Summer was soon ending and in Heartland that meant one thing. The end of summer fireworks display. Yuya couldn't be more excited, sometime he would swim up to the shore to watch the fireworks hoping one day he could share them with Yuto. Last year Yuto brought him a candy apple from the fare so they could share the experience together on the beach, while Yuya was in his mermaid form that is. This morning Yuto made it clear that Lulu was going to take Yuya shopping for his own yukata while he was at work. While Yuya was upset he wasn't able to go shopping with Yuto, he always had fun when Lulu took him out. "Yuya are you ready?" Lulu asked from the bottom of the stairs.
Yuya called back saying he would be a couple of minutes while he finished getting dressed. He looked at himself in the mirror, his bed head was now tamed and he wore simple jeans and a jacket with a red t-shirt. Nothing flashy but it was still comfortable. As he walked down the stairs he saw Lulu with a slightly swollen stomach. Slowly she was starting to show but this made Yuya smile. He knew Lulu was going to be a good mother, she was already a wonderful cook and caring person. "Shall we head out?" Lulu smiled grabbing hold of Yuya's hand. "How about today we get some lunch at that nice little café near your Yuto's work? Maybe we can surprise him with a spot of lunch."
Yuya nodded vigorously. It would be nice to see what Yuto's job was like. While Yuya knew about humans having jobs to earn money, where unlike mermaids the community had dedicated jobs, Yuya wanted to know for himself what it was like to work. Lately he thought about what it would be like to earn his own money. He could use that money to buy Yuto nice things and treat him to lunch and perhaps treat Lulu as well. He hadn't spoken to anyone about the idea of getting a job yet, he wasn't really sure what kind of job he could do.
Yuto stretched his arms upwards as he leant back in his chair. He was working hard on his end of month financial report and unexpected delays kept creeping up on him, which didn't help as he wanted to leave on time for the fireworks display. "Better stop slacking off," He heard a laugh a Crow came up to his desk. "If you intend to finish on time."
Yuto just smiled shaking his head at the truth. He was slightly confused as Crow handed him a package. He didn't remember ordering anything recently. Yuto carefully opened the envelope, pulling out a small card at first, followed by a box. The card read, Thank you for your order. We hope that your love one loves this as much as you love them. Yuto's eyes widened as he realised what he had received. It was Yuya's engagement ring! "So, what did you get?" Crow asked looking over Yuto's shoulder as he opened the box. Crow let out a whistle, impressed by the piece of jewellery. "It's pretty. I'm I right in thinking that it's for Yuya?"
"You are right," Yuto smirked closing the box and placing the ring inside his bag. "I brought it so when the time is right, I can propose."
"That's sweet and all but what about Emi?" Crow asked curiously raising an eyebrow.
That was true. Ideally Yuto should be asking for Emi's permission to marry Yuya is he was going to do this properly. He also had the issue of wanting to move in with Yuya in the new year. He wanted a place they could call their own and he now had the money needed to place the deposit. "She kind of already gave me permission, I guess," Yuto hummed thinking back to Yuya's birthday party. "But I should really tell her my plans."
"It's all I'm saying," Crow laughed placing a hand on Yuto's shoulder.
"Speaking of the festival," Yuto began trying to change the subject. "Are you still planning to meet up with Emi while we're there?"
Crow nodded. Since dating Emi, he was more cheerful than usual around the office and the two really seemed to hit if off from their first date. While it did bother Crow that all the two did was hold hands and cuddle. Which, by no means, he does enjoy it, but he wondered why Emi didn't want to do anything more? "I'm bringing the jackals with me tonight, Martha's busy with work so someone had to look after them," He advised. The 'jackals' as he called them, were the children who were cared for by his foster mother, Martha. "Amanda really wants to meet Emi and apparent the boys want to see if she's as cute in person as she is in the pictures."
Yuto couldn't help but laugh. Crow surely loved the kids and would do anything for his foster mother. After a few more minutes of talking, the pair continued on with their work knowing that neither could miss tonight.
Meanwhile, Shay and Declan were at the site of the new embassy. The plan was for the building to be completed by year's end. "It seems things are moving forward nicely," Declan proclaimed as they continued to walk through the rumble. The pair came to a sudden stop, Shay raised an eyebrow, curious as to what Declan was up to. "Are you going to the festival tonight?" To say Shay was shocked by the sudden question was an understatement. As far as he knew Declan wasn't the type for festivals. All Shay could do was nod. "Good, I'll be going tonight also. I'll be bringing my young sister Riley with me. Perhaps we can meet up."
Shay was speechless. Since his talk with Yuto he hadn't mustered up the courage to yet say to Declan how he felt but now, now he had a chance. "Sure," He started. "I'm going with Lulu and the others tonight. Yuto will probably be with Yuya most the night, same with Lulu and Dennis so we can meet up."
"Very good," Declan had a gentle smile on his face as he gave a sweet kiss to Shay's lips. Unlike the others they were once lustful. Shay liked this type of kiss. "I shall see you tonight then."
Yuto was in awe as he stared lovingly at Yuya as he stood in the living room. Shay, Yuto and Yuya were now dressed in their yukatas ready for tonight however Shay couldn't help but notice how Yuto just stared at his lover. "Yuto tell Yuya how he looks," He whispered snapping Yuto out of his trance.
Yuto smiled grabbing Yuya's left hand and caressing his cheek, causing his young lover to blush. "You look wonderful," He sighed lovingly.
"You look good too," Yuya smiled returning the compliment.
The boys turned around as they heard the girl's light footsteps coming from the hallway. Lulu almost presented Emi like a gift as they stood silent in their kimonos. Shay couldn't believe how well-presented Lulu appeared, she was truly becoming an adult. He truly had a beautiful little sister he could be proud of. "Lulu definitely got the looks," Yuto laughed earning a smack from Shay while Lulu giggled. "Anyway, how about we set off?"
Yuya nodded excitedly. This year he can actually watch the fireworks up close and not just from the shore. He can hold Yuto's hand as they go off and they could kiss as they exploded into the air. Yes, Yuya imagined it to be very romantic.
When they arrived at the festival everything was already in full swing. The sun had just started to set which helped create an exciting ambiance for all those attending. "It's so beautiful," Yuya stared in awe.
"Where do you want to start first?" Yuto asked.
"How about some games?" Dennis suggested, Lulu's arm wrapped around his. "We could try the super ball scooping or maybe goldfish scooping."
Shay sighed running a hand through his hair before speaking. "I actually have to meet up with someone. I'll catch up with you guys later on." With that Shay left the group to go to the meeting spot he agreed with Declan.
"Weird," Lulu raised an eye brow. "But as long as he's having fun. So Yuto, Yuya what do you guys want to start with?"
"Actually, I'm taking Yuya to go find a good spot to set up for the fireworks," Yuto said with slight guilt. He knew that Lulu was looking forward to spending time with them all as a group but it didn't seem it was going to work.
"Sorry Lulu," Yuya said as he and Yuya walked off.
"Emi?" Lulu redirected her attention however Emi had a look of guilt too. "Seriously?"
"I'm so sorry," Emi bowed. "I promised Crow we could spent time together tonight with the children. Please forgive me Lulu!"
Lulu just sighed and beckoned Emi off with her hand. There was no point in fighting it anymore, everyone had someone special they wanted to spend the night with, like she did. Smiling Lulu looked up at Dennis. "Can we start at the ring toss?" She asked innocently.
"Sure," Dennis gently kissed her cheek before they set off.
A/N - Next few chapters will be each couple of firework display.

Perfect Catch
FanfictionIt's devastating when you lose the people you love. Its even more devastating when the person you love is a part of the world that took those you love away. Yuto's family was washed away at sea when he was a teenager and years later he comes across...