Lâst Shøt Eñđ

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Shivay take his both babies in arms and patt their cheeks for gaining any reaction from them because both babies become numb after listening the loud gun shot , Anshul the baby boy just react the patt by blinking his eyelashes but the little Ayesha whose tiny arms were tied by rope giving her pain and the loud gun shots and the screams made her mind numb , she didn't even blink once after they freed her hands and others..

"Is Everything is fine Shivay?" Asked Mahi in concerned tone gaining shivay's attention who was continuosly patting his little daughter cheeks for getting response..

"Bhai , Ayeshu isn't responding" Shivay said in affraid tone and hold Ayesha close to his heart , His heart start beating wildly in fear and his mind went blank thinking about Anika..

"Give her to me" A worried Nitya snatch Ayesha from shivay's arms not before passing pihu to priya.. They all settled in car with Ayesha in Nitya's lap , Nitya too patt Ayesha cheeks a lil harshly for gaining any kind of reaction but failed miserably , She shook her body lightly but all get is silence in return.. "Shivay , Ayeshu isn't reacting" Nitya said and tears fell down from her eyes seeing the always crying girl all silent...  "Ayesha" Shivay called her in cracked voice and feel his eyes betraying him... Silent tears made their ways from corner of his eyes and he pull his baby from Nitya's lap and pressed her tightly against his chest.. Anshul who was already laying on Priya's lap extended his hands for touching his twince who flinched by his touch and clutched shivay's Shirt tightly in her fist... Noticing her sudden act Shivay look down and smiled weakly seeing Anshul trying to touch his twince who completely curled in shape of ball for preventing herself from any kind of touch..


Reaching in Mansion Shivay said everyone to go to their room , he showed priya her room which is on the way of his room and directly head towards his room with crying Anshul and numb Ayesha in his arms where he locked his wife some hours before, he opened the door slightly and find Anika sitting on floor with her head in her palms sobbing lightly...

"Anika" Shivay shutter , Anika instantly raised her head listening his weak voice and her baby crying voice , she got up from her place without wasting a second and run towards them and snatch her both baby from his arms and press them tightly against chest.. Anshul who was already crying due to hunger start wiggling in her arms , but Ayesha who was numb from some hours stayed in same position and clutched Anika's dress in her fist..

"Ayeshu" Anika called her daughter name fearfully seeing her totally numb and passed a hatefull glare to Shivay who was already looking down in guilt... "What happened with my Daughter?" Anika screamed on Shivay and shake her sweet baby a little , whose face is covered with a blank expression  and fist are clutching Anika's dress tightly.. Tears slide down from Anika eyes and she shake her daughter lil more harshly..

"Ayeshu" her voice cracked and she make crying Anshul lay on craddle and shake her numb daughter but didn't get any reaction .. "What the hell happened with my daughter" she shout on Shivay angrily as soon as her eyes fell on the dark red no no almost black marks on her wrist.. "Anika , i don't.. k..kno..know why , what" Shivay shuttered and recieced a hatefull glare from Anika who is rubbing her daughter tiny palms and hairs continuisly..

"Go from here Shivay before i say something we both regret later" Anika said in dangerous and angrier tone , Shivay bent towards Anshul for holding him but before that Anika hold his hand stopping him to pick Anshul..

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