Scene Eleven {Thomas}

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So Maybe My Parents Are a Little Nosy

I would've been running back to my dormitory after classes the next afternoon if it wasn't for the fact that I had crutches and a boot on. My father still hadn't contacted me, and I didn't want to get a call from him in the middle of the hallway. I was stopped by the voice that went on over the intercom. 

"Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson, please report to the principal's office. Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson, please report to the principal's office." The voice was recognizable as Principal Washington's. 

"Unbelievable." I muttered under my breath. I had just reached the top of the first of three flights of stairs that lead to my dormitory. I turned around, beginning to manoeuvre my way down the first flight. I was pretty sure this had to do with us sneaking out yesterday. 

I was, however, far from correct. As I entered the office, I spotted four people. 

The first was at the principal's desk, and was, of course, Principal Washington himself. His expression was purely professional, so I was sure his usual habit of calling Alexander his son would be suspended until this visit was over. 

The second was Alexander Hamilton, my roommate. He needs no introduction, I've written so much about him. The only fact I should mention about him is that he looked nervous. 

The third and fourth were my parents. They looked noticeably displeased, although I was used to this look on their faces whenever one particular topic was being discussed. What was that topic, you ask? That topic was me. 

"I apologize for my tardiness, sir." I set down my crutches next to the only vacant chair, seating myself in the seat next to my mother. "I was already up one flight of stairs when you made your announcement."

"No need to apologize." Principal Washington nodded with a reassuring smile. "Your parents were on a plane to New York for business whenever they received the news about your sprained ankle yesterday. They decided to stop by to get a little more clarity as to what happened and check on you to make sure you were doing alright." 

That explains the fact that I hadn't received a phone call from my father. Work was always above his children. He would say it was because he worked for us when talking with his kind rich friends, but I knew that was a lie. I don't remember my father ever saying that he loved or cared his children with meaning. My mother was the same way. I'd say that they were meant to be together. I'm grateful they were since there are far too many couples that aren't meant to be. I also couldn't imagine how much worse the atmosphere would be at home if they were always fighting. 

"I appreciate my parents thinking about me." I nodded. 

"Of course, Thomas." My mother replied. She turned my chin toward her face. Her brown eyes searched my own as if she was looking for an explanation. I watched a twinkle shimmer in her eyes as she let go of my chin. The twinkle was one of amusement. She knew that I was fearing her judgement, and she loved the idea of it. 

"Anyways, I was looking for an explanation as to why my son's right ankle is sprained." My father chuckled.

"Ah, yes. Of course, Mr. Jefferson." Principal Washington opened a binder, flipping to the last page. "The nurse's report says that he tripped over his roommate's bag."

"And his roommate is this young gentlemen right here, correct?" My father turned his gaze to Alexander. "Alexander Hamilton?"

"That's me, sir." Alexander nodded. "I was unaware of your son's tendency to be a little clumsy."

This comment, of course, was not intended to be harmful, but I knew it would come back to haunt me during winter break. My parents would use it as an excuse to not take me on vacation. In fact, they probably would leave me here and say that it would benefit my studies. The public was always watching whenever you were famous. 

My father was silent for a moment, digesting the statement before turning his gaze to Principal Washington. "I'm glad there were no ill motives behind this occurrence." 

"Mr. Hamilton is known for being a good student. I doubt he would consider such a thing." Principal Washington remarked. 


"Your parents aren't nearly as bad as you act like they are." Alexander hummed as we walked down the hall to make it back to our dormitory. 

I rolled my eyes. "Was it really not obvious to you, Alexander?"

"What?" Alexander turned to me. "I didn't really notice anything." He didn't know them as well as I did. That's why he didn't see it. 

"My parents were putting on their business face. There was no way they were going to be hollering in the same room as my principal or someone my age." I shook my head, stopping on the landing after the second flight of stairs. "That would risk too much for them. Two people with a bad opinion of them would be too much for them to handle."

"Now that I think about it, there was something a little off about them." Alexander agreed. "They're pretty good actors."

"I can only see through it better than you can because you didn't grow up watching them put on a mask and take it off over and over again." I shrugged. "You're pretty smart. You can at least notice it after looking back over your experiences with them."

"Thanks for the compliment, Thomas." Alexander grinned. "Although I have to admit, I was expecting a lecture on sneaking out and a detention."

"Thank goodness it wasn't that. My parents would've been struggling to keep their mask on whenever they knew that my clean school record was ruined." I chuckled. 


"You're just jealous." 


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