Chapter Twenty-Four [Alexander]

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Ah. The sweet, sensational feeling of blackmail. 


Thomas had been out of the dorm, supposedly hanging out with his friends. Even though I did feel slightly proud of him for somewhat getting over the rumours, I still missed him.

After around an hour or so of scribbling down ideas, I closed my journal when I heard someone knocking on the door. 

I sprung up and opened it. To my surprise, it wasn't actually Thomas at the door. It was John. He didn't look his usual, bubbly -and sometimes terrifying- self.

John was crying, and as much as I didn't particularly enjoy him, I still felt concerned for him. He wiped at his eyes, before speaking shakily in between breaths. "A-Alexander. May I step inside?"

"What is it?" I asked, closing the door behind him. I rubbed his shoulder.

John sniffled softly, taking a seat on the bed. "It's Charles. I thought I could trust him, you know? After I stopped sitting at the table, because I ruined everything really, he started to become the only person I had available to lean on."

"I honestly don't know why you even talked with him in the first place, he's an asshole." I nodded, letting out a sigh. "But, if that's really the case. What did he do?" I sat down next to John, giving him a reassuring pat on the back.

John tensed up slightly, shaking his head. "I don't know, he just snapped. Flipped like a dime, you know? He hurt me pretty badly."

"Alright." I sighed, finally giving John a hug. "Herc and I can probably deal with that, just be a little more specific, so I can know what to say."

John glanced over at the door, before rubbing his head slightly. "That's him, that's him right now. Did you lock the door?"

"No, No. I'll confront him now, then." I nodded, dusting off my pants and standing up.

John shook his head, before pulling back down next to him. "No, stay. Please? Stay."

"Erm." I rose an eyebrow. "I'm not stupid, John. Is this a prank or something of the sorts?"

The door swung open, and before I knew what was actually happening. John had roughly pulled me into him, before kissing me on the lips. "Hey, Alexan-..." I heard Thomas' voice stop abruptly as he noticed the two of us.

John didn't let go, though. His grip simply tightened, as he grinned victoriously into the kiss. The door was slammed shut, and John finally decided to pull away.

I wiped at my lips, quickly springing up after I had a chance to. Some tears even found their way into my eyes."John. What the actual f-..." I started, before being cut off by a waving gesture.

"You probably better go look for him." John chuckled lightly, folding his legs. 

The emotions followed afterwards. I felt both angry and confused. I felt disappointed in not only John but my self for falling in such an obvious damn trap.

The Déjà vu started to sink in as balled up my fists, racing as fast as I actually could out of the room. Leaving John unattended probably wasn't a good idea, but leaving Thomas in whatever state he'd been in probably wouldn't have gone well either.

Aaron was standing outside his dorm, almost like he'd been expecting me. "Ah, Alexander. I don't think going to see Thomas now would be the best idea. You should probably wait until he settles down."

"I'd think not." I shook my head. "See that whole thing that he probably told you erm.... It wasn't really what it looked like." 

"Of course not, because you know. It's not cheating since you and Thomas technically aren't in a relationship. Though, I have heard you had intentions of asking him out." Aaron rolled his eyes, leaning against the wall.

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