Chapter 46

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Emmett's POV:

I watched her smile fade some as nodded before glancing at me and then her bottle. She took a deep breath before she handed him the bottle, taking a few steps back as she did. Her Uncle went to unstopper it and I saw her begin to shake and heard her breathing increase as he did. I took a few steps closer to her before she held out her hand to stop me before she looked at her uncle again.

"Jeanie, deep breaths and you'll be free of it again in just a few moments. Alright?" (Uncle G)

"Promise me." (J)

"I swear it on my love for Jinny." (Uncle G)

Jeanie nodded her head and closed her eyes just as he opened the bottle. I saw a few tears begin to fall from her eyes before she turned into smoke and disappeared into the bottle. I had forgotten to ask her if it was painful to go into the bottle and out again, and the fear that it was clenched at my heart now.

"Don't worry son. I can see your concern. It isn't painful for us to turn into smoke, but I'm sure you know of her past and her time spent in the bottle. It's the bottle itself she fears." (Uncle G)

I nodded a bit as I watched him close the bottle for a second before he un-stoppered it. A few seconds later and the golden smoke on the floor reshaped into Jeanie. She was curled in a ball and crying as she shook some before looking up and meeting my eyes with hers. She rushed from the floor into my arms as she thanked her Uncle.

"Anything for my favorite niece. Before I go and tell Jinny she won, I wish your wounds from defying your master were healed and that you both have a Merry Christmas." (Uncle)

I saw her nod her head a bit before he winked and disappeared from the room again. Jeanie's wounds from defying me as her master disappeared almost instantly as I ran my hand through her gentle curls.

"Well......this has been an exciting winter break so far." (Jas)

"I'm sure it has been Jasper, unless you've basically lived this way your entire existence. Then this is basically your normal December." (J)

"Never a dull moment then I suppose." (Ed)

"You have no idea Edward. Emmett?" (J)

"Yea babe?" (Em)

"Sleep now?" (J)

I looked down to see her practically falling asleep in my arms as she leaned against me. I picked her up and was ready to sprint us into my room before I realized we were in her room at her house. I froze for a moment in confusion before a soft laugh left her lips, making me smile at her as I realized what she had done. I see the light of the moon reflect off her curls as she smiles at me, making my own smile grow wider as I hold her in my arms.

"I needed to relock the bottle up anyway Em. Sorry for the lack of warning." (J)

"No, it was great. Quicker than running here that's for sure." (Em)

I watched as she smiled again before snapping her fingers, watching as the bottle rose and landed in the safe. The safe door closed, the painting moved in front of it, and then the dresser moved under that before I felt her finally relax in my arms completely.

"Sleep?" (Em)

She nodded a bit before snapping her fingers again, followed by another smile from her. I saw that she had changed us into matching pajamas, with the exception that mine are just a pair of pants. I see her eye my chest for a moment before winking at me, before a yawn slips through. I let out a soft laugh as I lay her down on the bed, before laying next to her.

I pulled her closer to me as she curled into my chest, before I froze as I felt the marks around her wrists. I leaned away from her and saw the shackles had cut into her beautiful skin and left angry looking cuts going all the way around her wrists.

"I wish your wounds from the shackles were healed Jeanie." (Em)

"Oh, thank you Emmett. Uncle must have forgotten and honestly, I think I was too tired to even notice them." (J)

"I'm happy I noticed them. I don't want you in any pain from that damn bottle ever." (Em)

"Thank you.......wanna talk tomorrow? I feel you have questions." (J)

"Sure but now sleep. I'll stay here with you, we have all the time in the world for my questions." (Em)

"First I have something else I have to do." (J)

I was about to argue with her as I saw just how tired she was laying next to me under the sheets of her bed. She leaned up and before I could ask what she needed to do, she leaned forward and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss as I returned it, having missed kissing her these past few days, before she pulled away and laid back down.

"I love you Emmett." (J)

"I love you more Jeanie, my perfect little genie." (Em)

I thought I had her mumble something else but even I couldn't understand what it was. I smiled as she curled closer into my chest and went to sleep almost instantly. I can't imagine my existence without her now, and frankly I never want to.

Emmett's JeanieWhere stories live. Discover now