Shøt - 4

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"Shivay , Where are you going?" A girl ask with a frown on her face..
"Nitya , I need to go India urgently , Mom called me there, I will be back here soon , okk" he said lovingly.
"okk" Girl said with a smile and kissed his cheeks making him smile ..

Without wasting a more second he drive towards airport and get inside in his Private jet , After 15 minutes of giving instruction , Plane take off.


"Nurse, bring another towel" Shout Doctor and give a pity look to Anika who is shouting loudly in pain but looking towards the baby whose lifeless body is in another nurse hand.. "Mera baccha" She shout more in both physically & Emotionally pain.. Her heartbeat get suddenly slow and she let out one more scream loudly .. "Ohh my god !! Anika , Anika please don't close ur eyes" Doctor plead and a nurse sprink a little water on Anika face.. "One more push Anika , Only one more" Doctor shout and an Old Nurse hold her hand in sympathy . "I ... I .. C...can't , I can't" She cried out staring towards her baby boy with tears flowing down from her eyes..

"Anika , u can , I know u can " Doctor said giving her courage .. "I can't" She cried once more ..


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Anika see that's ur another baby , One push and she will be in your Arms,Only one push" Doctor said pointing towards screen, Gathering all her courage she pushed one more time, A small head peep out from her vagina and next second the baby is in doctor arms .. Cleaning her small body Doctor smacked her bum but instead of girl boy start crying , All eyes in the ward widened with amaze

Happy tears start flowing from Anika eyes but turn in sad one when she see her daughter is silent in Doctor arms, She give doctor a fearfull look

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Happy tears start flowing from Anika eyes but turn in sad one when she see her daughter is silent in Doctor arms, She give doctor a fearfull look ..

"W.. why s..she isn't" Anika asked in tiring tone and Everyone attention went on Other baby , Nurse smack the bum of baby boy one time but instead of boy girl start crying. A wide smile spread on Anika face, She forward her hand for taking her both baby .

"Congratulation" All lady Doctor in ward said together and give both babies in Anika arms.. "Let me inform ur in laws too" Doctor said with a smile and about to go but before that Anika speak up "Wait" . turning her head back doctor raised her eyebrow asking through eyes.. "Don't tell them about my baby girl, please" She plead.. "It's against our rule" Doctor said sternly.. "Please Dr , just don't tell them about girl please" She plead with tears in her eyes.. seeing the look of full pain in Anika eyes Dr nodded positively.. "Okk" she said and left the ward...

"How is my Grandson?" Mr  Oberoi asked as soon as Doctor come out from ward , Her brow squint in disgust on his question and the reason behind Anika pleading start clearing in her mind .. "Ohh !! Ur grandson is fine" Doctor replied sacrastically with a pity look in hed eyes.. "Can we see him?" he asked in excited tone .. "No , U can't actually Nurse is cleaning him and he is premature so we need to keep him under some Observation for almost 10 hours, So it will take time" lied Doctor with an angry expression "I think u guys should go in VIP room because it will take time" She said and left... "we should wait" Said Mr Oberoi and Mrs Oberoi nodded positively in response...

After 8 hours~~~~

Shivay reached in hospital and directly went in waiting room for meeting his parents... "Hey Mum" he said hugging her mother and passed a cold glare to his father... "Congratulation Shivay, u become father" Mrs Oberoi said cheerfully and pull his cheeks making him twist his mouth in irritation.. "Ohkay!!" he gave a cold reaction and sit on a couch far away from his Mom & Dad..


"If a mother die after giving birth to a baby then How can family member feed baby" Anika asked from an Old nurse ... "Ummm , then they will keep baby in nurcessary with premature baby under Doctor Observation, and after some month when baby will be able to drink from nipple bottle and spoon then they will take baby with them , Anyway Why are you asking?" Old nurse replied .. "Aive hi , For knowledge " Anika shrugg her shoulder and look towards the crib where both baby is laying with their fingures intertwinged with each other..

"Pass me Baby please" Anika said in her sweet voice .. "Hmm , take" Nurse pass both baby to her .. "I want sometime alone " Anika said with a puppy eye and the nurse left...

"Aww , u r choo cutee shona" Anika kiss the red cheeks of her baby boy with tears in her eyes .. "Let me conffess , Mumma loves you allot"  She kissed his forehead closed eyes and peck his pink thin lips.. "Mumma really love u " She closed her eyes tightly and about to make him lay on his crib but before that baby open his eyes revalling the beautifull pair of blue eyes .... She kissed his eyes once more and open the buttons of her gown and start feeding the little baby... "I m sorry" She whispered and tears start spilling out from her eyes...


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