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Yuya swung his legs back and forth watching as Yuto typed on his laptop. It had been a week since Yuya had joined the house and Yuto was nearing completion on his financial reports for Declan. Once these were done he was allowed a weeks vacation to settle Yuya into the city and try to help Yuya get leads about his sister's location. "Is Yuto done yet?" Yuya whined. "Yuto promised to take me to the city!"

Yuto laughed as he continued to typing. He did indeed promise to take Yuya to the town and to buy him some of his own clothes as he can't continue to borrow from Yuto. The dark colours don't exactly suit Yuya's personality. He shut his laptop after saving his work and turning to Yuya. "Okay. Seeing as it's pretty much lunch time we'll go now," Yuto laughed as Yuya cheered.


Yuya held onto Yuto's arm during most of the shopping trip. His leg strength seemed to have increased  over the week but still needed help from time to time. "Yuto thank you for the clothes," Yuya blushed tightening his grip on the older man. He wished he could kiss Yuto right now for all his kindness but didn't want to risk making him mad. Yuya looked around and noticed a large building with pictures of fish plastered over it. "What's that?" He pointed.

"It's an Aquarium," Yuto explained, "It's where we keep fish and all other types of sea creatures to observe." He noticed as Yuya looked closely as the posters. "Would you like to go in?"

Yuya thought for a moment. Why would they keep sea creatures in captivity like this but he also didn't feel a bad vibe from the place. He nodded and followed Yuto to the entrance. Yuto paid for the tickets and they made their way inside, the young of the two gasped as he notices the sea colours arranged in a tunnel like manner to walk through. The older male loved how Yuya was captured by the colours and lights surrounding the entrance alone. Yuya surprised him by letting go of his arm and running to one of the tanks. Yuto smiled widely, deciding to let Yuya be distracted while he asked for any leaflets for information on the creatures. He walked to a woman who was around his height with long deep red hair, "excuse me?" The woman turned around. He face looked very familiar to him. "Sorry, do you have any booklets around?"

The woman nodded and went to a near by cabinet getting a couple of booklets out. She walked back to Yuto, a stack in one warm a single book in the other hand. "Apologies they should be out," she laughed nervously as Yuto took the book.

"Please don't worry about it," Yuto said. "Sorry to sound rude. But have I seen you here before?"

The woman shuck her head. "I'm new here," she explained. "The Leo Corp hired me due to my knowledge and I'm a new coordinator for this Aquarium."

"Well its a pleasure," Yuto said shaking her hand. It's unusual that he didn't know about employment numbers rising in a sector of Leo Corp. "apologies I have to get back to my friend."

"No worries, please enjoy you visit," the woman waved him off.

Yuya jumped slightly as Yuto tapped his shoulder. "Shall we keep moving?" Yuya nodded as he grabbed Yuto's hand rather then his arm this time.

As they walked through the Aquarium Yuto read from the book about the different creatures they came across. The soon came to long tube that held seahorses. Yuya stared as the two at his eye level seemed to play with each other. "They're mating," he whispered.

"Mating?" Yuto asked,

"Yeah once a day they do their mating dance to show their love for each other," Yuya explained. "It's amazing we get to see it!"

The way Yuya smiled made Yuto's heart melt. The way the seahorses showed affection reminded him of how Yuya shows his affection. Perhaps maybe Yuya could be Yuto's little bit of happiness everyday.

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