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Autumn had truly begun in Heartland City, as you would walk down the pathways you notice the changing of the leaves and the occasional leaves sprawled out onto the floor. Yuya stared in awe as he and Lulu continue down the pathway. Today he was being introduced to the owner of the flower shop and one of Lulu's childhood friends. Excitement ran through his blood at the thought of earning his own money and learning a new human experience. Once they arrived at the shop Yuya was amazed by the colour of the flowers, they were truly bright and beautifully arrange to show off the shop. Lulu laughed lightly as she pulled Yuya into the store, "Selena we're here," Lulu called out as they made their way to the counter.

Yuya looked around trying to find someone, it was then someone appeared through the empty door frame. Yuya has expected a young woman to walk out, instead they were greeted by a young man with purple and pink hair, that had bangs sticking upwards that almost appeared like rabbit ears. "Sorry, Selena just popped out for a moment," He said with a welcoming smile. "You must be Lulu."

"Oh, you must be Yuri," Lulu smiled bowing slightly. She then gestured to Yuya, "This is Yuya, he's looking for a job and Selena mentioned she's looking for an extra pair of hands."

Yuri raised as eyebrow as he looked Yuya up and down. He certainly seems interesting to Yuri. "Well," He mused. "Why don't you take a seat in the back room? Help yourselves to tea and I'll give Selena a quick call."

Lulu nodded as she led Yuya to the familiar back room. Yuya took a seat near a table that had a variety of flowers bundled together. He examined the names of them, trying to think how to pronounce them in his head. It wasn't long before Lulu joined him with two cups of tea. "What do you think of it?" She asked. "The shop looks pretty, doesn't it?"

Yuya nodded in agreement. The shop truly was beautiful. "Do you think I'll be okay here?" He asked playing with the rim of his cup. "I'm a little nervous."

"Everyone is at their first job," Lulu leant over, placing a hand on Yuya's knee in a calming matter. "I'm sure that you'll be fine. In fact, I know you will be."

Yuya blushed at her kind words. Lulu always had faith that he was able to do most things as he was quick to learn to walk as well as his reading skills. The backdoor swung open unexpectedly as a purple hair woman, carrying mass amounts of baskets, walked in with a huff. Yuya jumped to the rescue, picking up some of the baskets and placing them on a nearby empty table. "Thank you," The lady sighed holding out a hand. "You must be Yuya, I'm the owner, Selena."

Yuya was a bit taken back at first before leaning over and taking Selena's hand. "Nice to meet you," He grinned widely.

After bidding Lulu, a welcome, Selena took it upon herself to show Yuya the different types of flowers and how they can be arranged. She also showed Yuya the price list of the flowers and how to stay on budget, though she did mention that it was take time for Yuya to get a grip of. Yuya's duties in the beginning would include, getting to know the flowers, creating simple bouquets to sell in the shop and unpacking deliveries. As the information tried to sink in, Yuya felt slightly dizzy. It was overwhelming but he knew he had to try his best. "Yuri will help you where he can," Selena smirked.

"So that means," Lulu started and ultimately Selena finished the sentence.

"Yes, Yuya has the job," She said and Yuya let out a cheer. "You can start Monday. Meaning you can enjoy your weekend however I would like you to do some research on flowers." As she spoke she handed Yuya a small guide book. "Use this to help you. I'd also like you to choose a particular flower you like. Yuri likes posies because that remind him of his boyfriend."

Yuya hugged the book closely to his chest, he couldn't wait to get home to read it immediately. He knew that every last bit of knowledge he could soak up would help him. As they talked, Yuri walked into the room, looking for a new vase for a customer, all the while Yuya felt his gaze on him, almost burning a hole through him with the intensity. Did Yuri not like how Yuya looked? Did he have bad vibes from him? It saddened him slightly, feelings as if he had already upset someone before he even started his first day.

After they finished at the shop, Lulu took Yuya back to his and Emi's apartment where Yuya immediately started to read the book. His sister was still at work as it was only four o'clock and Yuto was busy with the end of month financials so it meant he had time to simply look through the book and learn. As his eyes scanned the next page Yuya noticed a flower that was a deep purple in colour and stood tall. The flower was called a 'Delphinium'. "A flower that symbols big heartedness and fun," Yuya spoke allowed. He looked to the flower underneath, a bright yellow flower, "Freesia, a flower meaning innocence."

Yuya mused of the flowers on the page for a while, his eyes constantly going back to those. They made him smile as he felt the purple flower suited Yuto, who to him, was always fun and had plenty of heart while the other flower reminded him of himself as Yuto would always mention how innocent he was. He could image the two flowers in a perfect blend, overlapping each other and showing their beauty in a boquet. Grabbing a nearby pen, Yuya circled the two flowers to remind himself to find them at the shop Monday morning. He smiled widely, knowing that finding these flowers he knew that he was doing the right thing for himself and his human life.

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