows." (A)

I watched as Jeanie practically ran from the room before I could catch up at a human's pace. By the time I reached the parking lot her car was already pulling out of the lot and onto the main road. I felt Jazz squeeze my shoulder as the rest of our family came out. Rosalie was looking pissed but everyone else looked at me with pity, and why shouldn't they. The girl I was in love with, my own mate, basically ran away at the news that we're vampires.

Hours after sunset and I was pacing in my room thinking of Jeanie and how to explain to her that we weren't like normal vampires we were vegetarian. I had texted her asking if everything was ok, and even called her. Both went unanswered earlier tonight and my fears were mounting by the moment.

I finally couldn't take it anymore and I leapt out the window of my room and landed on the hard ground outside before taking off. I had to see her even if only for a moment and even if she was asleep. I had to see her.

I was at her apartment and on her balcony in what seemed like seconds, and probably were. I carefully and quietly slid her balcony door open before I stepped inside to see her asleep on the bed. I saw her brown curls pulled into a messy bun, her arms wrapped around a second pillow laying on the bed. I smiled as I looked at her, so beautiful. The most beautiful creature I had ever seen, even asleep.

I saw the moonlight reflecting off the chain of the necklace she always wore and I stepped closer to the bed to see it. I lifted it off of her as gently as I could before I held it in my hand. Attached at the end is a small key of gold with what look like real rubies on the end of it. I smiled at the simplicity of it but then was left wondering why she was adamant about never taking it off. I was about to put it back around her neck before I saw she was dreaming and it didn't look pleasant.

I watched as she started to toss and turn a bit, before she started whimpering. I heard her whispered pleas to be freed as she tossed and turned before she suddenly stopped as she whispered my name and a smile crept onto her face. I smiled with her as I realized her dream me must have chased the nightmares away. I leaned back down to her, to put the necklace with the key on it back around her neck, but then her eyes flew open.

I watched as she let out a quiet yelp before snapping her fingers, the lights coming on right after, and suddenly appearing on the other side of the room with a slight popping noise. I watched as she went to say something but then saw the chain in my hand, and her expression turned to absolute horror.

She glanced at a painting hanging above a dresser but then returned her horror frozen gaze to me and the chain I held in my hand. I took a step towards her and she seemed to tense even more so I froze in my steps. I had no idea how she just did what she did, but I could easily see the fear she had on her face in this moment.

"Jeanie I can explain." (Em)

"I don't need an explanation. We're meant to be enemies I know that already." (J)

"Enemies? No Jeanie, my family and I, we don't feed off humans. We only feed off animals. We're not enemies." (Em)

"It is not your diet I was referring to Em, in fact that is the least of my concern as I am sure my blood has no scent to even tempt you." (J)

"Well no it doesn't but how did you know that?" (Em)

"You don't know what I am?" (J)

"What you are? No, aren't you human?" (Em)

"No, and if you don't know what I am I cannot be the one to tell you. There are rules for my kind. What I am is something you must learn on your own. But please.......please give me my key back." (J)

"This key, it has to do with what you are doesn't it?" (Em)

I saw her eyes widen in fear once more before she offered me a slow nod. I looked at it once more before I placed it in my open hand and offered it to her. She approached me slowly, almost like a frightened animal before she snatched the key out of my hand and put it around her neck again. I watched as she closed her eyes as she clutched the key in her hand before she looked back at me with a guarded expression.

"What are you doing here Emmett?" (J)

"I....I had to see you to explain." (Em)

"Well since I already know that seems to be a moot point now doesn't it? Your diet is a surprise to me, I will admit, but there is little else to explain. I know of your kind's government the Volturi, as they know of mine." (J)

"You know of the Volturi? How long have your known what we are?" (Em)

I saw her look away from me before she motioned me to follow her downstairs. I do so, knowing she probably felt more comfortable discussing this downstairs then upstairs in her bedroom. I watched as she put a kettle on and pulled out a mug with some oolong tea leaves, something she's done almost every time I've been here.

"I have known since our first kiss..... even before then really, that you weren't human. I just didn't know what you were for sure." (J)

"Our first kiss and you didn't say anything or ask?" (Em)

"No, I had my uncle look into it a few days ago because I......I have feelings for you Emmett and I was learning to trust you." (J)

"Do you trust me now?" (Em)

I watched as she seemed to clutch the key hanging around her neck before she looked up at me. I watched as she struggled to answer before the kettle started screaming that the water was hot enough. She moved it off the flame before she looked at me again.

"I don't know. I want to, but.....with everything that could happen and tonight with my key.....I don't know Emmett." (J)

"So, you won't even tell me what you are then?" (Em)

"I cannot, my council is harsher sometimes than even yours. It is forbidden to tell other supernatural beings what we are, they must figure it out on their own. You must figure it out on your own, and then decide what you want." (J)

"I want you Jeanie." (Em)

"I want you too, but it does not change the fact I cannot tell you what I am. I'm sorry." (J)

I watched as she poured the water into the mug and seemed to wipe a few tears away as she was turned away from me. I walked up behind her and gently turned her to face me. I wiped the last few tears that fell before I bent down and kissed her. She kissed me back just as passionately as the first time we kissed, as I lifted her off her feet and into my arms, and I smiled into her hair when we stopped.

"I will find out what you are on my own time, for now it doesn't matter that much to me." (Em)

"Why does it not matter to you?" (J)

"How about I tell you that when I find out what you are?" (Em)

"Alright, deal. Thank you Emmett." (J)

"Anything for you babe." (Em)

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