Chapter 24: The Fight Of Our Life

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We arrive at the site where a "abandoned" building is. It doesn't look so abandoned though.

I'm sure to park the bike well away before approaching the base on foot. Can't come in guns blazing can we? We need to be smart about this.

"He has to be here" Al whispers crouching behind a bush and peeking at the building
"There's lots of guards at front entrance... There's a vent up there we'll sneak in there" Al whispers pointing to the roof

I nod and we move quietly the trees giving us some shelter from guards.
"He's not a subtle is he" I say to Al pointing to clearly armed guards patrolling the outside

Al waits a moment before the guards walk leaving a part of the building vulnerable. There it is... a chink in the armor.

"Let's climb up" I say and Al nods

We walk careful to make no noise and cross to the side of the building. Aware I don't have much time I quickly scale up using the ledges and chipped away holes in the wall to my advantage.

I help Al who easily gets up. Just in time to see the guards passing below. Let's do this.

I climb a little further onto the roof where the vent is. I go through the vent first as silently as I can making no noise whatsoever.

It's warm and it's a tight space. I wipe the sweat off my brow and continue taking a right. Thank lord I have a photographic memory. I eventually hit a dead end but there's a opening where we could climb out.

I signal to Al who takes a look around surveying the surroundings.

"Just guards and halls" Al whispers
"We need to get into the center. That's where he'll be" Al says going back and taking a left

We crawl our way being as silent as we can. We can hear guards chatting as they patrol.

"You know his name is Dr Robin" one of the guards say laughing
"Like Batman and Robin?" the other one sniggers
"Exactly" a third guard says

Al freezes and looks at me. Oh no.

"What?" I whisper
"I know Dr. Robin" Al whispers back
"Hold on stop and explain please" I whisper
"He worked closely with your father, everyone called him Robin because he was your dad's sidekick... How did I not know?" Al whispers
"So why does he want me?!" I whisper
"I have no idea, but James and him must have fell out shortly before he died... I didn't know I was in the field, just got back when he died" Al whispers

Al continues to crawl and we eventually reach an opening which is under us. Al points down to the opening. I strangely start to feel strong like I did back in the vault. Ferrerium it's close by.....

It's a lab, of course. I see 3 pieces Ferrerium on his desk. He walks around in pure silence with a pistol strapped to his hip.

God he reminds me of James.

"Go outside and take down the guards, I can handle Adamson" I whisper extra quietly

Al looks at me and nods before crawling away quietly. I wait for minutes until I hear gunshots who is Al fighting off the guards. I see Adamson take out his pistol and walk outside. I stick one of knives into the metal vent and tie the rope around it and climb down. I'm a badass.

I quickly take the Ferrerium and hide it in the vent out of Adamsons reach but close enough for the "strength?" boost. I quickly dismantle the rope and hide back up feeling stronger than ever with the rock near me.

Adamson comes back in clearly stressed and mutters curses when he sees the rock is gone. I quickly jump down and he quickly turns around.

"Someone shit in your coffee this morning?" I ask tackling him the ground.

More gunshots and screams are heard outside as Al makes her way into me. Come on Al.

Adamson knees me in the ribs knocking the wind out of me and takes a few steps back the gun pointing at me. I take out my pistol and point it at him at the same time.

We stand to close with guns pointed to one another... Stalemate..

"Well, well, it's been a while" Robin says with a wicked smile on his face
"Indeed Robin" I say mockingly

His face goes red from anger.

"That's not my name!" he shouts slamming his fist on the table

He doesn't notice the blood running down his wrist. Yeah... He's kinda angry...

"Isn't it? You think I don't remember you handing my father vials of liquid to inject into me" I say tone firm

All of a sudden the shooting outside stops.

Allie's POV

I crawl away back outside the vent. I trust Kelly can handle herself. She won't just go in guns blazing... Please don't Kelly... I scale down the building quietly killing the two guards quietly. I hide their bodies behind a few crates. Not brilliant but... It'll do.

Of course Adamson is Robin, I'm getting in that building to kill him that's all I know. I quietly make my way towards a tree that offers me some cover. I quickly analyze my surroundings before formulating a plan.

There's 2 guards outside. I quickly take my pistol and shoot the two of them going down quickly sadly not quietly. I hide behind the tree and I hear guards shouting and coming outside. I take my AK from my back and shoot a few more before re-loading. I see a group of them walking closer and I take out my grenade and throw it. They try to run but it's too late. One of them however finds me and disarms me. He tries to knock me out with his gun. I dodge and get him in a chokehold. I twist my arms and he falls to the ground with a thud.

I make my way inside knowing they'll be waiting. I quickly knock out one guy waiting inside the door using my AK47. A group of them suddenly appear and suddenly they die in a rainstorm of bullets coming from behind me.

"You really thought we'd stay behind?" Kim says holding an sun machine gun
"Your so dead when we get back but, thanks" I say my fine filled with anger
We make our way into the building meeting more skilled guards as we go.

A guard approached me with a sharp sword. I try to shoot but, my AK jams. I push Kim and Vicki on the floor and that's when he swings. My right arm falls to the floor and a searing pain is felt. My arm is on the floor..... It hurts.., badly.. Nonetheless I ignore the searing pain and gesture to continue on.

I sneak behind the last guard. I'm in a lot of pain. I knock him out using the end of the AK with my left arm. I mutter curses as my blood drips onto the floor.

"We need to move" I say scanning the hall for more guards. Ignoring Kim and Vicki's shocked faces which are pointing to where my arm use to be.

"I know, now let's go" I say moving forward

We move forward meeting more guards and I am able take them out one handed with minimum help from Vicki and Kim. I turn a corner and the guard shoots my left arm. I grimace but shoot him with the AK spraying his body all over. My right arm is gone and my left hurts like a bitch. God dammit I won't be able to fight good again.

"You need a hospital!" Vicki says looking at my arm
"Nope. Kelly needs us" I say moving forward quickly

Robin was ill prepared so it seems. We come to a double door and I can hear Robin inside.... Probably practicing his monologuing. I kick the doors open with my feet strolling in as if I own the place. Robin... God damn you.

Kelly's POV
"I'm guessing your not here sending mercenaries because you and James were besties" I say mockingly
"I'm gonna slice you like butter" I say grinning looking at the knife in my hand.

The double door opens revealing a bloody and armless but, determined Al. I see Vicki and Kim behind her holding AK47's wearing relieved expressions when they see me alive and well. Al has no right arm....

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