Chapter 54

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**********Warning PSA: Slight Cussing, Slight what is considered PG-13, read at your own risk if you don't like that.....also sorry if it's horrible, I'm working on writing that. That is all.*******

Emmett's POV: 

I laid her down on my bed, well our bed really since I don't really have a sleeping need for it. Though I do hope to have a need for it with Jeanie one day, other than watching her sleep. I pushed those thoughts out of my mind as I gently laid down next to her, before I took her hair out of her bun and ran my fingers through her hair.

She looked up at me and smiled before leaning up and kissing me. I don't know how I was even existing before these kisses. My hand left her hair and went down her back, but I stopped when I felt her flinch a bit at my touch knowing now what that meant.

I pulled away from her and took a closer look at her, seeing the cuts on her wrists from the shackles she had been wearing due to the damn curse. I had been hoping that she hadn't had to be enslaved on this little rescue mission, but I can see I was wrong. I watch as she bites her lip before looking back at me again with worry.

"I had to Emmett, my magic wasn't strong enough without the bottle's help. I'm sorry." (J)

"I'm not mad at you Jeanie, I swear. Never at you for this. I'm mad at that damn genie curse that's what I'm mad at babe. I wish your wounds were healed and your mark wasn't sore anymore." (Em)

I watched as she nodded her head and closed her eyes as the wounds on her wrists and I'm sure her ankles too began healing instantly. I looked back at her before gently running my hand under her shirt, waiting for her to stop me or allow me to continue. It wouldn't be the first time she was topless, hardly even, but I always made sure to give her the choice.

She nodded me on as I did, turning around to face the wall, allowing me to see the mark. I was worried about which wolf was her master these past few days, already feeling my blood boil at the thought of one of them commanding her to do things, let alone touch her in any way. I traced my own name on her otherwise flawless skin before my eyes traveled down to the name below me, Emily Young.

I let out an unneeded breath as I read the name, happy that it was a woman and a human that had been the master of my mate. I pulled her back into my chest before she pulled away again and removed the shirt completely. I couldn't help the smirk knowing that since she removed her top it meant we were in for a make-out session, one of my favorite things to do with my mate. Though I honestly loved everything that I did with my mate, no matter what it was.

As she turned back to face me though, I was left in awe for a moment as I realized that unlike other times when she was topless she didn't have a bra on right now. I stared at the two most perfect, perky, and inviting looking breasts I had even seen in my existence becoming even more entranced when she started to laugh a bit.

"If I had known this is all it would have taken to keep your attention, I might have tried it sooner Emmett." (J)

"Jeanie, you are absolutely beautiful, you know that right??" (Em)

"Oh I know, now kiss me like you missed me." (J)

"Hmm so modest, but that is something I will never refuse you babe." (Em)

I could just hear Edward moan a bit at my thoughts not doubt, or perhaps even Jeanie's as I knew that he saw actual images from her. I couldn't help it though as I made out with my mate on my bed. I knew that she was probably still tired from this weekend; I knew that she would probably sleep most of tomorrow; I knew that I wouldn't leave her side while Laurent stayed with us.

None of that mattered right now though as she tugged on my bottom lip with her teeth, earning a playful growl from me and a laugh from her. I couldn't resist as one hand found its way to her hair while another grabbed one of the beautiful breasts pressed against me. I heard her gasp a bit before she let out a slight moan, only making me want her more.

"Oh Emmett, you have no idea how badly I want you, but I can't have you completely until I'm a free genie." (J)

"Really?" (Em)

"I'm sorry, I want you so badly right now and I can't have you." (J)

I had felt a rush of anger run through me knowing that she had mentioned sex with her being wished for by at least two of her masters before, but she couldn't have it with me of her own free will. I made a silent vow to find a way to free her even though I wasn't her person if it was the last thing I did. I looked down to meet her eyes with mine, seeing worry run through them as she bit her lip.

"I could wait forever for you Jeanie, no matter how badly I may want you right now. I love you so damn much." (Em)

"Thank you Emmett, I love you too." (J)

"Does it mean we have to stop this though?" (Em)

My fingers had started tracing circles around her breast before I gently pinched her nipple. I smirked some as I saw her back arch in response as she moaned a bit. She bit her lip again to stop her moans but it was kind of pointless as I started to trace her other nipple with my tongue before stopping and looking at her.

I was teasing her a bit but I also needed an answer before I kept this up. I didn't want her to be punished by that damn bottle if we went too far. The smirk on my face didn't leave though as my fingers stopped tracing circles. Her eyes sprung open as she looked at me panting a bit in such a sexy way it took every once of control I had not to take her right now.

"So Jeanie, should I stop playing with you like this to be on the safe side?" (Em)

"Fuck no, please don't stop that please." (J)

I smiled before I kissed her again, feeling her hands in my hair as she held me closer to her before I pulled away from her lips. I started kissing down her neck, relishing each and every groan that came from her, not stopping until I reached her breasts again. I started to trace one nipple with my tongue, while my fingers paid the other one attention. I was switching sides when she started to moan my name and I smirked again, biting her nipple gently as she arched her back again.

Her hands found their way into her hair again as I worked on pleasing my mate in the only way I could right now. Though honestly I couldn't wait for her to be free from that damn bottle, then I will make sure that I please her in more ways than just this. Especially if she continues moaning my name like that.

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