Chapter Six [Alexander]

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I'll start referring to my roommate by his first name. Thomas. I guess he probably deserves it.

"Dinner is really good today.  It almost feels like they actually care about what we get to eat." I chuckled, pouring my rice into the small bowl of soup.

Hercules had been seated at his usual spot of the table, near to Lafayette. He grinned, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, reminds me of my food back at home."

"Really? Back in France, I don't think we'd ever make something like this. It's a little odd." Lafayette hummed, taking in a spoonful of his dish. "Quite delicious though." 

"Don't you guys eat turtles there?" John shuddered momentarily, setting down his bottle of water.

"No." Lafayette shook his head. "Well yes, but it's not a common dish. I think it's illegal to eat turtles...  you're thinking of escargot, which isn't turtle. It's actually snail."

"Thank goodness." John let out a soft sigh of relief.

A light thud was heard after I spotted Thomas standing next to our table. He looked slightly pissed off. Extremely pissed, actually. It was kind of scary.

"Have any of you seen my cell phone?" Thomas asked. His tone was bitter and laced with annoyance. His eyes landed directly on to me.

"No. I thought you took it back yesterday after I fell asleep." I shook my head.

"Why would we have your phone, Jefferson?" John rolled his eyes, straightening his posture. 

"The last time I recalled, you two were in the dorm before it went missing." Thomas nodded, rubbing his chin.

"Are you calling me a thief?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Who else would have taken it, Hamilton? It's either you or him. I need my phone back, please." Thomas reached across the table, holding out his hand.

"I learned it was rude to extend a hand over other people's food while they're eating." 

Thomas huffed, before pulling away and folding his arms. "Fine. I'd like it returned me after dinner is over." He said, before quickly storming off to his own table. 

"What's his problem?" Lafayette rolled his eyes. He was almost done with his plate.

"I honestly don't know." I took a sip of milk, setting the empty carton down on my lunch tray. 


It'd been a day since the phone thing at lunch.

I hugged my knees to my chest, as I glanced up at the ceiling. As much as I hate to admit it, it was a little boring without Thomas around. I hated working in silence. 

The lock clicked, as my dorm door swung open. I didn't bother to look at see who it was. "I thought you said you were coming over tomorrow, John."

"I'm not John." Thomas mumbled out, shutting the door behind him. "I found out where my phone was. Got it back as well."

"Really? That's great! Who had it? I told you we didn't take it." I grinned, momentarily glancing into Thomas' direction.

"Well actually. Your best friend did. Posted a few embarrassing pictures of me online." Thomas sighed, walking over to his bed. 

My eyes widened. "Damn. Erm, sorry about that. Did you two get in a fight or something? How'd you get that black eye?"

"Yes." Thomas muttered out. He took his songbook from off of the dresser. "You know how fights work, right? One person usually hits the other, they hit back. It continues until they both have minor injuries." He answered sarcastically.

"That looks pretty bad. I think you need to get that checked out with the nurse." I suggested.

"I'd prefer not to do that. Then they'll end up asking how I got it, and then once they find out... They'll probably call my parents, and I'll probably get my ass shipped back down to Virginia." Thomas shrugged.

"Oh, yikes. That makes sense, I guess." I remarked, shaking my head.

After I left for dinner, Thomas didn't head out around the same time he usually did. I didn't even see him at his table. I felt a little concerned for him since he seemed upset earlier. He needed something to eat. I'd be a pretty terrible roommate if I allowed him to die of malnutrition. 

"Anyways guys, like I same before. Please don't try to handle my problems for me." I shook my head, glancing down at my watch. I'd been referring to the incident earlier. "I've got to go check on something." 

"Alright! See you in a few." Hercules waved.

The school didn't really allow us to take lunch trays into the living area, so I got Thomas a few things from commissary I figured I could convince him to eat. 

I pulled open the dorm door, taking a quick peek inside before I stepped in. "Thomas?" I closed the door behind me after setting my things down. 

"Under here." A mumble was heard from across the room, under Thomas' bed. I don't know, or want to know how he managed to even get himself under there. He crawled out a few moments afterwards, propping his back against the dresser. "What do you need?"

"I brought you something to eat. You didn't come down for dinner." I set down the plastic bag on the table. 

"No thanks, I'm sorry." Thomas shook his head.

"What'd you have earlier?" I asked.

"Ermm..." Thomas paused for a moment before speaking. "Nothing."

"So do you prefer noodles or mac and cheese? I also brought up some Gatorade." I nodded, walking over to the microwave. 

"Fine. I guess I'll have the Mac and Cheese." Thomas shrugged.

"Thank you." I poured water into the macaroni cup, before heating it up and handing it over to Thomas with some Gatorade after I was done.

"Thanks." He nodded. "I prefer forks by the way."

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind." I sat down next to Thomas. He looked over at me, before beginning to eat in silence.

"..." I looked away. "So uh, how was your day?"

"Why are you talking?" Thomas asked, setting his spoon back down in the cup.

"It's too silent in here for me." I nodded. "Who eats in silence?"

"Me." Thomas shrugged. "We aren't allowed to talk while eating at my house."

"Oh." I mumbled. "Your parents sound kind of strict."

"They're not the best." He shook his head after taking a sip of Gatorade.

"I bet that gets a little annoying at times."

"A little?" Thomas chuckled. "Far more than a little."

End of Chapter Six.

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