Chapter 20: Cold Blooded Killer

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Kelly's POV

He's gonna wake soon so I lift his limp body. I put him in the chair tying him up making sure to tighten it extra hard just for him. With so much bad luck lately, this just seems to be a stroke of good luck. Some time alone with the man I hate the most, fuck killing Adamson this is what will be satisfying.

I decide to pull up a chair and sit down. I punch Al's phone number in sending her a quick text that I'm just "out". Which isn't technically a lie..... Rather I'm out and about to cause this guy pain.

Several minutes later I hear him groan and try to get his hands out of the restraints. I get up my from my chair and I yank off the bag off his head.

"Oh dear, got yourself into a bit of a knot haven't you?" I say voice cold and calm I can barely recognize myself
"You bitch!" he shouts twisting angrily against the restraints
"That'll only make it worse. I've had some educational lessons on tying ropes, they've came in handy on several occasions.. usually with less clothes on though" I say grinning
"Where's Vicki?" he shouts
"Far away from you and better off for it" I say tone even colder
"You've hurt her" I state simply
"I.. didn't mean to" he says squirming
"You did... you continued to do so... That has made me... very.. angry" I continue staring into his eyes
"You used Vic to get to me..." I say staring into his eyes
"Hah little girl you won't touch me. My boss won't let you!" he says now smiling
"Adamson" I state and his eyes nearly pop out of his head
"I'm quite eager to meet him actually.." I say
"How.... do..." he says the smile wipes from his face.
"Believe me, I'll hurt you. I've got quite the skills. That tends to happen when your living your life looking over your shoulder" I say grabbing a blade from a nearby table and I test the balance in my hands
"Lovely blades, hate to dirty them with your blood" I say walking over to him
"I've a better idea" I say smiling widely grabbing his right arm

I dislocate his right arm and he howls in pain.

"That's for Vic" I say angrily
"So Adamson clearly sent you to kidnap me. I need information, what's he up to?" I ask in a bored tone holding the blade to his throat
"He.. found.. a rock.. blue thingy" he says panting in fear
"Hm.. what's his beef with me?" I ask
"I.. don't.. know" he says
"Hmm.. your gonna need to do better" I say pushing the blade harder at his throat
"He.. he's experimenting on the rock... creating.. something... to defeat you" he says shakily
"Lovely. A evil scientist creating a weapon, sounds all too familiar. This time... Im kinda hoping for the same ending this time" I say mimicking blowing up motions and I let out a small chuckle
"Right describe the rock" I say giving him a cold smile
"It...Black..light" Vicki's father stutters
"It glow a light blue?" I ask curiously
"" he stutters out

I hum thoughtfully for a moment and pace around him. He shuffles nervously in his chair waiting for my next move.

"How long have you been working with him?" I ask walking around him
"...y....ears" he says stuttering
"I don't have a problem with you hurting me. When you hurt Vicki... That is my problem" I state digging the blade into his left arm. Not enough to hurt... Too badly...He screams in pain.
"So.. what's he doing with the rock?" I ask
"Ex.." he pants out before stopping himself
"Don't make me ask again" my voice cold and hard
"Experimenting" he says looking into my eyes

I sigh, this guy knows about the Ferrerium. He must've worked with my father.. otherwise how would he know?

Narrowing it down... It must be that guy in my dream... The guy handing him the vial...

My thoughts are interrupted by a beep on my phone from Al which I ignore.

"Is he sending anymore people to kill me?" I ask
"I don't... know" he says

I sigh in frustration at lack of information.

"Do you know why he wants me dead?" I ask looking into his eyes
"N...o" he lies
"You do don't you?" I say tone cold finally I'm getting a fucking answer
"No" he says

Ugh. I'll come back to this one.

"How did he find where I live?" I ask tone bored
"I don't.. know" he says
"Then why the fuck does he want me dead?" I ask loudly
"I told you.. I.. don't know" he stutters out

I've gotten little to no information. For fuck sake this was a complete waste of time. I was never much good at interrogation.

Allie's POV

I woke up a little later than usual which is odd for me. I quickly check my phone seeing a text from Kelly saying she's out.

Out? Before sunrise? Something smells fishy. Kelly would never skip breakfast... That girl is like a daughter to me. She would never skip breakfast.

I go downstairs seeing a empty glass on the counter. I also see Kelly's leather jacket hanging by the door... Leaving before sunrise without her favorite jacket? I don't think so.

I quickly inform a mumbling Kim and Vicki who are still half asleep I'm leaving the house for a couple of hours. I throw on my clothes an grab my weapons just in case. I grab my keys which are on the counter and close the door behind me. I take out my phone and track Kelly's GPS. One time where my paranoia has paid off.

I see the location and I knew that something wasn't right.

Kelly's POV

"I'm not even really mad at you kidnapping me, in fact you've helped me tremendously" I say
"Thank you for kidnapping me" I say truthfully looking into his eyes and draw the blade back from his throat.
"Sadly, you've served your purpose" I say walking behind him
"Please! I didn't do anything to you!" he pleads
"Oh but you did" I say tone cutting like ice much like my next words
"You hurt the woman I love" I say and I look into his eyes the realization of my words sinking in and I slit his throat with no hesitation.

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