Chapter 43

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Emmett's POV:

I let her words sink in, before I saw a flash of pain cross her face and I didn't have to have Jasper's power to know that her injuries were still causing her pain. My heart shattered into pieces as I realized I had caused that pain when she had to 'defy me' to tell me how to get her to speak openly.

"I wish you could make yourself comfortable however you wanted Jeanie." (Em)

I watched as she looked back to me with a look of gratitude in her eyes before she bowed to me before a soft looking chair appeared behind her along with an ice pack. She placed the ice pack on her back where my name was now branded, sitting cross-legged in the chair.

"Thank you master." (J)

"I wish you wouldn't call me master." (Em)

"Thank you Emmett." (J)

"Is there a genie we can get for you to help you now?" (C)

"No, only I can reach one. Uncle Gene and Aunt Jinny are away for the weekend, anniversary trip. Gio is in Florence now, but he does owe me as I saved him just a few months ago. He is not always the most reliable genie to call upon, but many of my cousins are busy with their own masters or lovers right now." (J)

"So Gio is a genie too?" (Em)

"Yes he's one of my favorite cousins, though he's a bit of an idiot." (J)

I couldn't help but crack a smile at that, having met him and knowing she isn't exactly wrong about that. She sees me smile and smiles as well before she flinches in on herself again. She glanced at Alice and Jasper in the corner of the room before seeming to turn thoughtful for a moment.

"Since you're vampires, perhaps he actually did know you both. Alice and Jasper, as he thought. I will have to remember to ask him when he comes."

"Do you need a phone to call him?" (Rose)

"No, we have our own way to call." (J)

"I wish you could make that call then." (Em)

I watched as she nodded and crossed her arms again as she closed her eyes. Jasper asked what she meant by that before Alice told him to shut up, and then I heard a chime sound echo through the house. It was like when you try to call someone and hear their ringtone as you wait for them to answer.

"Hey.....ha, gotcha. I'm not in right now, probably drunk off my ass riding a camel backwards. Leave a message and I'll see you soon." (Gio)

"Gio....I was calling in a favor as I have a new master right now. You better stay drunk on that camel because when I do see you next I'm kicking your ass all the way back to Israel." (J)

I heard a click noise, as if the call was ended and then I just stood there in silent surprise as I watched her hiss in pain as she removed the now melted ice pack. I moved closer and watched her tense just a bit before she looked up and met my eyes.

"I wish you would let me help you and understand how I feel about you in all it's entirety." (Em)

She crossed her arms again before she bowed towards me, then she looked up and gasped as more tears fell from her beautiful eyes. I heard the others slowly leave the room as I walked closer to her. She covered her mouth as quiet sobs seemed to escape her.

"I'm your mate and love me that deeply?" (J)

"I do, always have. Always will, after all we have eternity." (Em)

"I...Emmett, after I was tricked by Master Smith the genie council placed a new restriction on cursed genies. We cannot express feelings of love for a master even if they exist within us, even if wished for. I, please know that I feel....oh Emmett I'm sorry." (J)

I saw a few more tears fall from her face as her mouth snapped shut again but I knew she would tell me later, and even if she didn't I knew she cared for me like I did her. I moved to kneel in front of her and wipe her tears away as they continued to fall down her beautiful face.

She smiled a bit as she leaned into my hand before standing and gesturing me to sit next to her or rather under her on the chair. I was in no way about to argue with her, and as she sat down in my lap I gently placed my hand on my name tattooed across her back. I froze as I heard her gasp and I worried I had hurt her before she leaned closer to me.

"It doesn't hurt as much when the master touches the mark, but with you touching yours it's almost like it doesn't hurt at all." (J)

"Jeanie, I'm so sorry. I never wanted this." (Em)

"I believe you Emmett." (J)

"What do we do if Gio doesn't call back soon?" (Em)

"Wait until Sunday night and then I'll call my Uncle." (J)

"Jeanie.....why am I the only one able to touch you?" (Em)

"It's a part of the curse that is meant to protect us in some ways I suppose, but harm us in others. It's a way of ensuring that only our masters may punish us or reward us." (J)

I nodded into her curls as I pulled her a bit closer to me, thinking of a master punishing my precious mate for no reason. I hear her sigh in contentment as I pull her closer, seeing a small smile cross her face. I smiled as well, finally happy to have her in my arms. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was well past 3 in the morning and I worry that she needs sleep.

"Shouldn't we go up to bed so you can get some sleep?" (Em)

"Part of the genie curse Emmett, I can only sleep when my master does." (J)

"WHAT?!?!" (Em)

"Shhhh, it's ok Emmett. I once went a week without sleep because of a master, I can last two days." (J)

"Do you....well do you want to talk about any of your masters? To maybe pass the time? Not Smith of course, but anyone else?" (Em)

"You have questions?" (J)

I don't answer her as she turns to stare at me a bit, a soft look in her eyes. I give her a slow nod, knowing that I have more questions now than when I did laying with her upstairs earlier tonight. She smiles back and turns to face the wall leaning against my chest before she starts to tell me of her many masters.

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