Chapter 16: Killing & Consquences

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I walk into the training room and I feel that guilt that I felt this morning when I woke up and remembered last night. I remember the moment my knife slit his throat, him gasping for his last breath. His thud to the floor, the knife sinking into another guy right between his eyes and him howling in pain. I remember the light leaving his eyes as he does. I remember it all, because I did that. Shame, guilt bears heavy on me like a weight threatening to crush me. Never thought killing would be an issue... It was always survival.

Al looks at me and gestures me to sit on the sparring platform. She has a serious look on her face.

"I see guilt and I don't like it" Al says quietly
"Those mercenaries... I killed 2 of them" I say
"Ah, I knew we would have to talk about this sooner or later" Al says softly
"To kill or not to kill" Al continues on
"I feel guilty and ashamed for doing it" I say
"I feel that same feeling each time I take a life. It never gets easier, believe me I know." Al says
"Sometimes Kel, in order to do the right thing we have to go against what we hold dear" Al continues
"Is killing right no matter the circumstance?" I ask
"Perhaps not, if killing was easy we would all do it, instead you do it and you bear the guilt on your conscious forever" Al says looking at me
"It's a hard thing to live with, I had hoped you would never of had to live with it. Sadly, that's not the case" Al continues
"The worst part is that I slit his throat with no hesitation and I felt nothing. I didn't even realize it until this morning" I say tears coming out of my eyes.
"You are a survivor, fight on for your friends and most importantly for yourself killing or no killing" Al says giving me a hug.
"Whether you kill 1 person or 20, the weight is always there. The cost of killing is high but, sometimes necessary. After all they were going to kill you so as I see it, you had no choice" Al says giving me a hug which I reciprocate

I nod thinking, killing might be the only way to get out of this, this is reality after all. Even if it won't be easy... This isn't a game where the good guys always win.

"I'm up for a few rounds of sparring" I say after a moment of silence
"Don't need to tell me twice" Al says smiling handing me the pole.

We trade several blows the metal clang sound can only be heard as we spar.

Allie's POV

I step into my lab and sit down in my chair. She's just as good as me in combat and I'm impressed. However, I still need to protect her.
I call Penny and she answers a few moments later.

"I've information to help narrow your search horizon. This person knows about The Slicers and has the funding to pay for them" I say tone steady
"That'll narrow it down considerably, I'll get to work" Penny says sound of keyboard tapping can be heard
"Thank you, call me if you get anything" I say before hanging up.

It's not much but, it's progress. I decide to get back to work on new gadgets so we can fight effectively because whoever this person is. They are deadly.

Kelly's POV

Regardless I decide to take my mind off the issue and to take out my frustration on the bag. I realize after that conversation with Al that the people I fight will be fighting to kill. I need to fight with the same goal to have a chance at surviving. Killing might be the only way.

Jab, Cross, Left Hook

Right Hook, Dodge, Jab, Knee

I'm still in the training room punching a dummy bag with as much strength and speed as I can when Vic walks in.

What did that poor bag do to you?" Vic says standing in the doorway
"Nothing, just training" I say steadying the swaying bag
"You know I thought we were past lying and started talking" Vic says sitting on sparring platform
"Your right... I do need to talk" I say wiping the sweat off my face with my shirt
"I didn't mean to hear but, I heard the talk with your aunt" Vic says
"It's alright, I would've told you anyways" I say resuming punching the bag with more precision and strength than speed
"I know killing might be necessary, after all they're looking to kill me" I say
"You can be better than them, there's another way besides killing" Vic says
"It might be necessary. I know Adamson is one person who is necessary to kill" I say
"You can imprison him and give him a trial" Vic says
"I can't, this guy clearly has connections and would worm his way out of it. He needs to die" I say punching the bag even harder
"There has to be another way, you need to be better than him" Vic says pleading and I stop punching to face her
"The world isn't perfect. It's full of shit people who can get out of any situation. It just needs to be done" I say looking into her eyes

Vic looks at me and promptly leaves the training room. She sees the good in people and while that's one of the things that makes her Vicki. It's also something that blinds her to the way the world works. I can't help but, feel sad about the fact she doesn't agree with me. I can't lose Vicki over something like this, she's my best friend.

I punch several combos trying to work out the frustration that's rooted in me. My mind is racing with so many question. What is going to happen? Can I beat Adamson? Will I even be alive come tomorrow? Will Adamson send someone that's just too powerful for me? What are his plans? Why the hell does he want me dead? How after these years did he find me? So many questions with a lack of answers.

I feel the anger burning through my veins and I punch stronger and faster.

Jab, Left Hook, Right Uppercut

Right Hook, Roll To Left, Right Jab, Left Uppercut

He's slippery like a fucking eel. He's obviously smart and calculating. I've been training my whole life to fight the government should they find me. I've been looking over my shoulder constantly. My questions will have answers I'm determined to find this guy and end whatever he started. Makes my blood boil thinking about him concocting his plans, then I feel warm imagining killing him. Fucked up? I know but, this guy struck first. I'm determined to strike last. So his name is in my head once again, I pose that question and I have have my definite answer.


To kill or not to kill

With one final strike to the punching bag making it fall to the floor with sand spilling out onto the floor, I have my answer.


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