Chapter 75

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Emmett's POV:


"Shhhh! I just put Gemma to bed. If you're going to scream like that then let me at least mute it around her room." (J)

I stood frozen as I watched Jeanie snap her fingers before a small mirror appeared in front of us on the wall. I saw little Gemma laying fast asleep under her pink canopy bed before Jeanie let out a sigh and turned back to face me. The look of anger that had passed across her beautiful face at the thought of Gemma being woken up, melted away as she spoke to me the same calm manner that she had used only a moment earlier.

"Carlisle and I have to appear in front of the Volturi to ask them if they would like to send a delegate of their own to the Supernatural Peace Conference this Century." (J)

"Oh no I heard you the first time, but have you lost your mind Jeanie?!? Don't you realize how dangerous it is for you to go there of all places?!?" (Em)

"Emmett, I am a free genie. They cannot touch me, and I mean that literally should I will it. Carlisle will have his memories of Gemma blocked before we go. The Genie Council and the Elvish King and Queen will be watching the entire meeting, ready to intervene should they deem it necessary." (J)

"But Jeanie-" (Em)

"There are no buts in this Emmett. I was asked to do this by my own council, and I will not refuse them when they have allowed me to not only recognize you as my lover and soon to be husband despite being a different species, but have also granted us Gemma. Not to mention their granting you the full status as Gemma's Uncle as if you were also a genie." (J)

I watched her walk away from me and out onto the small balcony attached to our bedroom. I followed her after a few seconds and see her looking up at the stars. I was ready to argue with her again, the fear that something would happen to her eating away at me from the inside as I stared at my beautiful mate. My eyes trace the master's marks that I can see through the white tank she was wearing before my attention is taken by her soft voice again.

"When the Volturi first defeated the Romanian Coven, I was under the service of Sultan Ahami but even I was informed of what my Council had done only a few months after they took the throne. The Genie Council had formed a truce with the leaders of the Volturi because they could see that their reign would be much longer and somewhat more steady than the Romanian's had been. We as a species have not made contact with them since that day, and that was over 1500 years ago." (J)

"Exactly why it's too dangerous for you to go Jeanie. Don't you know how power hungry they've become?!?" (Em)

"Em, I do. The entire Supernatural High Council has been made fully aware of their actions, and are in meeting with each other over past injustices that the Volturi have carried out against different species. But Emmett, I still have to go there tomorrow and offer them the chance to attend the conference." (J)

I felt myself blow out an unneeded sigh as I knew that there was no way I would win this argument. I pulled her into my arms and wrapped her as tightly as I dared into a hug as I felt my own fear over her safety grow. I couldn't lose her, not now and not ever.

"I know you are afraid, hell I have my own fear over what could occur tomorrow. But I must trust, we both must trust in my council and the Elvish King and Queen to be ready to step in and intervene should they need too." (J)

"Babe, the Volturi will either want you dead or want you for their own. It's not safe!" (Em)

"I cannot be killed Emmett, not since I've been freed. Capture is the only way they could harm me but there are few ways in which even that could be accomplished now that I am free. I'm more afraid of what they will want to do to you and the rest of the family once they learn you have a genie for a mate." (J)

"We can take the Volturi should we need too. I would die you for Jeanie if it would keep you safe." (Em)

She pulled out of my embrace as I saw her shake her head a bit, leaning against the balcony and staring at the stars again for a few minutes. I hear her take a deep breath before she turned to face me. I watched as a few tears fell from her beautiful blue eyes as she came closer to me. I wrapped her back into my arms when she was close enough as she looked at me and placed her warm hands on my frozen cheeks.

"Don't you understand Emmett, that I would cease to have a reason to exist should you die. Yes, I would have Gemma and for her I would continue on. But I would no longer be whole without you. I would force you to live in the genie realm away from all your family before I allowed you to come to any harm." (J)

"Jeanie-" (Em)

"I must do this Emmett. The Volturi will not touch me if they value their thrones among your species. My fear and yours is completely unfounded even though it exists." (J)

"Promise me that?" (Em)

"I do. Now I need you to do me a favor." (J)

"Name it Jeanie, and whatever it is I'll at least try." (Em)

"I need you to hold me in your arms tonight, and don't let me go." (J)

"Ha, some favor Jeanie. I want nothing more than to be able to hold you every night for all eternity and then some Jeanie." (Em)

I watched as a soft smile appeared on her face as she leaned up to kiss me. I felt her hands intertwine behind my neck before she snapped her fingers and we were both in pajamas and in bed. I let out a soft chuckle as she snuggled into my chest. I wasn't sure that would ever get old, her using magic to move us.

"Hey Jeanie?" (Em)

"Yeah Em?" (J)

"Edward mentioned earlier that you had told Carlisle you would have to appear in full genie form in front of the Volturi. What does that mean?" (Em)

"I was hoping you wouldn't ask that. I'll show you tomorrow, everyone tomorrow I suppose. But if you laugh, no sex for a month. I promise you that." (J)

"I would never laugh at you babe." (Em)

"Hmmm we'll see. Goodnight Emmett." (J)

"Goodnight Jeanie. Love you." (Em)

"Love you more." (J)

I smiled as she soon fell asleep against my chest, my fingers running through her hair. I glanced at the mirror with Gemma's image to see that she was still fast asleep as well. I looked back down at the mate on my chest and knew that I would never want to be anywhere else at night but next to my mate as she slept.

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