Scene Fifteen {Thomas}

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Can Love Be Ironic? I'd Say So

"This is really a big problem, guys." I huffed as James and Aaron began laughing after my confession. It was a day or two after I had gotten my boot off. During my time that I had spent with Alexander with my boot on, I realized that I had developed a crush on him. I decided I needed to ask my two best friends for advice on what to do, and this was the result. 

James was the first to calm down, taking a deep breath as he looked at me. "I told you so."

"Maybe you guys made me like him with all that teasing. I'm not sure. All I know is that I can't even survive being in the same room as him without feeling like I'm going to melt." I crossed my arms. "I need you guys to help me find out what to do."

Aaron finally managed to stop laughing, wiping a fake tear from his eye as he also turned to face me. "Just confess." 

"Confess?" I raised an eyebrow. "To him? What if he makes fun of me? What if he hates me?"

"That's a chance you have to take, Thomas." Aaron shrugged. "You have to be ready for rejection."

I bit my lip slightly. Finally, I nodded. "Alright, but first I'll ask John Laurens about it." I decided. "He's his best friend. He's going to know whether or not Alexander likes me. I don't want to ruin the friendship I've created with him."


"Alright, what did you need, Jefferson?" John rolled his eyes as he shut the bathroom door. 

"I wanted to ask you a question." I hesitated before asking, since I expected a response from John. Instead, all I received was a raised eyebrow. "Is Alexander interested in anyone at the moment?"

"Not that I know of." John shrugged. "Why do you want to know? Are you trying to spread more rumours?" He had seemed eager to find a reason to find a reason for Alexander to quit being friends with me at the time. It was evident from the words he spoke and the messages he typed in the group chat. 

"No, no. I've given up that lifestyle. It was wrong of me to do that kind of thing." I shook my head quickly. "It's just that..." 

"Spit it out. I don't have all day." John huffed, leaning against the bathroom door. 

"I think I have a crush on Alexander. I just think he's really great a-" I was cut off by John shoving me, causing me to fall and hit my head against the wall. 

"Alexander would never like you, Jefferson. You're such a bastard. You're ugly, fat, rude, inconsiderate, and selfish. You could never truly love someone." John kicked me in the side. His voice began to grow louder as his rage increased at my incomplete confession. "How would you even come to the conclusion that he could love you? You're such a dumbass!" 

My attempt to back up further against the wall failed. Instead, I scrambled to my feet, going to the other side of the bathroom. I couldn't hit him. He could easily manipulate the story to make it seem like I had been the first to throw the punch. "I-I don't know. He's nice to me." I mumbled. 

"That's only because he's taking pity on you. You are entirely incapable of making any real friends!" John threw a punch, hitting me in the nose and causing me to stumble back and fall again. Being clumsy was never helpful, especially when a very angry John Laurens was attacking you. 

I could feel myself become lightheaded as I touched my fingers to my lips. I pulled them away to see blood. Great. I must've gotten a nosebleed when he punched me. I weakly tried to stand up, only for him to pin me against the bathroom wall. "Please stop..." I managed out weakly, trying to save my strength and stay alive. 

"No. I'm going to teach you a lesson. Nobody could ever love you and will ever love you, Jefferson." John kicked my left shin, causing me to wince in pain. I would've fallen, if he wasn't forcing me to stand. I felt close to passing out. "Stay the hell out of places you don't belong. Now get ready for a-" John was cut off by the bathroom door opening. He had forgotten to lock it. 

"John? Thomas?" Hercules raised an eyebrow as he entered. 

John quickly let go of me, letting me drop to the floor. "Herc! Thank goodness you're here to support me. Jefferson here is-" He was again cut off. 

"What are you doing, John?" Hercules pushed him back slightly, looking over to me. "Were you beating him up?"

"He threw punches back!" John lied. 

"I did not." I muttered. I held my head, trying to focus on not passing out. I didn't want to seem weak. 

Hercules sighed. "John, I'm going to have to believe Thomas. You don't seem to have a scratch, but he looks like he's going to pass out."

"He's fine." John insisted. "Look at me.  I'm the one that's going to pass out."

Hercules rolled his eyes, helping me to my feet and putting one of my arms over his shoulders to keep me supported. "I can't believe you, John. I'm taking him to the nurse, and then I'm going to tell Alexander what you've done."

"You can't believe him!" John groaned out of frustration. "He's such a bad person."

"He's changed, John. And it seems you have to. I hope you think about what you've done." It was kind of scary to see such a nice guy being so cold. Hercules began leading me out of the bathroom. John didn't even protest, staying silent.

"Thanks." I sighed. "I'm sorry for being a bother."

Hercules' usual demeanour returned as he let out a light chuckle. "I have to keep my son's future husband alive."


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