Scene Seven {Thomas}

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Can People Be Acquaintance-zoned? I Think I Did it to Alexander Hamilton.

"You know how I had that fight with John Laurens yesterday?" I asked. 

James nodded with a light chuckle. "In the group chat, you described it as more of a beating."

"I didn't want to get in trouble. Do you know what would happen if he told Principal Washington that I threw any punches back? We'd probably both get suspended, so he'd call my parents." I didn't get to finish my explanation before Aaron interjected from the other side of the room. 

"And you'd get your ass shipped back down to the south. That's your reason for half of the things you don't do. The other half is because you're a Jefferson." Aaron looked over to me. "You should live a little."

I chose to ignore Aaron's advice. I felt a little bad for him, since nobody ever followed his advice. "Anyways, as I was saying, Alexander seemed to actually be worried about me." I was partially enthusiastic that someone would worry about me, but the other part of me was worried about them worrying about me. I could worry about anything really, if I was given a topic. 

"I've been meaning to ask you something related to your roommate." James hummed. "You're well aware of my crush on Eliza, right? Well, I'm planning on asking her out soon, and I want to know a little bit about her from someone who's dated her. It just so happens you have her ex as your roommate."

"What are you implying?" I raised an eyebrow as I turned to face one of my best friends. 

"I'm saying that I want you to ask him about Eliza." James shrugged. "It shouldn't be too hard."

"Shouldn't be too hard? James, we hate each other, remember? Loathe entirely." My eyes widened in shock. "You wouldn't do that to one of your best friends, right?"

"If you two actually hated each other, I would be very unlikely to." James promised. "But you don't anymore."

"We do!" I insisted. "Remember Tuesday?" 

"I do remember Tuesday. But I do remember what you told me happened yesterday, in the group chat. You ate while Alexander talked with you. I'm not trying to make it more than it is, but I'm pretty sure you two are becoming friends." James pulled out his phone, pulling up the group chat before displaying it to prove his point. 

Group Chat: Southern Democratic Republicans

ToffeeSkinnedVirginian: You'll never guess what happened. It's insane. I'm actually a little worried about how crazy it was.

NumberTwenty-Nine: You're always worried, but go ahead. 

SmileMore: I'm listening. 

ToffeeSkinnedVirginian: I ate dinner and talked with Alexander while I did.

NumberTwenty-Nine: You ate dinner? That's amazing! 

SmileMore: We're proud of you. :D

ToffeeSkinnedVirginian: Did you read the second half of my text?

SmileMore: Oh, no. Just the first half. 

NumberTwenty-Nine: Sounds like you two are becoming friends. 

ToffeeSkinnedVirginian: He's okay.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. I get the point, James. But we're really just acquaintances."

"That's what I thought." James shut off his phone, returning it to his pocket. "Now get out there and see what you can find out about Miss Elizabeth Schuyler."


"So, Alexander. You dated Eliza, right? You know what she's like?" I inquired. I had returned from my visit from James an hour earlier. I had finally summoned the courage to ask. 

Alexander turned to me, a look of confusion etched upon his face. "Yeah. Why?"

"James has a huge crush on her and is planning on asking her out soon. He wants some basic information about her. He thinks you're his best bet. He convinced me to ask you." Now that I thought about it, it seems like I was swayed pretty easily most of the time. "Can you provide me with that?"

The look of confusion vanished from his face. He chuckled softly, nodding. "Eliza's relatively relaxed. She's sweet and cares about everyone. She really likes cats. Basically, if I had to sum it up, your typical nice girl." 

I made a mental note of his explanation. "Thanks." I was getting ready to get my violin from its place in my bottom drawer of my dresser when he continued the conversation. 

"I was confused because I thought you were interested in her, but your songbook said you were gay. I thought you had visited Samuel Seabury, and he had convinced you to become straight or something." Alexander laughed slightly. After he noticed my horrified expression, he quickly stopped. "Hey, it's fine. I'm bi myself. I won't make fun of you for being gay."

"You haven't told anyone that, right? I'm still in the closet. I can't just have people knowing that. If my parents found out, I'd be kicked out. I don't have anywhere to go if I'm kicked out, Alexander. I can't live on the streets. I can't live that lifestyle. You have to believe me, you can't tell anyone that at all." I could've rambled on for days about how anyone finding out I was gay would ruin my life. 

"Hey, Thomas." I hadn't noticed it while I was rambling, but he had made his way from his bed to mine and was now seated to my left. He rubbed my shoulder reassuringly. "It's okay, alright? I haven't told anyone about anything you've written in your songbook, just like I promised you." 

"Alright." I took a deep breath, rubbing my sweaty palms on the denim of my jeans. "Sorry, it would just really be unfortunate for anyone to find out my sexuality." 

"It's fine. I'm sorry for laughing a little bit about it. I just didn't think it was a very sensitive subject." Alexander shook his head. "I won't let anyone find out if I can help it."

"Thank you." I smiled slightly, although it soon faded from my face. "You said Samuel Seabury, right?"

Alexander nodded. "Yeah. Probably the most die-hard Christian you'll ever meet. An okay guy, really."

"I haven't met him." I admitted. I hadn't met a lot of the people in our grade yet, since I had a little bit of trouble with social interaction. 

"I'll take you to meet him right now! You guys can become friends." Alexander suggested. 

"Sure, why not?" I looked over to Alexander. I could probably use more than two friends. 


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