Chapter 35

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Alice's POV:

"Thanks again for this Alice, seriously. I wouldn't have time to run home and come back before the presentations." (J)

"It's no problem! I swear, just consider it an instance of you owe me another shopping trip one weekend." (A)

"Deal, I already love shopping with you so that's no problem at all. You really are an angel to me for this right now, thanks." (J)

I smiled as she thanked me again, knowing that the outfit that I had with me today will drive Emmett crazy and possible literally. I had a vision showing me give her this shirt today, I just didn't know why until I saw her in the hallway.

It was becoming a little less annoying how I would only see partial visions of Jeanie, but I was learning to just be prepared for anything and everything. I still saw her and Emmett together in the small clips of future visions I had of her so I didn't worry too much about it really.

I smiled again as I looked at the shirt that Jeanie was about to change into. It was as low cut in the front as it could be and still be within dress code, not to mention he loves seeing her in blue. Told Jazz one night that blue brought out the blue in her eyes and made me think he was looking up in the sky on a sunny day. Who thought Emmett could be such a sappy romantic when he thought Rose and I weren't listening at the door.

She turned to face the wall as she changed out of the now milk-soaked shirt and into the one I gave her, and I almost rolled my eyes knowing I had already had partial visions of her topless and making out with Emmett before. However my thoughts on that were forgotten when I saw the tattoos going down her spine.

It took me a second but I saw they were all a different name. Some starting with Sultan or Prince, others with Lord or King or even Master, a few where even names I knew from history class. Pharaoh Cleopatra, Emperor Nero, Emperor Charlemagne, and even King Louis, among other names that were in a perfectly straight line down her spine in curvy black script.

"Interesting tattoos, what do they mean?" (A)

I watched as she froze for a moment and I heard her heartbeat increase as if she was scared before she threw on the shirt quicker than I thought she would. I watched as she straightened it and fixed her curls back in place before she turned to face me with an almost forced looking smile on her face.

I even heard her heartbeat start to slow again, and I realized she was very good at controlling her outward appearance even if Jazz mentioned she was horrible at hiding her emotions from him. Though honestly most of us are horrible at that unless your practiced in it.

"Oh you know, act of rebellion before I left the orphanage for good I suppose. Shall we head to class now?" (J)

I gave a smile in return and nodded to her suggestion but my mind was reeling as to why my question about the tattoos would cause her to panic so much. It looked like it was more than an act of rebellion, especially with twenty-eight names going down her spine.

Perhaps she will be more honest about it when she's closer to the family. I've already seen that happening soon, with Emmett promising to tell her before Christmas. I doubt he would break that promise under Kate's threat of shock treatment if he didn't follow through.

I walked out with her and wished both her and Jazz luck on their presentation, knowing they wouldn't need it before I headed to my next class. I still couldn't help but wonder what her tattoos meant, and why she would have some of them that were considered such vile humans when they were alive.

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