Chapter Twelve [Alexander]

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I wonder if Thomas likes video games... maybe John could lend me his game console to test out such a theory. I bet I'd be able to beat Thomas on the first try. Could be fun.

I don't think he would, though. Thomas sat at my table earlier, and he didn't seem too fond of him. 

Understandable really. None of us was a little while back.

"So why exactly do I have to sit at your table again?" Thomas raised an eyebrow, leaving the room after I opened the door.

"It's closer to the cafeteria entrance, and a much safer table to walk to." I nodded.

"Fine, but I'll have to text my friends about it first." Thomas nodded, crutching down the hallway alongside me. Thomas stopped for a moment, before pulling his cell phone from out of his pocket. He glanced down at his device, quickly swiping across the screen with his fingers and putting the phone back in its place.

"What'd they say?" I asked.

"They're cool with it." Thomas shrugged. "What route do you usually take to the cafeteria?"

"The northern one." 

"I like taking the southern one, it's a little quieter." Thomas sighed. "Would you mind taking it with me today? Last time I took the north one, I completely regretted it. Too much people."

"Yeah, it's fine! Don't worry about it." I did a small waving gesture, as I walked behind my roommate.

By the time we got to the cafeteria, I noticed Thomas' mates starring at the two of us from across the room, as we sat down at the table. The constantly kept nudging each other and laughing quietly as they ate. After lunch had ended, Aaron winked over at Thomas as he walked past us to dump his tray. 

"What was that all about?" I chuckled, taking everyone's trays over to the bin. 

"Probably shipping." Hercules hummed. 

"Shipping?" I asked, taking a sip of water as I sat back down.

"Yeah, definitely seemed like it." Hercules grinned over at the two of us.

"I'm pretty sure it wasn't." John laughed lightly. "The two of them practically loathe each other."

"Not anymore. Why else would he bring him over to our table?" Lafayette chimed.

"To ensure that he doesn't get in trouble if Thomas trips down and hurts his foot even more." John shrugged. "It only makes sense.

"I don't hate the guy, but I'm straight. Remember?" Thomas hummed, pulling his crutches over to himself. 

"Erm, totally." Lafayette nodded. "Just like Herc, right? He says he's straight too."

"No." Thomas mumbled. "A hundred percent straight."

"Alright, whatever you say!" Lafayette chuckled. "See you two tomorrow?"

"Yeah, he'll be sitting here tomorrow as well." I confirmed.


"Alright, what should we play?" John finished setting up his game console, before sitting down on the floor next to me.

"Definitely Injustice 2." I hummed, pulling a pillow up to my chest. "I'm getting tired of first-person shooter games."

"Alright. Injustice should be fine." John handed the disk over to me. I leaned over and popped it in calmly. "I'll let you choose your character first."

"Not today, Lexi. Oldest trick in the book." John chuckled lightly, picking up his controller.

"Fine." I huffed, looking over at the screen. I fumbled around with the buttons, before choosing a random character.

"Interesting choice. I'll go with Harley." John decided, leaning against the bed.

I nodded, rubbing my eyes as I attempted to focus on the television. Of course, I easily won the first round or two. Afterwards, I'd been followed by a series of loses.

"Dammit, you're cheating." I groaned, looking away.

"No, you just suck." John chimed, getting ready to restart the match. Thomas stepped inside a little while later along with Madison, closing the door behind him.

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" Thomas asked. Madison set Thomas' bag over by his dresser.

"Alright, Thomas. See you in a little while." Madison waved, taking his leave. He probably ran off to chat with Eliza.

"Yeah, but you can probably come back in an hour or two." John nodded.

"No, No. He can play with us! It might be fun." I suggested, looking back a Thomas. 

"I only brought two controllers, so someone would get left out." John shrugged. 

"Then we can play another game." I nodded, rubbing my chin as I thought. "Maybe two truths, one lie."

John let out an inaudible from under his breath, before flicking off the television. "Fine, that could be nice." He nodded. 

"Oh, erm yeah! Let's do that." Thomas nodded, folding his legs as he sat down at the edge of the bed. He propped his crutches up against the wall. "Who's going first?"

"You can go first, probably." John nodded over at Thomas. 

"Alright." Thomas hummed, thinking for a short moment first. "Alright, so this is based on my experience in theatre. One time right before a show, I had to fill in for a female character, because she called in sick. Another time, since I work mostly with the lights, I accidentally showed the spotlight on the wrong character. Another time, I had to wear a dress for a show, since they needed another background character." He chuckled. 

"The dress one." John guessed. "I can't imagine you in a dress."

"I actually think he'd look great in one, so I'd say the lights one." I hummed. 

"Alexander is correct." Thomas chuckled giving me a thumbs up. "Your turn."

"Got it." I put the pillow under my head, before grabbing one of my journals and flipping through it. "Okay, here we are!" I grinned. "One time, I cussed out the vice principal, Mr Adams. Another time, I snuck out with Lafayette once, to prove we had decent baguettes here in America. Another time, my voice let out right in the middle of a speech."

"Damn, I'm trying to debate between the last two." John nodded. "The Laf one sounds familiar, so I'd say that one."

"His voice definitely had to let out at some point, he talks so much that it'd be almost impossible if it hadn't a few times." Thomas decided.

"Second one is a lie. I got Lafayette one right here from the school. It sucked, so he actually ended up winning that debate." I answered.

"One point for Thomas, One point for the small bean." Thomas grinned, writing it down on a piece of paper.

"Here, I've got one." John nodded. "I'm currently prepping to start a turtle army, and I'm thinking of having Lee as the general." He paused. "Cats scare the hell out of me, and I lost at a match of League once, and accidentally broke my controller, so I had to buy a new one."

"League is a computer game really, so I'd say that's the lie. You use a keyboard for that." I shrugged.

"Yeah, I'll agree with Lex on that one. Controllers are really difficult to break." Thomas nodded. 

"First one." John chuckled. "I thought that was obvious since I despise Lee."

"You broke a controller while being near a laptop?" I raised an eyebrow. "I need an explanation."

"Simple. I lost, really close to being a tie. Then I reached for my controller on the desk and threw it at a wall. Hasn't worked since." John shrugged. 

Thomas nodded. "Man, for your size you can be a little violent at times."

"I'm only a few inches shorter than you." John hummed, placing his cap back on top of his head.

"Agreed." I laughed lightly, remembering the nose incident a week or so back. "Anyways! Your turn, Thomas."

End of Chapter Twelve

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