Chapter 22

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Emmett's POV:

"Are you sure you don't want a drink or food or anything?" (J)

"Nah, believe it or not I don't eat a whole lot." (Em)

"That is hard to believe haha. Well, find us a Tv show to watch for a break while I make another cup of tea." (J)

"Yes m'am." (Em)

I saluted her as she let out a light laugh and shook her head at me. The math this week had only taken an hour, even with me dragging it out as long as I could. So I had suggested that since neither of us had any other homework to do tonight, we just relax some and hang out. She agreed quicker than I thought she would and I was hoping to kiss her on the cheek tonight.

I flipped through the channels and saw that an old Tv show 'I dream of Jeannie" was coming on. I smiled at the thought of watching that with Jeanie and settled on this channel. A few moments later I heard her coming back in with her mug of tea, before sitting down next to me on the couch.

I wanted to have her sit closer to me, like she did when Gio was here, or even in my lap but I knew that humans moved slower than we did. She didn't know she was my mate yet, she couldn't know yet, and I didn't want to scare her off by coming on too strong. She placed her mug down on the small coffee table before glancing at me with a small smile then at the Tv, then I watched as her smile fell from her face.

"I hate this show. No genie would ever fall in love with their master when treated like that. To be at someone's beck and call and have to serve their every wish and fall in love with them?? NO! It would never happen, a slave would not fall in love with their master when they are treated so horribly!" (J)

I felt my eyes raise at her stance on this Tv show. I saw how upset she was becoming and I realized that there must be another reason underlying all this as to why she hated this show. I quickly turned the Tv off before I pulled her into my chest, running my fingers through her soft curls and whispering calming things to her as I did. I felt her push against me and I released my hold of her to see how embarrassed she looked.

"I'm sorry, I....I just don't like that show." (J)

"No, it's fine. I hate the Yogi Bear movies if it makes you feel better." (Em)

"A bit. Thanks Emmett." (J)

I saw she was leaning in closer to me again and was smiling as she looked at me. I felt my own smile return as I leaned in closer, giving her time to move away if she wanted to but she didn't. I felt my cold hard lips touch her warm soft ones, and I forced myself to stay at this level but Jeanie it seemed had other plans. I felt her push me back onto the couch as her tongue traced my lips.

I opened my own mouth and let her explore mine with her tongue before mine did the same to hers. I felt her hands slide under my shirt and soon I was returning the favor. She left my mouth for a moment as she began kissing down my neck and then stopping as she pulled my shirt above my head, removing her own soon after. I smiled as I saw her golden bra but then my smile disappeared as I saw bruises on her stomach that looked a lot like the bruises she had on her arm that first week of school.

"Don't suppose you tripped and was caught by someone for those as well huh Jeanie?" (Em)

I saw her eyes panic for a moment at my question before she looked away. She soon looked back at me with a fierce determination on her face. She leaned in close for a moment again before kissing me as fiercely as I could have imagined ever being kissed before she sat up again. I looked up to meet her eyes and again saw a fire of determination behind her blue eyes.

"I have my reasons for my silence at school. So, the question now is do you trust my judgement and promise to keep silent as well? Or do you no longer want to see me belly dance?" (J)

I almost answered that I wanted to see her belly dance, before my mind made me focus on the entire question. It was worded in way that made it sound as if she knew she would keep getting hurt at school, but she wouldn't tell any of the teachers. I was going to argue but one look in her eyes and I knew that any argument would be pointless and it would mean me missing out on my mate belly dancing for me.

"I want to see you belly dance you, beautiful woman you." (Em)

"Good answer." (J)

She leaned down and I soon found myself extremely thankful that I didn't need air as I was sure I would need it if I was human. I found myself wondering how she didn't need air, but before I could ask she was climbing off of me. I sat up to see her walking towards the stair case with her shirt back on, but before I could ask where she was going she winked at me and told me to wait for her.

I smiled as I thought about what had just happened. I was only hoping for a kiss on the cheek tonight but I had just made out with my mate. Alice would be smug, Edward would ask me to stop thinking so much, and I'm sure Rose would have my ass on a platter once she found out I was officially 'endangering the family,' but I'm sure everyone else would be happy for me. Hell I'm ecstatic right now.

I heard the same type of music start playing that was playing in the car that first day I rode with her, before I heard what sounded like a soft jingle. I looked back towards the stairs and saw Jeanie walking towards me wearing a golden belly dancer outfit, complete with what looked like coins instead of beads.

I sat mesmerized as she started to dance in front of me. I watched as she seemed to pop her hips out of place as she danced and I couldn't be more pleased as I realized how lose and flexible she was. My mate was perfect, absolutely perfect.

A few minutes passed as the song ended and she ended it in a split before standing back up and walking over to me with a slight grin. I smiled even larger as she straddled my lap and leaned in close for a moment.

"Not a bad trade now was it Emmett?" (J)

"God you're perfect. I wish we didn't have school the rest of this week so I could just spend time with you." (Em)

I watched as she smiled before she closed her eyes and reopened them with a smile. She gave me one more kiss before she told me she wanted to change out of her costume but she would be down in a moment. I watched as she walked away, the smile staying on my face as she did.

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