A couple of days passed after Lulu's unfortunate miscarriage. Lulu had spent the majority of the time in the living room, it was as if she was too mentally exhausted to want to move much further. At this moment in time, she just, her mind a blank, as she watched the television. In the passing days Dennis had not made contact nor visit the house so Yuto and Shay took the leading role of emotional support, though this did take its toll on Yuto. Looking at the time, he smiled giving Lulu a kiss on the head before heading upstairs to his room where Yuya lay asleep. He bit his lip, standing next to his desk as he watched Yuya sleep. He longed to hold his lover but was too afraid.
Afraid that Yuya might just disappear into thin air and leave him forever, like what Dennis had done to Lulu, like how his parents left him all those years ago. Biting his lip harder, enough to draw blood, his hands tangled up in his hair. Those feelings he had rid himself of loneliness and emptiness were crawling back into his heart.
His body went limp as he feel against the wall, sliding down to the floor. His knees hiding his face as he cried. Why, why did he feel so useless?
Yuya opened his eyes at the sound of sobbing. He rubbed his eyes, trying to adjust his sight to the darkness before looking in the direction of noise. His heart sank t his stomach as he noticed Yuto curled up in a ball next to the door. He threw the covers off himself and leapt towards his crying lover. "Y-Yuto," he stuttered scared to touch him. "Yuto, what's wrong?"
Yuto sniffed before he answered. "You're going to leave me," he replied never moving from his position. "I'm going to be left alone again. Just like then!"
Yuya's lip quivered, he didn't know Yuto ever felt this way. He placed a hand on Yuto's shoulder, trying to offer some sort of comfort. "I won't leave," he assured getting Yuto's attention. "I love you more than anything. Yuto makes me happy, happier than I've ever been. I've watched you for many years and when I finally got to meet you I knew I would do anything to be with you."
Suddenly Yuya was pulled into his lover's chest, he could hear the rapid irregularity of Yuto's heart beat. Not really knowing what to do Yuya wrapped his arms around his distress lover. The two sat there for a while not saying anything just holding. After sometime Yuya noticed Yuto's heart had calmed down. Looking up he noticed his lover sleeping sounding and puffy red eyes.
He struggled to get Yuto onto the bed but somehow managed it without disturbing his sleep. He moved a piece of loose hair from Yuto's face and kissed his forehead. Now that he was fully awake Yuya decided the best thing to do was to get a drink and leave Yuto be for a while. He clearly hadn't slept since Lulu returned home.
He walked down the stairs, avoiding the living room as he heard Lulu and Shay talking. He made his way to the kitchen, seeing a Yuto's phone and what he presumed car keys on the counter. With a heavy sigh , he picked up the phone and keys, deciding they would be best but into the office ready for Yuto the next day. Yuya took a closer look at the keys. There was a charm that looked familiar to him. The colour reminded him of the pink coral that was next to the Reef he once lived. I
The way the charm shined was similar to that of his pendant but why would Yuto have something like that? Did humans make copies of them to sell as charms? It was then it shined a dim violet. Yuya gasped, dropping the phone and grabbing his own pendant from his neck. He brought the two side my side and he realised it then, it couldn't have been a cheap imitation. It was an actually mermaid pendant!
"Oh Yuya," Yuya jumper turning to see Lulu with her blanket still over her shoulders. "Is everything okay?"
Quickly Yuya places his pendant back around his neck before showing Lulu the one he saw on Yuto's keys. "Strange question," he mumbled holding the key out further. "Do you know where Yuto got this keychain from?"
Lulu have a small smile, "It was a gift off his father when he was a small child. His father said it was always protect him."
Yuya was confused, how was Yuto's father get this and where from. Then Yuya realised, Lulu was waking around and had a smile on her face. "Are you okay?" He asked quietly.
Lulu nodded, placing a small kiss of Yuya's head. "Go get some sleep," she said caringly.
Yuya nodded, confused he made his way back upstairs still holding onto the charm tightly in his hand. Was there something Yuto didn't know? Did Yuto have a connection to ocean that even he didn't know?

Perfect Catch
FanfictionIt's devastating when you lose the people you love. Its even more devastating when the person you love is a part of the world that took those you love away. Yuto's family was washed away at sea when he was a teenager and years later he comes across...