Chapter Eight [Alexander]

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Samuel didn't really seem too comfortable talking with Thomas and I, but I'm pretty sure he didn't want to start a debate with me.

A little disappointing though, since I really do enjoy a debate or two, from time to time.

Maybe I could try starting one on our next encounter.

"Alright, this is his dorm here I believe." I hummed, stopping in front of one of the dorms. "I'm not quite sure who his roommate is, though."

"Got it. Anything else I should know before we meet him?" Thomas asked, dusting off his clothes for the millionth time.

"Not really." I chuckled lightly. "Probably not too fond of me, but he'll get over it." I quickly took the time to knock on the door for us.

The door had been opened rather quickly. Samuel was the one to answer, and he'd been dressed in a white buttoned up shirt, with a black tie. His clothes seemed recently pressed, and it almost looked like he'd been heading out to a church service or something. Once he spotted the two of us, he looked surprised to see us standing there. I couldn't tell what he'd been thinking, but he didn't seem very comfortable. 

Thomas cleared his throat before deciding to speak first. "Thomas Jefferson." Thomas nodded, reaching out for a handshake. "Alexander came along to introduce me to you."

"Really?" Samuel looked over at Thomas, before glancing back over to me, almost as if he was waiting for someone to pull a camera out. There were a few seconds of silence before Samuel went to open his mouth again. "Oh! Good Evening you two. It's a pleasure to meet you, Thomas." Samuel smiled, probably in an attempt to be polite. He reluctantly took Thomas' hand, before pulling away in a few seconds and wiping it off with a cloth. "Please step inside." He hummed, walking out of the doorway.

Thomas stepped inside after me, momentarily looking at his hand before putting it back down into its normal position.

"Have a seat." Samuel hummed, quickly walking over to the sink to rinse off his hands. "Would you like something to drink? Some tea, perhaps?" He noticed Thomas about to take a seat. "Pardon me." He chuckled nervously, spreading a sheet on the couch.

"Tea would be appreciated, thank you." Thomas sat down beside me. "Erm... yeah."

I could feel a thick layer of tension fill the room as I crossed my legs, leaning into the chair.

"How do you two usually like your tea? I'd feel terrible if I made it wrong." Samuel looked back over at Thomas.

"Two spoons full of sugar is fine." Thomas nodded. "But, if you don't have any, you really don't have to add it."

"Maybe about four, for me. It doesn't really matter, though." 

Samuel laughed lightly, trying to fill out the moment of silence we had after that. He turned around, before walking over to the coffee table and setting two cups down. He set his cup over on his desk. "Might I ask the occasion, gentlemen?" He nodded.

"Pretty much just the introduction really. I erm, wanted to meet you, so I can get to know some more students around here." Thomas laughed as well.

"This is a very nice cup of tea, thank you." I blurted out awkwardly, before even taking a sip. 

"Ah." Samuel nodded, as he crossed his legs and picked up his cup. "You're Jefferson, Correct? I've heard a few rumours about you. I'm not quite certain if they're true or not."

"Yeah. I'm aware that some have been going around." Thomas nodding, picking up his cup as well. "Truly interesting how some people manage to get pleasure out of spreading them, right?"

"Oh, erm! Yeah, yeah!" Samuel paused for a moment, setting his tea back down as he looked over at the two of us. "Are you two... erm." He glanced in another direction. "Possibly courting?"

"You heard that? That's quite interesting." Thomas hummed. "We're roommates."

"Oh!" Samuel chuckled nervously. "My apologies. It's not very polite to get into business that isn't really mine."

"Of course. That's fine." Thomas nodded over to him reassuringly.

"You seem very nice." Samuel chimed. "Considering... well." He began to speak for a moment, before closing his mouth. "How have you been, Alexander? I haven't seen you in quite a long time."

"I've been quite alright, Samuel." I grinned, before standing up and walking over to him. He raised an eyebrow up at me, before taking another sip of tea. 

"Samuel. You do know, you can't catch gay, right?" I whispered to him. His eyes widened as he nodded and quickly apologised.

I sat back down. 

"Anyways. I'm sorry to cut this encounter short, but I must be heading out now to the library. You can join if you'd like." Samuel nodded, hesitantly picking up the cups before setting them down in the sink.

"Really wish I could make it, but I have a class assignment to finish off. I think Alexander does as well." Thomas nodded, rising up to his feet as he stretched. 

"Alright. I'll head out after you two leave." Samuel hummed, pulling a folder out of his bookshelf. 


"That didn't go so bad, right?" I asked Thomas, closing the door behind us. 

"I mean..." Thomas rubbed his chin. "It was alright, but the hand wiping part, and the chair part, made me a little uncomfortable." He nodded, leaning against the wall.

"Don't worry, I implied it to him about it while we were in there." I chuckled softly.

"Overall he seemed like a great guy, I can't really get mad at him for that sort of stuff. That's probably how he was raised." Thomas shrugged. "I could see the two of us being friends in the future."

"Good luck with that." I hummed.

"Thank you." Thomas grinned. "But, erm. Hopefully, there aren't any gay rumours going on about me. Maybe I just gave off like... a gay vibe or something."

"I haven't heard any." I shook my head. "That accent you have is pretty gay though."

"It's not gay, it's Virginian." Thomas corrected me. "There's a difference." 

"If you say so."

"Well I did say so, so it's a fact." Thomas nodded, walking over to his side of the room.

End Of Chapter Eight

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