Shøt - 2

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#3rd May 2019

After 4 months.....

Anika POV ~~~~~

Nothing is more important than money that's what i realised when my parents left me on my own, without giving a shit about me....

It's eight month of my pregnancy and still there isn't a single info about my husband , Oops!! whom i calling husband , he is a rapist , who raped me with a marriage lisence and get me pregnant to produce heir of his empire..

Day by Day my frustation is reaching height and i m getting more impatient for this delivery , I will run away from here and it's my decision , if my baby will a girl then i will take her with me because i know if i leave her then her life will be hell , if my baby will boy then i will go alone because i know i can't provide him the things he will get here , he will have bright future here...

"Anika drink this juice , it will make our grandson healthy" My mother in law said and i feel sick ..

"Okk mom" i replied and drunk the whole glass in a go..

"I did allot of shopping for my grandson, u want to see" She chirpped happily and i nodded positively with a best fake smile whom i learnt to put on face in front of guests , media and my Billionarie in laws...

She take me in a big good looking room more big than mine , Yeahhh!! i shift in another room some months before because that room was full with that beast images and i don't want my child like him , that's y i changed my room and living in a small room in this mansion...

I was listening my Mother in law bullshits and dreams about her grandson and get confirmed , if in this world , anyone can keep my baby boy happy with every damm thing he deserved is this family not me but in case of my baby girl it's totally opposite..

"Get ready Anika , today is your baby shower" My mother in law said bringing me out from my thoughts ..

"Jiii" i replied and left for my room with the help of a maid...

~~~ After 30 minutes , they made me ready in a heavy expensive dress and diamond jewelry , it's heavy and my body start burning but i kept my silence because it's Billionaries party , here ur dress , ur gifts , ur style shows what u are ..

I bring downstairs with the help of maids where the function is arranged and they made me sit in a Golden swing , All ladies surrounded me and start giving me blessing and showing their expensive gifts..


After there continuos blessing of giving birth a healthy son, they all head towards the Dinner table which is situated in mid of garden and i exhaled exhaustingly...

"Sorry for being mean baby , but ur mommy can't handle this more , u are a business tycoon's baby and i m his name sake wife , Please turn out as a boy i don't want a girl , because if i failed in running away then our life will hell" Few tears slide down from my eyes and i wipe then away from my chunri...

"U will eat only this salads today, i want my grandson healthy" My mother in law said serving me some potato , calliflower and leaves of god knows what "And i also want you fit like before because i can't take an ugly looking girl in society with me" She laughed tried to be joke but she itself didn't know , How it sounds when this words left her mouth..

Exhaling some breathes , i nodded silently and start chewing the salads, Only me and my baby know how much i m craving for icecream, But i can't speak out because if i did i will get reward by a big fitness health and all leacture..


After dinner everyone left and i too head towards my room . The best part of this prision ...

Once i get inside the room i lock the door behind me and my lips automatically tugged in a beautiful smile seeing a box type thing wrapping in a gift rapper.. Ohhh !! I forget to mention this part , I m getting every night a gift from someone unknown, Yaa i too much want to see the person but nor that person ever mention name neither come in front of me , but by the gifts choice and silly things i assumed the person is a girl..

Excitingly i unwrap the wrapper and a pull out the box , I opened the boz without wasting a second and my mouth start watering seeing butterscotch icecream in the box..

"AWWW !! atleast i get what i want" I kissed the box one time and next second jumped on icecream and start eating it quickly...


A man seen concentrating on laptop screen, His face is showing anger and as usual shine , No one can say this man work all night by seeing his face because there wasn't any tensed line on his forehead nor a tint of tiredeness..

A knock interupt his concentration and he pulled his eyes away from lappy screen and look towards person ..

"Say jullia" he said with no interest look...
"Shivay , I want to make ourself official" Jullia robert one of the famous actress in London said..
"It's not possible " Shivay said calmly and look back towards lappy screen..
"But Why?" Jullia shout gritting her teeth dangerously "From past one month i m warming ur bed and conffessing my love to you , You too enjoyed that na , Now what happen , i want us official else i m breaking up with u now"
"It's because i m Married , Okk broke up and about warming bed then listen there are a lott of actress who are dieing to warm my bed ,It's your luck i choosed you , i don't need a whore like you anymore" Shivay said harshly ..
"YOU PREVERT , JERK , ASSHOLE" Jullia shout but get cut in mid when a gaurd put tap on her mouth and other two dragged her away from his office ..


Heyyy !!

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