Shøt - 12 ♥♥

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Some more days flew like this , Anika start enjoying the feelings of being in his arms , Every night they use to cuddle with each other and again in the Morning they went back on their old selves giving each other silent treatment....

"Tonight is a business merging party in house Anika, i want you in my side" Said shivay breaking the silence in breakfast table.. "Hmm" hummed Anika without sparing a look to him.. "And if you can then check the preparations once before seven" he said staring towards her while she kept her eyes low.... "Byee, see you at evening" Shivay said and her eyes widened in shock , it's first time in past a month that he talked with her and also said byee.. As soon he left a warm smile spread on her beautiful face and she head towards her room smiling..

Whole Morning & Afternoon went in party preparations and evening came , the mansion shine brightly and everything look perfectly perfect, Anika smiled with satisfaction and head back to her room for getting ready... She look towards her babies who are sleeping cutely , but as soon as her eyes fell back on her daughter Nitya accussation crossed her mind "Shivay killed my daughter" this words are ringing in her mind from past month but she never had enough courage to ask from anyone..

"Anika, Are you ready?" Came Nitya pissed voice.. "I am almost done , just two minute , u go i will be there" replied Anika in her sweet and calm voice.. "That's gr8 , Come soon shivay is searchinh for you" said Nitya gritting her teeth and left from there.. Anika wear a royal blue full length gown and curled her lengthy hair making them look a bit small , putting some light makeup on face she head downstairs nervously...

As soon as she stepped last stairs , A hand wrapped around her waist and suddenly pull her towards him , she angrily look up towards person but calmed as soon she realise the person is none other than her husband.. "U wife is really beautiful Mr Oberoi" Said a man and took Anika hand in his and kissed back of her palms "thxx allot Mr jodez , Now please excuse us" Said Shivay looking towards his hold on her wife palms.. "Yaa sure" Said Mr jodez and left not before checking out Anika's chest and bum..

Party start getting high and all mens gulp some shots of Alcohol including Shivay , Anika exhaled uncomfortably and look towardd her husband who is already staring her with allot emotions in his eyes.. "I am not comfortable here anymore" Said Anika nervously and Shivay loosen his grip on her waist .. "I will call off party after half an hour you go and rest" Shivay said politely and let her go..

As soon as Anika step up the stairs and turn towards her room she get pinned against the wall by someone ... "U are too much beautifull sexy" She smelled drink in man voice and struggled against the grip of drunk man .. "Leave me please" She plead and struggled in his tight hold.. "Only one time let me see and explore ur body i will leave and i promise no one will get to know about this" the drunk man placed his lips on her throat and she shake her head violently "I said leave me" She shout but her voice muffled by the loud music in living room "Only one time sexy" he tried to place his hand on her breast but before that she push him away and tried to run away but for her badluck she direct fell on floor and get hurt on her lips and knees , the drunk man pulled her towards his body dangerously and in this process he twist her ankle badly making her winch in pain.. "Shi..vay" she cried out his name and tears start flowing from her eyes.. "Only once please , i promise i will di in best way " the man drag her from her legs to a random room making her scared as hell .. "Please leave me please " she plead but her pleadings showed no effect on person , he opened his jacket and close the door and start unbuttoning his shirt .."Leave me please" she plead again and tried to run away but because of her twisted ankle she fell badly on floor and winched in pain.. "Now stop sexy" the drunk man head towards her with bare chest and she cried in fear , she shout loudly but the man move towards her with evil smile.. he was about to open the zip of her gown but stop in mid listening the dangerous voice..

"Don't you dare to put your dirty hands on her"

The man turn towards entrance and Anika too look towards the person and find the great shivay singh oberoi on the entrance looking furious and mad .. he stormmed inside and pull the drunk man body away from Anika and without wasting a second hit him on his crotch by his knees making him cry out in pain.. Anika sighed in relief and pull her both knees near to her chest, she stare Shivay who is kicking wildly on man's crotch and the man lost his conscious , With allot of courage she take two step towards him and tried to hold him .. "Shivay stop" Shout Anika and throw herself on him making him stop and wrap his arms around her possessively.. "U will kill him" she said lovingly and rub her palms on his chest .. "He touched you , he bloodt touched my wife " Said Shivay and kicked on man stomach making him cough.. "Stop please" she plead and tried to pull him away but winched in pain..

"Did he hurt you" Shivay asked concernly and pull Anika more in him .. "U are drunk" Anika whisper and he hummed "But i never loose my sense" he whispered in her ear and call bodygaurd for sending man hospital and pick Anika soft body in his arms .. Staring him for some mintes Anika whisper a thanks .. "Don't say thxx i don't save you i saved myself" Shivay whispered back and her eyes widened in shock... He put her gently on bed and take her twisted ankle in his palms and rub his thumb on her ankle gently..

"Why you killed her daughter?" Anika asked all of sudden in broken voice and he stare her silently with tears in his eyes.. "I didn't kill her daughter , the truth is something else Anika" his voice cracked in mid and for controlling his sobbings he push his lips against her and suck her lower lips passionately due to sudden kiss Anika didn't respond but as soon as she recovered she kiss him back with all her might.. they both broke the kiss and stare each other in silence but suddenly one of them spoke making other suprised as well shocked

"Please let me make love to you"


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