Cast & Chapter 1: Nightmare Of Reality

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Thank you for clicking on the book and giving it a chance. This is my first written long piece so go easy on me. I hope you enjoy!


Main Characters







This is my very first book comments are appreciated. Please give it a chance! Any grammatical errors I apologize. Thanks for reading!


Chapter 1: Nightmare Of Reality

My father's soft humming filled his lab as he tinkered with a smooth black rock with light blue seeping out of the cracks. He went over to his beloved microscope my mother had gifted him adjusting the lenses. His footsteps in time with the tune. The lab was pure white with everything meticulously in it's rightful place. It smelled like bleach and tinged with my father's cologne. I was fascinated by this rock that literally glowed through the cracks. It was smooth in my hands and as black as coal. The black of the rock contrasted with the light blue light beautifully. It shimmered as if it was almost alive. My father continued to work humming along with a rare smile on his face.

A loud boom echoes in my ears, my father's smile replaced by pure shock and confusion before I see red and orange flames devour him like it was it's last meal. His screams and my own echo in my ears before my vision is reduced to being engulfed by those same flames. The screams suddenly stop and the crackling of the dying fire is the last thing I hear. My vision blurs and fades to black.

I jump upright in my own bed taking lung fulls of oxygen as if I was starved. Sweat made my shirt cling to my skin. I could feel a tingling sensation as if I could feel the burns. The night is pitch black, only light coming from the moon. I take deep breaths and force myself to calm down, trying to stay quiet enough to not wake my Aunt. This is a usual occurrence for the last 14 years so you'd think by now I would be use to it.

"It's just a nightmare" I tell myself "That is all too real"

I push off my bed covers and walk towards the glass window to my right. The town is lifeless and dark, only the moon and odd streetlamp lighting it up. I check the time, it's nearly 3:00 am. I quietly open the window taking note my Aunt is very close by and climb onto the tiled roof. I sit down and begin to stargaze and taking breaths of fresh night air.

I discovered this always helped me rid those dark thoughts that often came to my mind at night. I could wake Al and seek comfort but, that isn't fair on her. I can't let my past dictate my life, or hers. I haven't woken her up that since the first night I stayed with her. My father wasn't there to tuck me in, or mother to check on me when she thought I was sleep.... That was the hardest.. At first the dreams only had scraps of information however, as I got older more was revealed. One of the times my photographic memory was a curse. Lately, they've gotten more intense as if it's warning me a threat is coming. I've been recalling more and more details. I can feel it in my bones... Something is coming.

The cool air and the smooth tiles beneath me start to calm my racing thoughts.

I begin to look at Draco constellation, it was my favorite. It means dragon in Latin, dragons are brave, fearless just like how I need to be. The clear crystal stars contrast beautifully to coal black curtain. They are dotted aimlessly as if an artist flicked them onto his canvas. My mind begins to slow down and it's thoughts and heart rate even out. I breathe normally, I can see it like a grey mist each breath. It's cold but, I don't feel extreme temperatures much anymore due to my training. Speaking of I needed to get sleep for it in the morning, I head back inside not making a single sound my stealth training paying off.

I quickly and quietly close the window, I will need to be up at sunrise for training so sleep no matter how tormented is needed. I climb into my soft, white bed sheets and close my eyes drifting into a peaceful sleep not tormented by nightmares.

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