Scene Twenty-Seven {Thomas}

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Spoiler Alert: I Can't Say No To Him

Try as I might, I have never been a good writer. I've always struggled with it. If it wasn't bad enough, I'm terrible at explaining most topics. I put too little or too much.

At exactly the thirty minute mark, I finished my essay. Mr. King collected mine to look over and grade while everyone else finished up their's.

While I was sitting at my desk, waiting for the time to be up for our detention, I realized something:

I spelt his name wrong. I spelt it, Gorge King.

At the end of the class, Mr. King handed back our essays, graded and everything. He was mostly cheerful while handing out everyone else's paper. However, when he made it to me, his demeanor turned to a darker one. It was frightening.

"Seems like he likes mine for the most part." Alexander beamed as he flipped through his essay. We had decided to meet up in our room and watch a movie, but we were planning on chatting briefly first. "His note in the back said I described him perfectly."

"He said that I could use more vibrant adjectives, but otherwise it's good." Aaron hummed.

"He said my sentence structure was weak, but my reasons were valid." James shrugged.

"I threw mine away after I left the classroom." Hercules shrugged.

"Oui, same for me. I didn't see the point in keeping something as painful to write in my place of comfort." Lafayette hummed.

"You know all he is? A damn, no good, dumbass prick." I flipped through my essay too. Every correction seemed to be jumping out at me, the red pen amused at my many grammatical errors. "I was telling the damn truth, and I get in trouble?"

"Thomas, are you angry?" Alexander raised an eyebrow. That's right. He'd never really seen me like this before. That is, upset about my least favorite teacher's unfair behavior.

"No, I'm upset and stressed. I rushed through it so he wouldn't lecture me about half-assing something. If I didn't rush, he would've, because it wouldn't have been finished." I huffed.

"You should calm down." Alexander suggested. "I'm sure that his note says at least one thing positive."

I made it to the last page, deciding to recite the note Mr. King left to Alexander. "'Jefferson: Your essay was simply terrible. Many of your grammatical errors are from topics that should've been taught in middle school and early high school, while you were abroad in France. Maybe that's what you get for being a Francophile.'"

Lafayette gasped. "Non! France is amazing!"

"I know, right? This is completely  stupid." I crumpled up my essay, throwing it in the bin.

"Let's just get to the movie. It'll help get your mind off of things." Alexander decided, pulling out his laptop to bring up Netflix.

"Alright. I just... Ugh." I shook my head. "I really don't know what's up with me."

"Thomas?" Alexander peeked in the next afternoon, dressed in a suit that I assumed Hercules made for him.

"Mhm?" I hummed in response, turning to face him.

"Come with me. We have something to do." Alexander entered the room, pulling me out of bed. He was actually stronger than I had thought.

"Alright, alright!" I chuckled. I stumbled slightly as we left the dormitory.

Hercules and Lafayette were outside, dressed in their own suits. Hercules was holding a basket of flower petals, while Lafayette was holding a CD player. I was a little confused but decided that this randomness should be expected from the revolutionary set.

As we walked, Hercules threw the flower petals behind us and Lafayette played some classical music. When we approached the commissary, Lafayette handed Hercules the CD player and rushed ahead.

"Bonjour Monsieurs! May I get you seated?" Lafayette bowed slightly to Alexander and me.

"Oui." I was starting to get an idea of what this was about, but I was unsure if I was right. Was this a date?

Lafayette led us to a table in the commissary. We earned plenty of strange looks and whispers from our fellow students as we sat.

"What may I get you, two gentlemen today?" Lafayette pulled out a notepad and pen, looking over to Alexander.

"Water for myself, and a sweet tea for him. We'll each have a cup of macaroni and cheese." Alexander smiled.

"Alright! I'll go get that." Lafayette nodded, disappearing from sight.

I watched him for a moment, before turning my gaze to Alexander. "What is this?"

Alexander ignored my question, holding my hands from across the table. "You must be a violin, because you're my favorite accompaniment."

I blushed deeply, trying to come up with something in response. "I like reading. Y-You're a book."

Alexander laughed. "You really aren't a flirt, huh?"

If I could've blushed more, I would've. "Not exactly. I don't really even like reading." I admitted.

Alexander leaned back in his seat. "Well, Thomas, I've been meaning to ask you something."

"Really?" My eyes lit up. Was this it? Was the Alexander Hamilton asking me out? "You have?"

"Yeah." Alexander shrugged. "It's not really a big deal, though."

I frowned slightly but tried to keep myself from being visibly upset. "Well, go ahead."

"Well, Thomas, I can't believe I'm asking you this. If I had told myself at the beginning of the school year that I was doing this, I would've been slapped by my past self." Alexander bit his lip slightly. He was nervous.

"Go on?" I leaned forward in my seat, interested in what he was about to ask. If it wasn't a big deal, why would he be acting like I do on a daily?

"I'll cut to the chase." Alexander took a sip of his water as soon as Lafayette set our 'order' down. "Thomas, I really like you. I've been meaning to ask you if you'd consider dating me. I mean, I'd understand if you say no. I have been messing with you a little unintentionally, but I would appreciate if you did say yes."

"Are you kidding me? Of course the answer is yes!" I grinned.


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