Chapter Fourteen [Alexander]

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I'll have to do something about John and Thomas in my free time.

I already convinced John to join the Jamilton group, so that's definitely a plus.

"How's your ankle holding up?" I inquired, looking over at Thomas as I lead him through the hallway. I watched his usual expression form into a smile as he answered me.

"It definitely feels better than it did before." Thomas hummed, crutching alongside me.

"So your friends won't murder me, right? I don't think Aaron likes me too much." I asked once more. That had been an understatement really. The last argument I had with Aaron lead to a fight, which sent me straight to the hospital. He seemed to mellow down ever since, though. Some laughter left Thomas' lips as he shook his head and took the lead.

"They have no reason to." Thomas explained, glancing at the numbers next to the various doors.

"I'll take your word, then." I nodded. "Is this the right dorm here?" I pointed.

"Yeah." Thomas grinned. "They're usually in by this hour.

"Erm, I'll open the door for us then." I knocked on the door, as I looked back at Thomas.

Aaron answered the door, with a Madison peering out from beside him. "Oh, hello Alexander! Have you come to look for your husband? He's not here." Aaron chuckled, stepping aside.

"Right here, guys." Thomas waved, walking inside after me.

"How do you know that we were talking about you?" James teased, raising an eyebrow. "Have you already claimed that title?"

"No. You guys ship us, so it was pretty obvious who you were referring to." Thomas shrugged. He set his crutches aside as he took a seat behind one of the desks.

"You both are really tidy." My eyes widened, as I glanced around the dormitory.

James had some of his clothes perfectly folded in a stack, on his dresser. His school work was on his desk. It looked colour coded and organized.

"Not really. It probably only looks clean in here because you're a little messy." James chuckled. "I haven't cleaned up yet. I usually do that every other day. Aaron's side, on the other hand, is extremely clean."

"Am I really that messy?" I asked, sitting down in an empty chair.

"Yes." Thomas explained. "Like I said before, your side of the room looks like a tornado hit it."

"It can't be that bad." I shook my head in disagreement. "Right?"

"I've seen it. So I'd say it can." James nodded. "How have you two been?" He asked the two of us. He'd mostly looked to Thomas since the two of them were basically best friends.

"We've been alright. Alexander is really talkative as usual, but I've gotten used to it. His talking does get calming to listen to after a while." Thomas explained with a shrug. "I'm getting the boot off next week if I'm lucky."

"That's great, Thomas. So you'll finally be able to sit back at our table? Your ankle will be in a better condition." Aaron nodded.

"I mean..." Thomas mumbled, rubbing his chin. "I still think I should sit at Alexander's table for a while since it's closer to the entrance."

"Is that really the reason?" Aaron asked with a light chuckle.

"Of course it is." Thomas nodded, folding his arms.

"Right." James grinned, sitting down next to Thomas. He playfully nudged him a nudge on the shoulder.

"You don't see me teasing you about Eliza." Thomas pointed out.

"There's a difference. I actually admitted to my obvious crush on her." James waved out his pointer finger before laughing. "You don't even like Alexander a little bit?"

"A little, but it's completely platonic." Thomas huffed. "How does my hair look today?" He asked.

"Nice, why?" Aaron nodded.

"Alexander fixed it for me." Thomas shrugged, taking a moment to look in the mirror. "I feel as if he did a great job."

"Did you really just change a topic about Alexander to another topic about Alexander?" James asked.

"Yes." Thomas hummed, setting his songbook down on the desk. "You guys should introduce yourselves to him and stuff like that. Maybe you can get acquainted."

"Alexander Hamilton." I beamed, reaching out to James for a handshake.


"Where were you today?" John asked, laying down next to me on the ground.

"With Thomas and his friends. Aaron is actually pretty cool with me now." I smiled. "He doesn't want me dead, which I'd say is progress towards rekindling our old friendship."

"You've been hanging around him a lot. I thought we were supposed to be sneaking out today." John nodded.

"Well, Thomas is injured. I have to keep an eye on him." I nodded. "Have you seen how clumsy he is?"

"I guess." John shrugged. "But he can handle himself, I don't understand why you have to constantly be around him."

"It's my fault his ankle is sprained." I explained. "The least I can do is help him out."

"I'd say you're doing far more than helping him out because our friends ship you two now. I say it's stupid because you two are hardly friends." John nodded.

I looked over at John, raising an eyebrow. "Are you jealous of him, John? You don't have to worry, I'll never replace you with him."

"Are you sure? Because it definitely feels that way." John sighed, looking away.

"We've been friends forever, you know? I used to hate the guy." I shrugged.

"That's what upsets me." John nodded, rubbing his temple. "You two barely talked a little while ago, and now you ask like best friends. It doesn't make any sense to me."

"Okay, how about this Jackie. Maybe if you join the chat group you'll feel a bit better about it." I gave John a small pat on the shoulder. He tensed slightly, before looking back at me.

John went a little quiet for a short moment, before nodding. "Alright. That will be nice. Thank you, Lex." He hummed.

End of Chapter Fourteen.

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