Chapter 11: The Past, Present & Problems

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"Biometric lock, of course" Al says sighing rubbing her forehead.

She puts down her fingerprint but, it gets rejected.

"Brilliant any ideas genius?" Al says looking at me

"Let me try mine" I say placing my finger on the lock.

I grin in triumph at Al's face and savor it for a moment because Al always knows what to do.

I hear the vault door unlock, I look to Al who just shrugs her shoulders. Al steps in first me following behind. It's dark the only light being from Al's gun. Our footsteps echo as we step in. I start to feel much stronger the minute I step in and quickly dismiss it. Kim and Vic warily

"Did we just step into a horror movie? This the part where the killer is totally behind us?" Kim asks

There's blankets over a table in the center of the vault. Curiosity getting the better of me, I yank it off dust flying everywhere.

The room fills with light blue light I instantly recognize as the rock da.. James was experimenting on.

"This place is older than my great grandma" says Kim tracing her finger across the desk grimacing at the amount of dust on her fingertips.

"I know this rock, it's the one my.." I stop abruptly before continuing
"James was experimenting on when he died" I finish

Vic walks up beside me slipping her hands into mine knowing I'm uncomfortable about the subject of James. I look at her and silently thank her for the support and.... maybe I like the contact. I pick up the three pieces of this mysterious rock deciding to keep them. Feeling stronger than ever once they're clutched to my chest.

Al goes to the corner of the vault towards several bags opening them revealing millions in cash. She maps every corner of the vault careful not to miss a single thing.

"Whoa.. Christ your dad was loaded" Kim says eyes bulging at the notes
"The spoils of sin" I mutter
"You could use it for good" Vic says from beside me
"You could end what he started. If you ever had any money spare think of the tech it could make, the lives saved" Vic says making a admittedly convincing argument as she rubs circles on my hands.

I take a moment to think carefully and finally cave in when I see Vic with that pleading look in her eye.

"We'll take it" I say
"Hey Kel, there's a bundle of files here should we take them?" Kim asks
"Take it all, we'll sort it out once we get back" I say
"I'll keep an eye outside while you guys load up the car just in case there's people watching" Al says

Al walks out of the cellar but throws me the pistol.

"You'll need the torch, besides I can handle myself" she says walking outside

We load the car, careful to be quiet and aware the possibility of unwanted eyes watching us. It's nearly dark outside so we need to get moving.

The drive home is peaceful and silent with only the engine to be heard. We stop to eat of course, the waitress with a unbelievable look in her eyes when I order 4 pizzas... For myself that is.

Back at "Lorino" residence

Al twists the key in the door letting out a sigh of relief to be home.

"We need to keep this stuff somewhere safe for tonight" Al says before continuing "Put it in the lab I'll go through the information tomorrow evening"

"What do you mean tomorrow evening?" I ask confused
"If I am not mistaken you have school tomorrow so go get some sleep. That goes for the 3 of you" Al says firmly
"I literally have a person trying to kill me, don't you think that's more important right now?" I say slightly angry
"Yes it's important but Kelly Lorino also needs to focus on her education. This inconvenience won't last forever" Al says firmly leaving no room for discussion

I growl feeling quite pissed off and head up to my room for the night. I sink into my bed groaning when my head hits the pillow. I fall into a pleasant sleep but, it doesn't last..

"My little girl can you sit still for daddy?" My dad's voice says softly "Good girl" he says praisingly putting a needle through my arm.

I yelp a little in pain but, dad holds out a lollipop for me and I squeal taking it.

My dad looks through his microscope leaving me to suck on my lollipop happily.

"Dr. Robin is it ready?" My dad asks
"Yes sir" this mysterious man says handing my father a vial of dark blue liquid.
"Great work, Your dismissed" my father says pouring the liquid into a syringe.

The man nods and leaves quickly leaving me and my father once again.
"Can you sit still again my good girl?" My father asks
I nod and do my best to obey and my father smiles.
"You are being very good, you can have ice cream later" he says putting the syringe in my arm.

A burning sensation fills my body and I begin to cry.

"It's okay sweetie, I know it hurts just go to sleep" My father says softly

My vision fades to black and I wake face streaming with tears and burning with anger. I sit and put my hands in my face indulging myself to cry.

My door opens and Vic's head peers through. She sees me crying and wordlessly walks over and hugs me as tight as she can. I don't know why I keep crying but, I do until eventually I drift back asleep comforted by Vic's presence.

Meanwhile downstairs
Allie's POV

"What do you mean he doesn't exist?" I spit angrily into the phone
"Nothing?" I say very angrily
"I know he was telling the truth!" I say nearly shouting before remembering the sleeping teens upstairs.
"So this person is using a fake name?" I say
"Keep working to find possible candidates, this needs to be dealt with as quickly and quietly as possible. Thanks for doing this." I say rubbing my forehead.

I hang up and slams the phone down in anger. Whoever this was, they were good, but they won't be good enough.

I take a gulp of wine thinking of the next move. My job is to protect Kelly, no matter the cost.

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