Chapter Two [Alexander]

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Roommates can really be annoying no matter what way you decide to look at them, but imagine getting stuck with a rival. Someone you've despised since the first day you met them.

As much as I wish I could be overreacting, or just joking around this point, I'm not. I'm being completely serious. I got stuck with Thomas Jefferson.

"Back already?" I looked up at Jefferson as he entered the dorm, setting down my journal.

"Damn. You really do write like you're running out of time don't you?" Thomas asked after having closed the door behind himself.

"I suppose." I shrugged, turning to face my laptop. "Why'd you run off like that earlier?"

Jefferson shrugged as well, walking over to his dresser. He set carefully set down a few pieces of clothing. "I don't believe I have to answer that question."

I'd never in my life met someone so secretive, yet so arrogant. Thomas Jefferson, for the most part, had still been a huge mystery. He walks around acting like a big shot, yet he can't stomach a single insult. Overall, I'd say that he's extremely annoying.

"Why not, Jefferson? Are you scared I'm going to start a rumour?" I rolled my eyes. "You should learn to have a taste of your own medicine sometime."

"I'll be out the shower in an hour or so." Jefferson slammed the bathroom door behind himself, clicking the lock.

Staying a man of his word, Jefferson stepped out of the bathroom exactly an hour later. He threw his dirty clothes into a basket.

"Had to take a cold shower?" I snickered, shutting my laptop down.

"Shower is all yours." Jefferson hummed quietly, plopping down onto his mattress. "I'll probably be asleep by the time you're done."

"Alright, thank you." I nodded with a smile, walking down to the edge of my bed.

I couldn't help but feel Thomas' eyes linger into my direction. "What?" I snapped, turning around.

"Nothing. Nothing, calm down." Thomas shook his head, letting out a small laugh. "Your side of the room is so dirty. It almost looks like an actual pig pen."

"Thanks for the compliment." I opened my dresser, digging through it as I searched for something comfortable to rest in. "I usually don't have the time to clean up much anymore. I find it to be unnecessary if what I cleaned would just get dirty again in less than a day or two."

"That's the point of cleaning. You have to be consistent with it, or it wouldn't properly serve its purpose." Jefferson shrugged. "Guess you wouldn't know anything about true consistency though. Now would you? You're quite impulsive. Always running into something new, without thinking for a second about the consequences."

"Wow." I chuckled lightly, standing to my feet. "Seems someone's been doing their research."


"He said that to you?" John raised an eyebrow, setting down his lunch tray as he sat down at my table.

"Yeah." I focused down on my plate, taking up a spoonful of rice. "I will admit, I have sprinkled in my share of insults. I really just don't know what his problem is. He's irrational as hell. Really bugs me, man."

Hercules has been listening into the conversation as well. It'd been pretty clear by his occasional nods and remarks. "Maybe you should put him in his place, you know? Show him that you're Alexander Hamilton."

"That's actually quite a good idea, Herc." Lafayette remarked. "He's been spreading rumours about you, and constantly acts like he's on some sort of higher ground. Just because he's rich, and a 'Jeffeson', doesn't mean he's better than any one of us."

"That makes sense." I brought my water bottle up to my lips, taking a quick sip. "I can do that easily. Have any idea on how I should approach it?"

"Just by being yourself really." John shrugged. "You'll figure something out with that brain of yours."

I rubbed my chin, placing the bottle back on the table. "Got it. Thanks, guys."

"Anytime really. We're always here for you, Alex." Hercules shrugged, picking up his lunch tray. He emptied the remainder of its contents in the trash bin.

The rest of the school day went by pretty quickly. Lunch was basically over by the time we were done talking, and John agreed to be of great assistance to my plan.

I walking through the noisy corridors, stopping in the middle of the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen." I grinned, holding out a hand. "I apologise for my tardiness, but I assure you that this will be worth your time."

John came in a moment later, pushing a nervous looking Jefferson beside me.

The Thomas Jefferson had been afraid of crowds. It slipped out in a few conversations we had.

"You must all simply meet Thomas, Thomas!" I stepped aside, throwing all of the attention over to him.

Jefferson hadn't said a word. He hadn't even bothered to move an inch. He just simply stood next to me, completely dumbfounded.

"Introduce yourself, Thomas."

"I-I..." Jefferson stammered, clutching his chest as he looked away.

"Cat got your tongue?" I asked. "I thought you learnt how to speak English back in kindergarten."

My lips began to form into a huge grin, as I watched him search his mind for the words to say.

The crowd seemed to love his reaction as well. Video and picture snaps were heard, followed by the sound of staggering laughter.

"If you know me so well, then how about you introduce me?" Thomas folded his arms.

"With pleasure." I shrugged, pulling off my glasses and hooking them on my shirt. "Here you have it, folks." I nodded. "Thomas Jefferson. Egotistical, attention seeking, and quite frankly, idiotic. He's the biggest joke of the year, wouldn't you say?"

My grin faded as I noticed Jefferson's face begin to turn pale. It almost looked like he was about to pass out, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"That's all, folks. Thank you." I took a bow, before tugging on Thomas' sleeve and taking him away from the spotlight.

Once we got into the dorm, his heavy breaths finally slowed as he wiped his face.

"You alright?" I asked.

I went too far. Way too far. It's almost as if I'd pushed him into a mental hurricane.

"As alright as you can be when the only person you tell your fear to decides to use it against you." Thomas mumbled, leaning against the wall.

My eyes widened. "I really didn't know it was all that serious. I'm sorry."

"You knew. I knew you were...- Well yourself, but I thought at least that you could've been trustworthy." Thomas shrugged. "I need a shower, Hamilton. A nap as well before I head off to dinner later."

I watched Thomas disappear into the bathroom. I glared back over at my laptop, reluctantly taking a seat at my desk.

End of Chapter Two

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