Shøt - ❣❣❣

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"I cheated you when you were in INDIA Anika" As soon as the word left his mouth her calm face start heating again but not because of their closeness or present state , it's because of her anger , Her body shivered and she raised her head lil to look straight in his eyes but for her own shock his blue hypnotising eyes were already vunerable and broken...

The one part of her want to shout on this man and slap him hard for his guts, who on the earth can confess this type of thing after a great love making, But her another part who notice the depth of his pain in his eyes want him to continue and spit everything out, She want him to tell her everything and broke the hidden wall between them but somehow the first part over powered her mind and she shoved his arms around her waist .. Supposing her next action soon shivay again wrapped his arms around her but this time tightly ..

He want to tell her everything , the every damm thing which make him like it

"Listen to me only once" He look straight in her eyes and pulled her fragille soft body more in him... His blue eyes met hers and she nodded positively keeping her head on his chest , It's not she isn't angry , it's just she don't want to behave like a fool woman and move away from him when she get him after an year or more .. She just don't want to leave her man for other womens to use.

"U know My Dad always told me that Love make person weak" said shivay and let out a shaky breathe "It do Anika , Love make person weak" his eyes start tearing up and he pulled her chin up with help of thumb and make her look straight in his eyes "The first woman with whom i slept was you , Anika Shivay Singh Oberoi , My Wife" he smiled proudly yet nervously and pecked her lips  "I know u was and are angry on me for that night but not only you I too lost my virginity that day" his conffession shocked her to the core , She can't help but her lips curved a lil up "I left you that day on bed because if i stayed there with you then i wasn't able to left you" he caresses her cheeks from the tip of his thumb and pecked her forehead "I pissed from you and thought you money minded like your parents" he exhaled and tightened his arms around her .. "Your parents sold you on the day of wedding as my one night stand, he even agreed to take you back after the birth of heir of my dad empire" tears slide down from his eyes travelling to his cheeks but before they reach more down Anika's lips absorbed them "My dad wanted a grandson whom he tortured like me and made like me " he said and his voice shown pure  disgust in his voice "But i don't want our son to be another shivay Anika" his eyes travelled and stop on the baby crib in which his both babies are sleeping peacefully  "U married with me for my money, name & fame this is what my dad told me, I used to hate you , hate u like hell for marrying me for my money , for my name without caring about urself and the hell in which u gonna live" he said angrily and his blue eyes turned red  "I believed on my dad words that day again like a fool and left you " he sighed and turn a lil making her back hit the soft matress.. "But when i get to know u was pregnant believe me i didn't left you alone for a single second Anika and from there i started noticing you , when u was a week pregnant , Most of the time i used to spent in front of computer screen and stare you because that was all i can do " he smiled and his rough hands touched her bare tummy "i wanted to feel my child inside you , i wanted to help you in your morning sickness , i wanted to pull you close to me and console you when u used to cry at night because of me and believe me i wanted to yell on you for choosing me & my money" Shivay hovered her body again and touched her eyes lips and cheeks , his tear fell from his eyes and land on her eyes breaking her control and her eyes start flowing too.. "But u proved me that my dad fooled me again by telling shit about you , when i noticed u twisting mouth seeing the expensive dress and heavy jwellery and getting irritate from my mother high society kitty party and friend , i get to know u aren't the person my dad explained" he wrapped his both arms around her and breathe in relief , a smile tugged on his lips and he kissed her shoulder..

Pulling herself away , Anika let her hand roam on his chest and stopped on the big scar on his lower abdomen.. she exhaled a heavy breathe and raised her eyes again and look straight in his eyes.. but before she ask or say anything he continued again..

"I start falling for you when i saw you getting happy on the small gifts sended by me , i loved the feeling when u smile widely seeing the butterscotch in gift box and kiss the wrapper like a little kidd" he chuckled softly and Anika forget the question she was about to ask ...

"And that day i realised 'LoVE MAKE PERSON WEAK'"...


Heyyy !!!


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