Shøt - 6

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"Aaahhhh!!" Anika winch in pain and hold her head tightly... "It's Paining" She murmured to herself and look her surrounding , her eyes went wide when she notice cream colour walls and red curtains in her surrounding..

"Where i am? , Where is my baby?" She thought and her chest become heavy. She climb down from bed silently and take some steps forward and stop beside a baby crib and find the baby boy sleeping peacefully, A reliefed smile spread on her lips but soon fade away when she notice the absence of another baby...

"Where the helll i am ? Where is my daughter?" She shout loudly and bang the door harshly making her knuckles bleed.. "Where is my daughter?" She cried in fear and clutch her chest tightly soon darkness overtook her and she fell on the floor...


After - 30 minutes......

"Nothing need to worry now, that was stress attack" Said Doctor .. "Is she conscious?" Asked a girl in her sweet melodious voice ... "No, She will get her conscious back in some minutes, just try not to give her any kind of stress , she delievered baby her body is weak " Said Doctor and write down some vitamin tablets and handover paper to girl .. "Thankyou Dr" said girl and leave Dr till door...


"Sir nor Mrs Oberoi neither baby girl is in room" said a nurse panickly. "What the hell are you blabbering, Check Dr cabin once" Shout Shivay in anger.. "Sir i checked there twice" She said shivering in fear.. "I will sue this hospital if anything happened with my baby & Wife" he shout in anger and take out his phone and dial his Mother number , she pick the call on 3rd ring..

"hello" his mother said from her side.. "Mom , Everything is messed here , Anika & baby isn't in hospital" he said in calm tone ... "What?" Mrs Oberoi asked in shock.. "Yes Mom , A lady saw her running away with baby, i think she ran away" Said shivay with a dirty smirk ... "What the hell are you saying, She can't do anything like this ,i know her" Said Mrs Oberoi in panic tone.. "What's wrong?" asked Mr Oberoi and snatched phone from his wife hand.. "What happen?" Mr Oberoi ask in harsh & rough tone ... "Ur daughter in law ran away with her daughter" Said Shivay followed by a mocked smile... "So Why are u telling us , We don't care if she & her daughter live or die" said Mr Oberoi in a casual tone.. "Mind ur tounge" Shivay said dangerously and  cut the calll...


Anika open her eyes lightly and find the similar surrounding , She tried to sit but failed miserably , She was about to fall but before that two soft hand hold her and help her in sitting.. Anika shove the hand off and look towards the girl angrily...

"Where the hell i am?" Shout Anika in angry tone...
"Ummm... Calm down" Girl said politely .
"I asked something ,Where the hell i am?" Anika asked in anger but this time her voice cracked ..
"In my place " Said girl and passed a glass of juice towards Anika , but instead of taking glass anika shove glass away..
"Where is my Daughter ? Is she safe? , they will make her life hell , i need to go " She said and wipe away her tears , she tried to climb down from bed but failed because of the weakness amd fell back on matress

"Hey please Calm down, Your both babies are in crib only" Said girl and point towards the crib where both baby are sleeping peacefully , She make Anika sit comfortably and pass soup towards her..

"Why you bring me & my baby here?" Asked Anika in affraid tone..

"Ummm ... because i want u trio safe and myself happy " said girl with a smile and tug napkin around Anika neck and start feeding her soup which she accept silently.

"I don't get ur intentions , i don't even know you " said Anika with a cutee pout like a little child making girl smile..

"No doubt , ur babies gonna be super cutee" Said Girl with smile and kept empty boul on side table..

"My In laws will find us because they know i delievered son , u will get in trouble , please don't get urself in this" Anika plead innocently...

"No, they know u delievered babygirl so In anger of not getting a grandson ur father and Mother in law went back in Mansion, they don't care about u and ur daughter" Said Girl with anger in her voice .... Anika face fell down, she look towards girl and ask "How you did all this , who are you?"

"Ummmm ... it was too much simple, When u made baby wear cloth i hit ur head from behind and then i make u sit on a wheel chair and take you out from hospital with your baby boy and bring u here. After leaving u here i went back in hospital and pay some money to a nurse for telling ur in laws that u delievered baby girl not boy, so they left u on ur own and that's all happened, ur father and Mother in law went back in mansion without caring about u and ur daughter after that i bring ur daughter here too" Explained girl happily with a smile...

"Why are you helping me this much , Who are you?" Asked Anika with a pout ..

"I m Nitya"


Heyyy !!!

Happy Eid to you alll ♡♡♡♡

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