Chapter 14: Tequila & Japanese Mercenaries

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I walk upstairs to get ready for the well deserved night out. I dress up in a navy blue dress that goes a few inches above my knee. I decide to put on killer black high heels because why not? Can't even remember the last time I dressed up. I decide on just a small bit of makeup and leave my hair down it coming just further than my shoulders in long waves. I cannot forget my knives of course, I carefully place them in a holder on my thighs and put 2 in my clutch. Better safe than sorry I say.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen and pour a whiskey on rocks and drink it while Kim and Vic get ready.

Kim's down shortly after in a short, emerald green dress and black high heels.

"Hey, drink?" I say
"Mhm Small one Vic's nearly done" she says
We chat and finish our drinks and not a minute later Vic comes down the stairs. She's in a black v-neck dress and bright red heels. My heart is racing and I try to stop staring... I swear..:

"What took you so long?" Kim says while I stare at Vic
"Hair" she says and I realize it's curled.
"You look good" Vic says looking at me
"Hot. The word she means is hot" Kim says smirking at blush on Vic's cheeks
"You look good too" I say grinning somehow finding confidence I certainly don't feel

Kim rolls her eyes and smiles.

"I guess I look like a troll?" Kim says
"You look good and you know it" I say and Kim grins

We take a cab to a local bar I often go to. We sit at the bar and order our respective drinks.

"Really a cocktail?" I say to Vic
"It tastes nice!" She argues back taking a sip of her cocktail.
"And tequila? Your looking to get absolutely car parked Kelly" Kim says
"Car parked?" I ask laughing
"Don't blame me. Blame my brother and his stupidity" Kim says
"That's the plan, drinking until I have convinced myself I can dance" I say gulping down my second shot.

I see a woman in the corner looking across at me shyly. She has a blood red dress and I can't help but think they are the color of Vic's heels. She has brown eyes, just like Vic and short auburn hair just down to her chin. She's with a group of friends and chatting away ducking her head when I catch her staring. I smile at her but, decide to not make a move yet. Her friends at nudging her to talk but, she's too shy. Mhm I'm starting to see I've a type. Shy, cute, who fluster easily, weirdly she reminds me of Vicki who continues to sip her cocktail pretending I'm not totally leering like some hormonal teenage boy on viagra.
"Adamson wants me dead" I say
"I'm screwed" I say to Kim
"I can recall several people you screwed, or shall we say most likely will" Kim says looking over at Auburn haired girl
"Mhm she's cute" I say looking at her once more.

I see Vic look... angry? Why is she angry at me?

I look around and spot a pool table in the corner and smirk.

"Vic up for a game of pool?" I ask trying to change her mood
"Oh please pool is a game of math" Vic says rolling her eyes with a smile

Ok maybe she isn't angry at me? I'm confused... Solving the millennium problems is easier than reading people.

"Hmm loser has to buy next round" I say
"Deal, Kim make sure she doesn't cheat" says Vic determination in her eyes

Vic sets up the table making sure it's all even. I can't help but laugh. I'm tempted to make it uneven just to annoy her...

"You can break" Vic says snapping me from my thoughts
"Hm ok, you'll still loose" I say shooting and potting a red ball and grinning like I've already won.

I shoot again narrowly miss potting the red ball. I go to the bar and decide on a 3rd shot and if I do a 4th no one needs to know. If I give the auburn girl a wink that's also nobodies business least of all Kim... Who has been relentless in her teasing pursuit. Auburn girl is only a distraction....

I saunter back over to see a gleeful Vic having potted 2. However, her smile won't last long. I may be slightly drunk but I'm still a super-genius.

I pot 3 in easily seeing Vic's gleefulness wipe off her face in seconds.

The bar doors smash in suddenly and 4 people dressed in black burst in. I'm pretty sure they had katana swords in their hands, they saw me and immediately unsheathes their swords. I grab my phone in one hand and call an Uber and ready myself for the 4 guy's approach.

"What are you doing?!" Kim and Vic scream at me
"It's called multitasking" I say snapping the pole cue in half on my knee and toss my phone to Kim Uber now on its way.

I rip my dress which is sad, because I loved that dress. I grab a knife from my thigh and slit his throat before he can strike me. I get another knife from my clutch and throw it between the eyes of the second guy, him falling to the floor.
"You know you ruined my night, next time just call ahead and reschedule" I say my pool cue meeting his sword, the pool cue getting sliced in half. The sword cuts my arm but it start to heal. I turn and slam him against the floor hard knocking him out.

The fourth has a gun and shoots me in the arm. I grimace in pain but, it heals back up quickly.
"Not the kind of penetration I was planning on getting tonight" I say
"What are you?" he says in Japanese
"A crazy bitch with fighting skills who's pissed you ruined her night out. Also you cockblocked me so your in for it princess" I say in perfect Japanese back before slamming his head on the bar knocking him out.

"Time to leave" I say looking at destruction I left slamming a few hundred on the bar for repairs. Looking at the auburn girl who's face is in shock, along with most of the patrons. I give her a wink and blow her a kiss because honestly I've nothing to lose at this stage.... Goodbye hangout.

We walk out quickly avoiding attention of the gaping patrons in the bar and into the chilly, dark night.

"Even drunk you can still fight like a badass" Kim says chuckling
"I got cockblocked hard by Japanese fucking mercenaries. Great" I say angrily

The Uber arrives and we and decide to call it a night considering it's been... active to say the least. Those fuckers ruined my buzz and I'm not a happy camper. God dammit I can't even go to a bar and drink in peace anymore.

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