Chapter Eighteen [Alexander]

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I threw up in the bathroom, messed up my book, and John probably hates me now. Thomas is probably close to it, for embarrassing him at the cafeteria.

"Jack." I nodded, closing the door behind the two of us as we entered the dorm. "I know what you did."

"I'm confused, can you be a little more specific?" John asked. He looked across at me and sat on top of my dresser.

"Thomas Jefferson." I walked to my bed, taking a seat on the edge of it.

"I did Thomas Jefferson? Erm, he's not really my type." John chuckled lightly. 

"You know what I mean." I rolled my eyes. "He could've gotten seriously hurt because of you." For the second time.

"Oh, you mean that." John hummed. "Yeah. I beat his ass. He'd probably be in worst condition if Hercules didn't have to walk in on us."

"Do you hear yourself right now?" I asked, quickly shaking my head. "What'd he even do?"

"Nothing, but he's annoying anyway. Like you said that while back." John nodded. "Weren't you the one that specifically came up with the idea of putting him in his place a little while ago?"

"Even if I still stood by my idea, It's my business. Not yours. I can handle myself." I explained. 

"You're acting like you actually like the guy now." John scoffed. 

"I don't mind him." I pulled my hoodie from under my blanket, before quickly slipping it on.

"Oh." John mumbled, glancing over at me. John looked like he was about to say something before hesitating. He pushed a strand of curly hair out of his face.

"Well... I like you." He sat down next to me. "Like, a lot." John leaned toward me slightly. I retracted.

I hoped that I hadn't known where this scenario was headed, because the end result wouldn't be very pleasant. 

"What?" My eyes widened, as I backed away. "Platonically, right?"

"Erm, a little more than a friend, you know?" John took that moment to steal a quick kiss from me. "I feel like the two of us have a good connection." He cupped my cheek with one of his hands.

This had been extremely awkward, weird, and heartbreaking to watch. I had to reject my best friend.

"John, I don't really like you like that. In that way, at least." I muttered out, wiping at my lips as I pulled away from him. "You're a great guy and all, I'm sure you can find someone." I paused. "Just someone that isn' You know? I will not think of you any differently after this, because you're my best friend."

"Are you sure you're not just saying that, because Thomas is standing in the way of us? You barely know him." John noticed my gestures, before pulling away as well. He awkwardly did the same, as if almost forming an attempt to jump back in time to our moment prior to this one. Before his confession.

"So what if he is?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm much better than him." John got up, before nodding. "I don't really think he's the right guy for you."

"Last I recall, Thomas didn't beat up his best friend's roommate because he wasn't fond of them." 

"He deserved that!" John huffed, folding his eyes. "I don't even know why he told you that, I'm going to have to talk with him about it later."

"Jack, if you touch him again, I'm honestly not going to talk to you for a little while. You're my friend, you're supposed to support me on this sort of stuff." I mumbled, glancing over at my desk. I needed to write this down, and I needed to do it fast. 

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