Chapter Twenty-Six [Alexander]

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Other than being complete hell in a small room, detention wasn't so bad today.

"Alright, you're all here." Principal Washington nodded, folding his legs as he glanced over at us. "John has shown me some very interesting information involving the six of you."

Silence filled the room. Principal Washington decided to speak again. "John, please play the clips."

"Burr, can you stop telling me to be quiet? I'm not even being loud. You're just the one deciding not to talk" Since we snuck off in pairs and met up at the park, the video clip had shown Aaron's and Lafayette whispering as they walked out the front door. "It's not like anyone can hear us anyways. They're all at dinner."

"Maybe if you'd stop speaking in French so loudly." Aaron mumbled. "Lafayette, you don't want us to get caught, right? Just be quiet until we get to the park." Aaron rolled his eyes.

"Fine."Lafayette shrugged. "Let's go."

The clip ended, as John swiped his finger across the screen to reveal one with James and Hercules.

"James, please don't sneeze. If you sneeze they might hear us." Hercules warned, taking a glance out the door.

"I can't help it. I have to. There's so much dust in this area." James mumbled. "They won't I don't think." James finally let out a sneeze. "Damn, well let's hope my theory was right."

Principal Washington made a quick dismissive waving gesture. "Do I have to show anymore?" He asked.

"No, that won't be necessary. Sir." I coughed quietly, leaning back in the chair.

"Now, John. How exactly did you get these?" He asked as John slid his phone into his pocket.

"I happened to be in the area while it was happening." John nodded.

"Alright. That's understandable." Principal Washington nodded. "From my understanding, you six went to a skating rink. A friend of John's happens to work there, and he reported being the one to serve you."

"Ermm, yes sir. This is all true." I nodded.

Principal Washington rubbed his chin. "Alright, John. You're dismissed."

Once John left the room, Principal Washington rubbed his head slightly. "Who's idea was this?"

"Mine. I'm sorry, sir." Thomas admitted quietly, fidgeting slightly with his chair handle.

"Don't worry." Principal Washington shrugged. "I don't really mind that you snuck out, but if you make it this obvious in the future, I won't be so lenient."

"Yes sir." I shook my head.

"Each of you have after school detention everyday for two weeks. This length of time can increase based on your behavior." He explained after opening a folder.

"O-Okay." Thomas' voice cracked slightly as he held his forced smile, looking over at Principal Washington.

"I'll write up your demerits, and I'll have to call your parents." Principal Washington shrugged. He looked over at me. "Don't get the impression that I'll be easy on you, Alexander."

"Yes sir." I repeated, tapping a foot on the floor slightly.

He held his head, before shaking it slightly and signing a few slips. He handed them to each of us. "Alright, you are all dismissed."

A day had passed, and it had then been our first day of detention.

"How does it feel to join the pink slip club?" James chuckled lightly, following behind us.

"Terrible." Thomas nodded, before looking back at James. "I'd say it was worth it, though.

"Which teacher do you think we have?" Aaron asked.

"Not sure as yet, but I guess we'll find out in a short while." I nodded.

Aaron dusted off his clothing, before stopping and opening the door for us.

"Hello trouble makers!" My history teacher, George King waved over to us. "Please have a seat, you four. Last person has to close the door."

He'd been seated on the desk with his legs folded, and a bottle of iced tea in his hands.

As for Lafayette and Hercules, the two were already here. They looked like there were about to fall asleep.

"Please kill me now." James mumbled quietly under his breath. He made his way to the back of the room.

I took a seat next to Hercules, and dumped the contents of my bag on my desk, pulling out a book and pen.

"What are you doing, Hamilton?" Mr. King raised an eyebrow, pointing over at me with his ruler.

"Oh, I'm just writing." I nodded. "I really enjoy it, it's a lot of fun sometimes."

"Ah, well put that stuff away. I didn't give you permission to take it out." Mr King rolled his eyes.

"Sorry." I nodded. His glare almost compelled me into doing it instantly.

Thomas coughed slightly, leaning back in his seat.

Mr. King finally looked away and turned around, placing his two hands on his desk.

The room fell silent, until James spoke. "In all your respect sir, what are we supposed to be doing? I wanted to start my homework."

"Should have thought about that before you went got yourself in trouble." King shrugged. "I've got an assignment planned. Today you'll be writing a short essay."

"Erm, what?" Thomas chuckled lightly. "You can't just give us assignments like that, you teach History and drama." He paused. "How would we even get a grade for it?"

"That's the point! You don't. I wouldn't even class this one as a punishment though, since you have to write about me." Mr. King explained. "It's an easy two hundred words on why I'm your favourite teacher." He walked over to our desks and placed down a few folder sheets. "I want it done in an hour minutes."

James had already began to write, and so did I. Aaron starred down blankly at his paper.

"I'm not writing that, sorry." Thomas shrugged. "You're not my favourite teacher, so the entire essay would be invalid."

Mr. King looked quite surprised at Thomas' response. "Sounds like someone wants another a hundred words."

"What?" Thomas laughed. "For telling the truth? It's not for a grade anyways, so there's no point in doing it."

"Five hundred words." King narrowed his eyes. "I can report you to Vice Principal Adams for behaviour."

"You're raising the word count, but not changing the topic. I can't even think of a line to describe anything positive about you." Thomas nodded.

Mr. King got up, before walking over to Thomas' desk. "Alright." He nodded. "Since you seem to be so passionate on the fact about disliking me, I'd like seven hundred words explaining why, done in thirty minutes."

Thomas' eyes widened. "What?" He looked back down at his hands. "That's easy, I can do that."

End of Chapter Twenty-Six.

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