Chapter 17

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Alice's POV:

"This is great!" (Alice)

"Why is that great Alice?" (Ed)

"Because if Madison is absent today, it means that the kids won't pick on Jeanie on much!" (Alice)

"Yeah Edward, I've been meaning to ask if you knew why the humans pick on her so much. Their emotions come off clouded when they do, it's as if they don't want to but they feel nothing but malice towards her." (Jas)

"Actually I was hoping you could tell me why, their thoughts seem to act the same. They seem almost confused sometimes as to why they're targeting her." (Ed)

"Well if one more harms her I'll have their head on a spike." (Em)


"Fine, but I'll break their jaw." (Em)

I smiled a bit as Edward chuckled, knowing that Emmett was being serious but that Rose's disapproval of killing humans and exposing us would ensure he acted appropriately. Rose did save him and give him the chance at life again after all. The rest of the ride was carried out in silence as we parked in the parking lot of the newest high school we were at. I quickly got out and practically skipped to first period.

Jeanie was already sitting in the next to where I usually sat, smiling at me as I sat down next to her. Her outfits are always flawless but today it seems she tried something a bit new. She's wearing a light green shirt, black leggings, with gold ballet flats and matching gold bracelets.

"I love your outfit!" (J&Alice)

"Girls and clothes." (Jas)

"Good morning to you too Jasper." (J)

"Morning Jeanie. Gio recover after yesterday?" (Jas)

"Yeah, barely haha. He left for Florence right before I left for school." (J)

"Do you see each other a lot?" (Alice)

"Not really, it might be another few years but we'll keep in touch." (J)

I nodded and smiled with her, seeing her smile dim a bit as the bell rang warning the humans about first period. Her eyes watched the other students pile in the room, and while she got a few glares and rude gestures no one walked over to her.

"Seems your friend Madison is absent Jeanie." (Jas)

"Hmmm so it seems. Perhaps I will have a pleasant Monday after all." (J)

"What are you doing during break today Jeanie?" (Alice)

"Ummm well actually I was hoping I could talk to you two....Edward as well if he could make it. You see I have classes with you three and I need a favor.....favor isn't the right word I guess." (J)

"What kind of favor?" (Jas)

I felt Jazz tense next to me before I gently squeezed his hand to help him relax some. I saw Jeanie take a deep breath, eyeing Mr. Matthews as he walked in before looking back at us.

"I'll be in the art room during break if you can all make it. It's best we talk there, just please consider it. I'll tell you for what when we're there." (J)

I saw a flash of worry and heard Jasper suck in a breath that usually meant he was in pain or felt someone else's before I realized it must be hers. I nodded as Mr. Matthews started his lecture, as Jeanie turned and stared straight ahead not taking any notes just as she did last week.

I sent a quick text to Edward before I started trying to see why she would need to talk to us three rather than Emmett, but as always I can only see bits and pieces of the meeting in the art room. Sometimes being Jeanie's friend is frustrating.

Jeanie's POV:

I had avoided Madison's friends on the way to art, but I knew if she had been here today I would already have a few bruises. I know that Emmett and his family aren't humans so I need a way to ensure he doesn't retaliate against the humans for whatever may happen to me. Not like they can kill me anyway. There isn't an active volcano around here to throw my bottle into and very few things other than that destroy a genie bottle.

I heard the door open and spun around mid-step to see Alice and Jasper walk in, with Edward walking in behind them shutting the door. I offer an uneasy smile to Alice and Jasper, as well as Edward though I didn't know him as well as the other two.

"Thanks for coming." (J)

"Mind telling us why now?" (Jas)

"Not at all. I umm well I really like Emmett but I feel like....well as much as he seems like a teddy bear I know he'd want to protect me as much as he could but I need you all to make sure he doesn't." (J)

"What?" (Ed)

I looked to see Edward looking at me as if I was confusing him when I didn't mean to be. I took a deep breath before I felt Alice take my hand in hers and gently squeeze it. She smiled at me in encouragement as I looked back at Edward and Jasper who both looked confused.

"I'm sure you've seen I'm not exactly well liked here by the others." (J)

"That's one way of putting it." (Jas)

"Yeah, well things were a bit physical last week and I feel they will be again. I don't want Emmett getting kicked out for fighting so I need your help in making sure he never finds out." (J)

"Why not just go to the principal?" (Ed)

"I have my reasons for secrets, just as I'm sure you all have reasons for secrets you may keep from others. Just please, trust me now and help me keep him from finding out the exact extent of what's going on." (J)

"I don't exactly agree with it, but as your friend I'll try. I promise." (Alice)

"Well what Alice wants she usually gets. We promise too." (Ed)

"Thank you. I may never be able to repay you for this." (J)

"Of course you can! Shopping trips!" (Alice)

"Deal then." (J)

I felt a smile spread across my face, the first smile in hours that wasn't full of worry or fear. Alice gave me a quick hug just as the bell rang, before taking my arm and walking out with me to our next class. I smiled as she started talking about going to New York or even Paris over the winter break, and I knew that if fate still had me here I would go with her. She was a good friend, even if she wasn't human or a genie.

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