Chapter Ten [Alexander]

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Note to self: Don't leave my bag by the door anymore.

Thomas is really clumsy.

P.S: Thomas has technically fallen for me. I don't know whether to be flattered with myself or concerned about his ankle.

"Laf and I, have an announcement to make." Hercules took a sip of his water, before looking over at our French friend with a grin.

"Are you two dating?" I asked, unfolding my legs.

"Dammit, how'd you guess?" Hercules folded his arms. "Anyways. We are, but let's keep this between the four of us, alright? We'd like to remain a secret for now."

"I mean, it's pretty obvious though." John chuckled. "Congratulations by the way."

"Not to some people." Hercules shook his head. "Please, John. This is important."

"Nah, don't worry! I've got it." John nodded. "You two are really cute together."

"Agreed, we are basically couple goals." Lafayette looked around first, before smiling. "Ne sommes-nous pas, mon amour?"

Hercules blushed, looking over at Lafayette. "Sauvez  à flirter lorsque nous retournons au dortoir."

"When's the wedding going to be? I could probably get Samuel as the wedding officiant." I hummed. 

"Slow down there, Alex." Hercules nodded. "Let's take this a step at a time."

"Fine, but you better invite me first when the time comes." I picked up my tray, along with John's and walked over to the bin. After dumping them in, I stood next to my table.

"We'll make sure to. Don't worry." Lafayette chimed. 

"Sad dinner is basically over already. See you guys tomorrow?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah. Of course, man." John waved. "I'll probably text you before lights out, though."

"Alright, good evening." I hummed, turning around and stepping out of the cafeteria. I usually took the northern route back and forth to this area, since the southern one is extremely dull. Thomas took that one often for whatever reason. Probably to mirror a few of his introvertive tendencies. 

 By the time I got back, Thomas hadn't been there as yet. It made sense since he usually spent a minute extra or two chatting with his small crew after break periods. 

Even though Thomas worked really hard on cleaning the dorm, I really hated that he moved my pens. I liked having an easy access to them. I'd been too lazy to actually bother looking around for the rest of them though, so I just used the one I had attached to my t-shirt shirt to write with.

I glared down at my journal page, for just a short moment before messily beginning to jot down the things that happened today. I'd been about to scribble in my final sentence before a certain individual walked through the door.

"Hey." Thomas waved, closing the door behind him as he entered.

"Oh, hey! How was dinner?" I asked, peering up over at my roommate.

"Grea-... Shit!" Thomas yelled, landing down on the floor in just seconds after he tripped. Thomas landed directly on his face, reaching out to hold his leg as he groaned.

"What just happened? How'd that even work?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It's simple. I tripped." Thomas nodded. 

I was about to make a joke, before hearing a slight groan leave from Thomas' lips as he hesitantly poked his ankle.

"Why are you always getting yourself hurt, Thomas?"I rolled my eyes with a chuckle. "On a serious note, I think I'll get you to the nurse for this one."

"I don't know. I guess pain just has a preference toward me." Thomas shrugged. "Nurse would be appreciated though."

The walk to the office wasn't too difficult. Thomas had been far from heavy, so it wasn't hard to move around with him leaning on me. 

Mrs. Adams, the school's nurse, narrowed her eyes after seeing me enter with Thomas leaned on my shoulder. "What'd you do again this time, Hamilton?"

"Nothing. He tripped over on my book bag. We're friends." I explained, leading Thomas over to a chair.

"Friends, huh? Mrs Adams looked over at Thomas before nodding. "Ah, yeah. That ankle is definitely sprained." She pulled out a notepad. "Lie down, erm..."

"Thomas." Thomas corrected her, getting on to the little cot.

She took a deep breath, before examining Thomas' right ankle. "Yikes." She said after a few moments. "Alright, so it's not too bad. Just try staying off your feet." She stepped back. "Thomas will need a boot for a little while, and the school will supply him with some rental crutches. Ice will definitely help that as well, though."

By the time Mrs. Adams came back with the items, she bandaged up Thomas' ankle, before setting the crutches on the side of the bed. "Hamilton isn't the best company, you know?" She nodded over at Thomas. "He's a troublemaker."

"I beg to differ." I shook my head. "I took him to the nurse's office. Wasn't that kind of me?"

"After he tripped over your  bag." Mrs Adams rolled her eyes. "Alright, Mr Jefferson. I've just got to have a quick chat with your parents about this, but you're free to leave now." 

"What?" Thomas asked. "Is that... really necessary?" 

"Yeah, it's protocol." The nurse shrugged, opening the door for us. "Very important."

Thomas mumbled something under his breath, before nodding. "Alright. Let's go, Alexander."


"This is bad, Alexander." Thomas shook his head, crutching through the hallway. 

"Not really. I think that'll heal two or three weeks." 

"No, No. My parents. They're going to be pissed once they hear this." Thomas waved a hand.

"Pissed about...?" 

"My ankle. It's sprained." Thomas sighed, stopping at the dorm door.

I pulled it open. "I don't think they would be. People get hurt from time to time, it's just apart of life really."

"Not when you're a Jefferson. You wouldn't understand, you don't know my parents." Thomas stepped inside.

"From what I've heard about them, I think I'm getting a decent idea of what they're actually like." I shrugged. 

"They're going to go completely overboard with the whole thing really. It's not going to be fun for either me or for you." Thomas nodded. 

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

End of Chapter Ten.

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