Chapter 41

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Jeanie's POV:

I found myself sobbing on the dark floor of the bottle when I opened my eyes. I didn't bother trying to create any light in the dark, for what was the point when I was a prisoner again and unless my next master let me, it wouldn't work anyway. I felt the walls of the bottle seemingly closing in around me and I struggled to keep breathing evenly as my panic rose.

I was trapped again in the dark. Alone in the silence with only my sobs echoing around me in the dark. I was going to be a slave again, this time to one of the family members of the vampire I loved even now.

I saw the small light flood the dark bottle at the opening, and I felt the curse of the genie take over as I turned into gold smoke again before floating out of the bottle and landing in front of my new master. I had thought it would be Rose as she was the one that had trapped me within my prison again but I was wrong as it was Emmett.

I couldn't help but feel slight déjà vu when I saw the being I loved now commanding me as my master. I wondered if telling him part of my past meant nothing to him earlier despite his heartfelt wish for me, and just the thought of it meaning nothing to him cut me deeply.

I wanted to speak to him to have him tell me that this was a mistake, but I was left unable to as I was in shackles both literally and figuratively as the curse of the genie came over me once again. I felt a few tears fall down my face as body was taken over by the curse once more, allowing my to say nothing I wanted and only what I was allowed by the bottle until my master wished otherwise.

Emmett's POV:

I watched as Jeanie seemed to reform in front of me, wearing an outfit similar to the one that she belly danced in for me, except she had black shackles around her wrists and ankles this time. I watched as she folded her arms and bowed to me before she started talking, even as a few lingering tears ran down her face.

"I am a whisper on the wind, I am the laugh within the mischief, I am the fulfiller of wishes, I am the prisoner of the lamp. I am yours for all time sake, whatever your heart desires shall be my task in fulfilling for you Master. Love I cannot create, nor life may I give or take. Yours to command is my power until your final hour." (J)

I walked towards her just as she fell to her knees and let out a short scream before biting down on her lip. I was by her side in an instant to help her up but Carlisle stopped me before pointing to her back. Then I saw what was causing her pain as I watched my name appear at the end of the list of masters she had.

It was then that I realized how she came by each name and I now saw my name being branded onto her as well, right below Master Smith. A few seconds after it was done I went to run my fingers through her hair but she pulled away from me and returned to her formal stance.

"What do you desire from the genie of the bottle Master?" (J)

"Jeanie, just talk to me please." (Em)

I watched as her eyes seemed to fill with tears as she looked at me. She opened her mouth as if to speak but it was if she couldn't. Carlisle walked closer to me before gently taking the stoppered bottle from me and looking at it closely. She still faced me but her eyes were watching Carlisle's like a hawk and he seemed to notice.

"Don't worry Jeanie, I have no desire to be your master, nor does Emmett. May I assume that another Genie must be the one to free you from the bottle to avoid having a master?" (C)

Again I watched as she went to speak but couldn't, instead she only nodded once before a few more tears slipped down her face. I saw Edward's face fall as he seemed trying to read her thoughts before he looked to me with a look of sorrow. He stepped towards us again, the others keeping their distance to avoid scaring Jeanie I suppose.

"I can't read her thoughts at all right now, it's as if there is a wall blocking me." (Ed)

"I can't.....I can't see her future anymore, any of it. Not even the flashes that I could see before." (Alice)

"That would probably be a part of the curse, right Jeanie?" (C)

I watched her nod again and then watched her try to speak but being unable to as she stood in front of us. I saw her closer her eyes again and bow her head as a few more tears slipped out from her eyes. I wanted nothing but to comfort her but found myself unable to as she seemed remain in a stiff pose several feet away from me.

"What do I need to do or say so you can do what you want Jeanie?" (Em)

She looked up at me and again tried to speak but seemed unable to. I watched as more tears fell from her face before she fell to her knees and started to shake some. I watched as bruises seemed to appear on her arms before she looked up to meet my gaze with her pain filled stare.

"Must wish.....for what you.....want.......of me." (J)

She let out a short scream as cuts appeared on her arms and stomach before she seemed to pass out. I walked closer to her before Carlisle's doctor mode kicked in and he rushed to her side. He went to feel her pulse but his hand went right through her as if she wasn't there.

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