Chapter Four [Alexander]

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Alright, maybe my roommate isn't as terrible as I originally thought. Even so, he still stands very far from my list of semi-tolerable people.

"So you told him the reason you wrote? Probably not a good idea." John sat next to me on the bed, allowing his feet to hang loosely above the ground. "He could easily use that against you."

"Doesn't really matter if he decides to. Wouldn't bother me anyways." I hummed. "He's already spread a few rumours, so an extra won't hurt."

"I guess that makes sense." John sighed, glancing over at me. "I really just don't like seeing my best friend upset all, it bugs me. "

"Don't worry Jack, I'll be fine." I smiled over at the taller figure and gave him a pat on the back. "I have a pretty good tolerance for pain."

"Alright. I trust you." John rose up to his feet, stretching for a quick moment or so. "How was your day?"

"I got a lot of work done, so I'd say it was pretty good. You know that book I talked about wanting to publish a few months back? It's almost done." I brought my legs up, before moving them on the bed as I pulled my blanket over myself. "Yours?"

"That's great." John gave me a thumbs up. "You're pretty talented I'd say. That'd take me about a year or more to write."

"It really just takes practice and experience, and your writing speed tends to increase over a period of time." I explained, letting out a light yawn. "Can you bring me a cup of coffee? I'll pay you back."

"In a minute." John chuckled as he leaned against the wall. "I think you drink too much."

"Too much coffee? Nonsense. I can never have too much coffee. Once I drank fifty-one cups on a three-day marathon."

"The that fact you're still a7live today never ceases to amaze me, Lex." John playfully rolled his eyes, smiling afterwards. "I think sleep is a much better source of energy."

"Sleep is a waste of time. Coffee is more efficient."

"Erm, not exactly." John shook his head. "Anyway. Can you try at least catching quick a nap?  I'll give you the coffee afterwards."

"Fine." I let out a light groan. "Keyword, try."

"Thank you, I'll wake you up in a little while." John sat down on a chair near my bed.

There was silence for a moment or two before John snatched my phone out of my hand at set it down on the table. "Almost forgot." He chuckled.

Dammit, I pretty much had to go to sleep at this point.

"Smart." I nodded, before turning around so that I was facing the wall.


My eyes flickered open as I let out a light yawn. I didn't know John played the violin. He seemed to also play it pretty well.

"John?" I asked, before turning around to look at the other side of the room. 

Jefferson jumped up slightly after hearing my voice. He stopped playing the instrument. "I'm not John." Thomas shook his head. "Did I wake you?"

"No, sorry. John was in here last actually." I sat up, nonchalantly folding my legs. 

"I know, I saw him leave." Thomas shrugged, beginning to unzip his case.

"That actually sounded really nice." I said, in best attempts to give Jefferson an actual compliment. "Can you play me something?" 

Jefferson paused for a moment, before soon standing and picking his violin back up. "Alright. This here is something I designed a little while ago. It's called, 'edge'." 

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