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"Anshul , Anshul" Anika cheered her baby boy who was just staring his Sister who took her first step and glowing with happiness... "Maaa" he cried looking towards Anika with hopes and get stand on his feet again gaining attention of his sister who turned back for her brother instead of taking steps .. Tears start welling in Anshul eyes and he again tried to walk but stumble , Ayesha tried to hold her brother hand preventing him to fall but she too stumbled and they both fell down and stare each other with cutee pout...

"Maa , papa" Both babies whinned loudly making Shivika pout.. "Try once more baby" Anika said and both babies stare her like she had grown two heads .. "Come on Anshu and Ayeshu" Shivay spread his hand for babies and they both smiled sweetly and again tried to stand .... Standing on their own feet they both intwinged their fingure and hold each other hand tightly and take their first step and get sucessfull too..

Smiling towards them with tears Anika hold shivay's arms tightly and giggle , Time passed really quickly it's all feel like a day before they both born and now here they both are walking..
"One year passed really quick shivay" Anika whispered hugging shivay's arms.... staring his wife teary and cutee face for a minute he quickly pecked her lips making her eyes widened... "Shivay" she whinned and felt a sudden touch on her shoulder, she quickly tear her gaze from her husband and look at the owner of little hands and her already wide eyes widened more when she find the other is none other than her cupcakes..

"Awww!! My baby" she take both tiny creature in arms and kissed their face making them giggle .. "Maa" they both said together and looked towards each other before giving a quick peck on Anika's cheeks... Smiling towards them Anika passed both of them to shivay who quickly pull them against his chest and showered them from kisses.. "p.a..pa" they both stammered little like they did on first day .. Ohhhh!! How can he forget their first word , Everything went opposite in Anshul and Ayesha matter , After being daddy's princess his little princess first word was "Maa" and his little prince first word was "p.a..pa" that too after stammering a little ... The memories bringed smile on shivay's face and he pecked his babies lips lightly .. "How long u both will take in calling me "Papa" without stammering?" Shivay pout sadly and faked crying making little ones worried.. and in tension they both whispered "Papa" without stammering and their hand reached close to his eyes for wiping tears ...

"Yeaaaa!! One more video in my baby file , when you both will become little big then i will show this to you both" Anika said happily closing the recording camera and putting the precious Camera in Almirah..


Rocking Ayesha lightly in his arms , Shivay pulled the nipple bottle away from her mouth , She frowned blinking furiously for gaining some sleep and clutch her father kurta tightly in fist , Shivay gently lay down on bed with Ayesha on chest and kept patting her head lovingly , After getting pet from her father she finally slept , her grip loosened on his kurta and she kept her ears right above to her father chest, His slow heartbeat worked like lullaby and she smiled lightly in her sleep.. Shivay caressed her hair few more minutes before tugging her on bed and surrounding her by pillow.. he once again kissed her forehead before covering her from blanket and leaving the room...


"Anshul stop " Anika screamed and run behind her one year old son who is trying his best to hold dog's tail and get sucessfull too , his fingure hit dog's tail gaining dog's attention..

"Bhaww , Bhaww" dog barked dangerously and was about to jump on Anshul whose bright smile faded away from his face and get covered by fearfull expression but before Any harm happen Anika pulled her son away from the range of dog and hugged his body tightly...

"Maaa wyuttaa *kutta* " he cried holding Anika's top in his fist tightly and sobbed keeping his head on her shoulder..

"Aur chuu le puch ushki" Anika said strictly patting her baby boy back and laughed little on his sad pout before pecking his pouts..


With a sleeping Anshul in arms Anika head towards her room and frowned seeing Ayesha sleeping on bed all alone ..
"Where is Shivay went now?" She murmured and make Anshul lay beside comfortably , covering him from soft blanket she left the room in search of her husband...


Passing through one of guest room Anika called her husband name hundredth times but didn't get any response , her heart start beating wildly in her chest due to worry and her voice start cracking ...

"S...shi..shivay" Anika called him once more and finally the salty drops of water made way from corner of her eyes travelling down from her pink cheeks.. "Shiv..." before she took his name Someone pull her inside the dark guestroom suddenly making her screammm ...

"Anika , it's me" Shivay whispered huskingly tracing his fingure from her neck to shoulder..

"U scared me" Anika hit shivay on his chest and kept her palms over her chest "What the hell are you doing in this dark room?" Anika ask sternly seeing her surrounding...

"Ummm !! I was.... " Shivay traced his lips from his wife cheeks till the skin where neck and shoulder meet "i was preparing this room for preparation of new member" said shivay cockily and Anika stared him in confussion...

"Preparing for the preparation mean??" Anika questioned puzzlingly and Shivay hit his head on wall dramatically turning on the lights of room making Anika squeal in suprise.. The whole room was filled with small baby toy , Anshul & Ayesha lil one month socks boots and many new things like craddle and ol.. it take Anika some minutes in understanding and she blushed ... Her eyes roam from one corner to other and get stuck on the bed which is covered from white pink , red roses and lights.. She blink fastly few minutes before opening her mouth for saying something but shivay cut her off in mid by crashing his lips against her


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