Scene Twenty-Three {Thomas}

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Me Versus The World [Or Really Just a Teacher and a Friend with Good Intentions]

Chat: Southern Democratic Republicans

ToffeeSkinnedVirginian: I hate my life, guys.

SmileMore: Thomas.

NumberTwenty-Nine: Thomas.

ToffeeSkinnedVirginian: Alexander literally saw me cry yesterday. Jeffersons DO NOT cry. Never ever.

SmileMore: Don't worry about it. It's a good thing you and Alexander had that little moment. You're closer now.

I was in the middle of typing my response when I felt everyone's eyes on me. It only took a moment to find out why.

"Texting your friends during my class, Thomas?" Mr. King chuckled as he snatched my phone away. "I knew you seemed a little too quiet. Usually, you're boasting about how great you are."

I resisted the urge to argue with him about my usual tendencies in his class, replying as calmly as I could. I had decided to ignore the laughing fits and snickers of my fellow drama students. "I'm not quiet because of that, Mr. King. May I please have my phone back?"

"Maybe once I read this chat over. After all, the messages must be so much more captivating than my lesson for you to have your attention on them." Mr. King hummed. I could see his eyes skim the chat for the perfect line to use against me. Finally, he spoke again. "Aw, you cried yesterday? How adorable. How many grades do they let people skip in France to allow a kindergartner in my high school class?"

I felt my face redden out of embarrassment. My classmates' laughter rang in my ears, and I could sense myself becoming nauseous and lightheaded.

"I-I need to use the restroom." I stammered. I kept my gaze down to avoid the pleased looks of my classmates at my torture.

Mr. King's face formed a victorious grin as he handed me my phone back. "You are dismissed, Thomas."

I took my phone back instantly, hastily leaving the classroom as laughter erupted once more. My nausea only increased as I left; I was going to throw up. I forced myself to break into a run, focusing only on not having another negative thing for people to say about me.

Whenever I reached the nearest bathroom, I shakily managed to lock myself in one of the stalls. I held the rim of the toilet seat tightly, shutting my eyes. I let my breakfast - the one Alexander forced me to have - begin to come up.


After my unpleasant experience in the bathroom, I went to the nurse. She informed me that I had a fever after taking my temperature. She excused me from my classes for the rest of the day and gave me some medicine to help with my symptoms. I seized my backpack from Mr. King's bathroom and handed him my excuse slip. Once I was in the hallway and busy ignoring everyone's shoving and teasing, I pulled out my phone and texted James to request my work. As soon as I entered the dormitory, I took a cold shower and decided to get some sleep. Thus, I was woken up by my roommate upon his arrival.

"Thomas? It's Alexander. James gave me your work, and I brought you something to eat. He told me you threw up in the bathroom. We're in the same boat, huh?" Alexander chuckled slightly. He was obviously trying to lighten the mood.

"You didn't have to get me anything to eat, Alex." I yawned, sitting up in my bed.

"Thomas, you really need to eat more. That's why I've created a deal to make with you." Alexander slid me the bag of crisps.

"I'm listening." I nodded, reluctantly opening the bag. I ate the crisps as he spoke.

"You always tell me I need more sleep, and I always tell you that you need to eat more. I've decided that if you eat more, I'll sleep more. it'll be beneficial for both of us." Alexander held out his hand for a handshake. "What do you say?"

I thought for a moment before choosing to agree. "I'll do it. But I'm not shaking your hand. I have a fever."

Alexander laughed, pulling his hand back. "Okay, Thomas."

For the next hour and thirty minutes, the near-silence between us was comfortable. The only noise was Alexander and I's pens writing. That is, until there was a soft knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I volunteered, finishing up my final assignment before walking over to the door to answer. I opened it, a little shocked at the sight of the person standing there. "Erm, Samuel?"

Samuel bowed after noticing me. He was dressed in a black dress shirt with a pair of black pants. There was a Bible in his right hand and a bucket in his left. "Thomas Jefferson. I've noticed your recent... slip-ups, and I have to say that I am quite disturbed by them. During our encounters, I have uncovered a nice guy in that sinful exterior of yours, and I am pleased to say that I can save you from your soon to be... spiritual death."

I was beyond confused, so all I could respond with was a faint voice as I stared at my friend. "I'm sorry, what?"

Samuel nodded, stepping inside and carrying his bucket with him. "Thomas, I can save you. This is wrong. This whole..." He did a hand gesture. "Gay thing."

"I'm really confused, Samuel." I sighed.

"Obviously, yes." Samuel chuckled. "You think you like boys. This is easily just a mix-up."

"So what exactly are you trying to do? You're kind of scaring me." I admitted, watching Samuel discreetly shut the door.

"I'm going to baptize you, Thomas Jefferson." Samuel used his hand with the Bible to point to his bucket. "This was the best I could do since this lake has no access to a lake or water source."

"This will make me not gay how?" I raised an eyebrow. "I can tell you really care, Samuel, but I don't think you can turn it on or off like a light switch."

Samuel chuckled again, shaking his head. "Of course you wouldn't feel any different right away, but slowly you'll start to drift in the right direction." Samuel raised his bucket. "Where would you like to be baptized?"

I hadn't even noticed that Alexander had left his writing desk to join us. He smiled at Samuel, patting his shoulder. "Somewhere at a later date, and not by you. When he actually understands the significance of it." He pointed to the door. "Now, bye bye."

Samuel frowned, before nodding. "Alright. Just think about my advice, though. I'm sure there are plenty of females at this school that may catch your interest."


Alexander went down to the commissary for me and made me a macaroni and cheese cup. Once he handed it to me, I began to eat. The silence was disrupted by a thought I had to voice.

"You know, I actually do want Samuel to baptize me whenever we're older, though." I decided. "Don't let me forget."


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