Chapter Twenty-Eight [Alexander]

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Spoiler Alert: Thomas Jefferson, just said yes to me.

P.S: I think I finally found out what was at the end of a rainbow.

Dinner went pretty well after that, for the most part. Hercules and Lafayette were mostly screaming -more so fangirling- in the corner and forgot to bring the actual food to us. They remembered eventually.

"Damn." I chuckled lightly after finishing off my food.

"This was amazing, Alexander. Thank you." Thomas hummed, setting his plate over to the side.

"Erm, I meant to give you this before we started eating." I nodded, nudging Hercules slightly.

"Shit, sorry." Hercules nodded, placing the bag in front of Thomas.

"What is it?" Thomas asked. "If it's a gift I'd feel bad. I would've gotten you something if I'd known." He chuckled nervously.

"Yeah! It's a gift, but it's fine. Don't worry It's not really too serious of one, and if you want to throw it away after this, I wouldn't mind. But generally, I'd be pretty content if you like it." I reassured Thomas. Thomas smiled a little after seeing what I'd given him.

"A dress?" Thomas laughed lightly. "I love it, thank you."

"Even though Alexander is pretty shit at designing, he gave me the drawing anyways. It was tailored by yours truly." Hercules nodded.


"I'm not coming out of this bathroom, Lexi. I look stupid." Thomas groaned. Some continuous shuffling was heard from behind the door.

Lafayette waved a hand. "I'm sure you look fine. I can confirm since we look alike."

"I can make them leave if you'd like." I nodded.

"Yeah, please do." Thomas sighed.

"Aw..." Hercules mumbled. "No fair."

"You'll get to see him in a little while." I shrugged, folding my legs. "He's my boyfriend now, so I'd say it's very fair."

"Wow. Using that card already?" Lafayette chuckled lightly, before opening the door and leaving the room. Hercules did the same.

Thomas stepped out of the bathroom in a few moments, holding a parasol that matched with his magenta dress. A flower crown was positioned atop his head. He looked really damn good if I had to be completely honest. "So?" He asked, waiting for my response.

"I'm glad I picked out that colour for you. It looks great." I hummed, walking over to Thomas. "You confident enough it wear it out in the hallway?"

"Hell yeah! Why not?" Thomas grinned. He lead me out to where the guys had been.

Lafayette's eyes widened as he noticed the two of us. "Je ne sais pas si ça m'a fait me sentir plus droit ou plus gayer."

Translation: I don't know if this just made me straight, or gayer.

"I could have done it a little better along the sides... but I blame Lex for rushing me." Hercules hummed. "You look really nice though."

"I honestly don't even feel like taking it off, it's pretty comfortable." Thomas chuckled. "You guys ready for detention? I don't care what anyone says to me when they see us pass by."

"You're in an awfully good mood today, monsieur. I'm not going to lie, but that's pretty rare for you." Lafayette nodded.

"I mean, I just got asked out by Hamilton." Thomas shrugged. "Self-explanatory."

"Want to lead the way, Tommy?" I suggested, stuffing my hands in my pocket.

"Of course!" Thomas smiled and adjusted his crown.

Thomas made sure to grab my hand before he walked. Looking back at the three of us. "You guys are so slow."

The walk was pretty fun if you counted out the constant teasing Thomas and I received from my friends until we bumped into a familiar face standing in the hallway. Two of them actually.

"Lee?" I looked at him, before looking back at John.

"Right, don't make this harder than it needs to be Laurens." Charles leaned against the wall, nudging John in the side.

"Oh, erm. Alright." John cleared his throat. "Sorry." He rolled his eyes. "Can I leave now?"

"Look, make it sincere or I'm going to beat your ass. Samuel hasn't talked to me since I refused to get to you apologize earlier, so I'm trying to make up for it now." Charles huffed, folding his arms.

"Fine, Fine." John stepped back, and let out a soft sigh. "I'm sorry for kind of, erm... Turning into a bit of a psychopath. I didn't mean for it to get that serious, you know? You two are cute together I guess, and I won't intervene any longer." He shrugged.

I was about to speak, but Thomas cut me off. "We accept your apology." He hummed. "Firstly though..." He glanced directly over at John before pulling me up into a soft kiss. It hadn't lasted for long but it felt amazing. I enjoyed every second of it. The feeling of his lips on mine, the rush of adrenaline I received from being out in the hall, and the burning sensation I felt in my stomach. He pulled away after letting go of my shirt. "I guess this makes us even, John." He grinned, before flipping his parasol and dragging me away.

"That was honestly really petty, but hilarious. John looked really mad." Lafayette burst out laughing once he caught up with us. "The umbrella flip was perfect."

"What can I say?" Thomas hummed, opening the door to King's classroom. "I'm Thomas Jefferson."

"Jeffer-..." King turned around. "Oh."

"Do you like it? Alexander designed it for me." Thomas nodded, taking a seat at the front of the classroom.

"You want to hear something funny?" King laughed lightly. "Everything I want to say right now is against the school policy. But I suppose a single line of it wouldn't kill me. You look like a faggot." He glared down at his watch. "You're all thirty minutes late, so I think that calls for an extra assignment today."

"Thank you, but I think you pronounced the word, 'flawless' incorrectly." Thomas hummed.

"What the hell even happened?" James chuckled. "And why wasn't I invited? You guys suck."

"Jamilton happened." Hercules whispered. "They kissed and everything. Should have had my phone out."

The End.

I watched the duo march back into their dorm, before flipping my journal closed. It really hurt my heart to see my Alexander end up with another guy, but it was probably in his best interests. I wiped at my face slightly after forcing out the biggest smile I could muster and turned away. I leaned against my locker without a single whim on my mind.

Charles eventually got tired of my sobbing and incomprehensive mutters, so he took me to him and Samual's dorm room to catch a few hours of rest.

The nap made me realise that crying over a few friends and a love interest that left me, wouldn't get me anywhere. So I decided to rise my ass up out of that mattress and start from scratch.

Yours Truly,

John Laurens

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