Shøt - 10

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"No baby, Mumma is right here na , don't cry" Anika peck the soft pink petals of her daughter and remove her top , she sided her bra and put her breast in baby mouth and about to pull blanket for covering her half naked body but before that door opened with flung and Shivay storm inside gazing on his phone.. "No !!" Anika shout and turn her back towards him, shivay look over his phone and his eyes get stucked on her back..

"Ummm.. i m here for calling you for dinner" Shivay said awkwardly and turn back on his heels.. "Okk.. i will be righy there after putting babies on their craddle" said Anika with her cheeks red in embarassement.. "Do you need help?" He asked turning over his shoulder.. "No thxx, i will handle " Anika replied and rock the baby girl.. "Okk" sighed shivay and left the room.

"Why nitya lied to me? , Why this man is behaving too good with me , Why he is showing like he love my daughter?" Again the insecure side and her brain asked.. "I need my Answers, i m badly trapped" Anika mumbled and patt the head of baby boy and after some minutes both babies fell in sleep intwinging their fingures together..

Anika come out from room and look around , she saw stairs and start stepping down from stairs and reached in living room..
"She is here" She listen nitya voice and turn towards the direction , her eyes widened in shock when she saw her feeding soup to shivay who is sitting silently on sofa and staring her with a different emotions in her chest.. Anika felt anger building inside her , she know there are allot differences between her and her husband but also she can't help and feel jealous seeing him to close to nitya..

"What happened to him suddenly?" Asked Anika in shivering voice seeing his body lazy movements.. "It's not suddenly Anika , it's been four years he is like this " Nitya bent a lil down and kissed the forehead of person.. "No believe me i saw him all fine in my room some minutes before"Anika said and take steps towards them.. "Not him , You saw me in your room" come a man hoarse voice from behind and Anika jump from her place.. "What the fuck ? , u donkey" She shout in scaring voice and silence prevaled in room , Anika's eyes widened in shock and a affraid look captured her face.. "i .. i ..m sorry" Anika whispered in scaring tone .. Nitya and Shivay stare her scared face and cutee pout for a minutes , A low giggle escaped from Mahi's lips , All eyes widened in shock , it's first time in past four years that Mahi giggled , Trio turn their head towards him but Anika's eyes held confussion , She first look towards Mahi and then turn towards Shivay , "They both are twince Anika" Said Nitya and hold her hand .. "I know u are angry and confussed Anika but believe us Anika we are doing best for you and your babies" Nitya said looking straight in Anika eyes.. "Why No one mentioned about you in Ob..." before Anika complete her words Nitya press her hand tightly and nodded negatively , Nitya turn towards Mahi with love care and concern in her eyes and hold his hand tightly .. "Do you want to go in bedroom Mahi?" She asked and brushed the tip of her thump in back of his palms.. "Hmm" he hummed and forward his hand for shivay to hold , they both made him sit on wheel chair. "Bhabhi , u stay i will be back after making bhaiya sleep" Said Shivay and head towards another side of hall..

"What happened with bhaiya?" Asked Anika and sit beside nitya on sofa.. "U want to know everything na?" Nitya asked back and Anika nodded positively in response..

"I am elder daughter in law of oberois , Me and Mahi was in love from eight years everything was good , that time i was in fourth semester of MBA and he was handling his dad business , Everything went well between us and we both get married and there start destruction , destruction of my dream my life everything , Our father in law isn't the man like he looks , it's oberois tradition they marry with a woman for giving birth of child and handling them and they keep a woman in side line for pleasure" Nitya said and take a deep breathe , Anika stars her like a lost puppy.. "He said Mahi to do same but being in love with me and his loyality for me never let him do this, he didn't follow his father orders ...


"Love make persons weak Mahi, i m not saying you to not take pleasure from ur wife , i m just saying try this model too , u will enjoy her company" said Mr oberoi in a serious tone..

"I m not going to do any this type of shit, i m your son but i m not like you" Shout Mahi angrily and stare his father with dusgust..

"It's our family rule Mahi , i too have a sideline woman and i love your mother too" Said Mr Oberoi and his voice start getting harsh..

"Shut up father , Don't dirt the word love , i saw ur love when i was 10 i still remember how u killed my sister in my mother womb" Shout Mahi ..

"Yaa i killed because Daughters are not meant for this house , It's Oberois house where daughter never borned and if by any mistake they borned then they get killed because here heir is needed not a burden" Spit Mr Oberoi vemon and Mahi stare him furiously...

"I will not follow your path ever not in this birth not in next seven birth" Spat Mahi angrily..

"Then fine , forger the chair of head of the company , go and find shelter for urself " Said mr oberoi angrily..


We both left the Mansion that day and move in other Delhi , Again everything start getting better and after some months i found i was pregnant" Nitya eyes teared up again and a sad smile spread on her lips.. "We were too much happy unknown from the storm which gonna hit us soon" tears spilled out from her eyes ..

"What happened?" anika ask in cracking voice and tighten her hold on Nitya hand..

"Mr Oberoi get to know about my pregnancy don't know from where and came Delhi to meet us , he ranted thousand sorries with crocodile tears but.. "Nitya stopped in mid..

"But what?" asked Anika...

"This time shivay too was with him"


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