Epîløğüê 😍🙈🔥

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After 10 months~~~

After 20 failed attemps of standing on feet the little one year old baby fell down tiringly with a sad face and look towards her father pouting sadly with some hopes , Staring her sister for few second the little twince Anshul pout sadly and tried to sit back but fell on matress hitting his head against his sister.. Her sad pout turn in a pissed one and Ayesha was about to turn on her loud speaker but before that at mean time the little baby boy hold his sister hand giggling cutely and tried to stand on his feet again , Ayesha too tried to stand with his brother taking his hand as well as headboard support but failed resulting they both fell on bed again ..

"Help them Shivay" Anika shout making her babies video from recording camera ..

"Let them do their own baby" Said shivay gazing his babies lovingly and sipping his Americano..

Anshul and Ayesha look at each other for few minutes grumpily , Anshul take his hand back from his sister hand making her sad and again tried to stand and get suceed too .. Seeing him standing on feet Ayesha too tried to stand but failed , She let out a soft cry irritatingly and tears made their way down from her blue orbs...

"Ayeshu try baby" Shivay said keeping his coffee mug away , "U are strong baby na , Don't cry" Anika said sitting beside shivay setting camera on corner table for recording everything..

Seeing his sister crying , Anshul's smike too faded and he clutch the little lengthy headboard which is touching his chins too much tightly and touch Ayesha shoulder from his free hand giving his hand to her , Staring her brother with puffy eyes and a cutee pout Ayesha take hold of his hand and hold side of head board from her free hand and tried to stand and this time she too got suceed .. The tears in her blue innocent orbs faded away and a cutee smile covered her face , looking down to her feet she giggled and hold her brother hand more tightly , They both laughed together making their parents 'Awww' who was hugging each other tightly on their baby successfull attemp.. Anshul & Ayesha stumbled little and was about to fall but before that two pairs of hands hold them and took them in arms and kissed their cheeks lovingly seeing their fearfull expression..

"Don't worry we will never let you both fall" Said Shivika together and their babies keep their head on their shoulder.. Being Mumma's boy Anshul wrapped his arms around his mumma and yawn tiringly keeping his head on his Mumma's Shoulder.. And the little papa's princess take hold of her dad nose and rubbed her nose against his copying hia actions making them Smile...

"Shivay" Anika said with a smile and point toward camera "Shut that off now" she said sweetly and lay down on bed with Anshul near her chest and start unbuttoning her blouse under duet for feeding Anshul.. Picking Camera from table Shivay keep their best memories saver on Almirah and kissed his daughter nose who was gazing camera with mischief in eyes..

After feeding Anshul and patting his head lightly Anika give Anshul in shivay's arm and take Ayesha from him who snuggled in her mother warmth as soon as she get.. She hold her mumma sarree in fist lightly and stare her mommy for few minutes with a cutee smile on her face , After few minutes Ayesha yawned and forwarded her hand for touching mumma's breast.. Kissing forehead of little one Anika put her breast in her mouth and baby start sucking fastly and hungrily.. After sucking few minutes Ayesha too drifted in sleep and Anika button up her blouse back and take Ayesha in arms...

Getting in their baby small room which is attached with their room parted by a little door , Shivika put their baby on bed and covered them from their soft blanket and head back in their room ..

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