Chapter 36

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Jeanie's POV:

When Alice asked about the tattoos I had panicked for a moment. They had been pushed to the back of my mind for some time, and I had almost forgotten they were there. Hence why I had forgotten to charm them to be unseen before I took the shirt off. They were part of the genie's curse I suppose.

Each name was a previous master of mine, twenty-eight in total. Though honestly, I was one of the lucky ones for now anyway. Uncle Gene had nearly 50 masters before he and Aunt Jinny freed one another. Genies on the Council all had more than 50 and the most in our history was recorded at 304.

I didn't want to tell her, in fact the council could have my head for telling humans or unknown supernatural about us if they were in a sour mood. Though that wasn't the only reason, with several masters of my past being truly vile monsters among the human race. But I just......I want to trust them I do, especially Emmett, but I feel that until I know what they are I will not trust them completely.

I know they aren't human, but they aren't shapeshifters or genies either. There are few options left after that. Fairies are possible, but it would be the first few found so easily in the last century or so, at least this out in the open. However, it would explain why the curse didn't affect them as it did myself. Fairies often manage to protect their own in a curse like that.

Uncle Gene said he would come to me as soon as he found a possible answer, but a few days had passed since then and his lack of response has left me with more worry. Especially since my feelings for Emmett have grown stronger, as the kiss before English and the numerous make out sessions at both our houses could prove.

It's just for anything to take Uncle Gene longer than three or four days almost never ends with good news, in fact it means that the news is something that I will not want to hear. The longer he takes to find me an answer the worse the answer will probably be.

I must have spaced out for the last few minutes and just left my hands do what they wanted on the canvas, as I now find myself sitting in art. The class is halfway done and I'm left with a canvas that a dark shadowy figure with red eyes, and I know I'm looking at how I imagine one of my previous masters. He was one of the worst masters I had ever served, wishing for his city to catch fire and then watched it burn as he played on his fiddle, Emperor Nero.

I felt a shiver of fear run up my spine as I looked at my own memory on paper in front of me. I took a deep breath before I felt eyes on me, his eyes. I glanced across the room and saw Emmett staring at me, before he looked back down at his own work. I couldn't think about the emperor right now, or ever for my own piece of mind. I put that canvas away and put up a clean one just as there was a knock on the door.

Mr. Evans answered it with a paintbrush behind his ear before he walked over to me and whispered that my uncle was outside with important news. I stood and all but ran outside the classroom, shutting the door as gently as I could with my nerves as raw as they were.

"Uncle, what did you find out?" (J)

"Something that should be spoken of without being heard." (Uncle)

I knew exactly what he was talking about and nodded to signal that I understood. I thought about what I needed for a moment before I looked back up at Uncle and saw the worry rushing through his eyes. That look alone made my blood freeze in my veins. I had only seen him worry like that a handful of times throughout my life, and it never meant good news for anyone involved.

"I wish you could tell me without chance of either of us being overheard." (J)

He winked at me as my wish was granted and then took a deep breath before pulling me into a hug. I returned it quickly before pushing away from him and waiting for my answer. He sighed and looked at the ground before his solemn eyes met my own.

"Well Uncle, surely the news cannot be that bad." (J)

"I wish I could say that for certain but I cannot. Jeanie, they are vampires." (Uncle)

"Vampires......but......." (J)

I thought about what he was saying for only a moment then thought about all the times I had been around them. I had never seen any of them really and truly eat, ever. I had never seen them blush or excuse themselves to go to the restroom. Emmett's eyes and everyone else's as well would change color over the course a week or two and more so than just a little based on what they were wearing. The reason I had never seen them act truly human was because they weren't.

"It was the eyes that threw me, as they did for you and Evelyn I believe. Most vampires have red eyes, I am not yet sure why they have golden ones." (Uncle)

"And the curse doesn't affect them because Fairies didn't curse the 'living dead' supernatural only the living." (J)

"Yes, that was actually one of the clues that aided in finding out what they were." (Uncle)

"Vampires. Oh Uncle I'm such a fool. I was....oh Emmett and I were....I am no wiser than I was centuries ago with Master Smith." (J)

I felt him pull me into another hug, telling me that I was wiser for I waited until I knew the facts before telling them of my true nature. Though I think that is a technicality at this point, for I was ready to tell Emmett once I figured out how to get around the Council's rules for telling others. Or at least I thought I was.

"Do you want to leave with me?" (Uncle)

"No I want to stay here the tracker still on the bottle?" (J)

"You know it is. You are staying then?" (Uncle)

"Yes. I still have my key and you still have your copy locked up. So, if the bottle leaves Hoquiam without me telling you, find it please because I'm probably locked inside it." (J)

"As if I would not look for you. Just please be safe Jeanie. Genies and Vampires do not have a good history together after all despite the truce." (Uncle)

"I will try my best Uncle, thank you for coming to tell me." (J)

I saw him nod and offer me the best grin he could muster before he turned and started to walk back down the hall. I knew he would disappear as soon as he was safe from prying human's eyes, and the only reason I couldn't go with him was because I had feelings for the vampire sitting in the art room. I forced my feet to walk back into the art room, talking a seat in front of my blank canvas.

But that wasn't what held my attention, rather my attention was held by the guy I was falling in love with. The guy who I found out wasn't even a guy, but a vampire. It should make me happy that he isn't human, that he is a supernatural, that would make telling him easier but it doesn't make me happy, it worries me.

He looked up at me only once and smiled in the way I had only ever seen him smile, before he seemed to notice I wasn't responding to it. A vampire.....I was in love with one of the genie's worst enemies. An enemy that could have become my master for all eternity.

For the last few centuries the Genie Council had stated that we had an uneasy truce with the Volturi. Not even a real truce just an understanding that the other existed and that we wouldn't try to kill each other or imprison each other. However, we all knew better than to rely on that truce as the Volturi craved power and our power was more than tempting to them all.

Do they know? Are they working for the Volturi? Are they part of the Volturi Guard? Is that why they are so nice to me? Were they hoping to get my bottle and imprison me again but this time for all eternity? Only being let out when they needed another wish fulfilled? Would he....could he do that to me?

I felt a sickening feeling take over as I thought about his betrayal more so than the others, before I finally heard the bell ring. I was out of the classroom before he had the chance to catch up to me, at a human's pace anyway.

A few seconds later and I was pulling out of the parking lot of the school and headed back to my house. I needed time to think, I needed time to genie out a bit. I just needed time, and I was never more thankful for winter break as the only word that continued to rush through my mind was vampire.

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