Chapter 7: Friends Forever

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"I will leave you to it, I'll be in the lab or the training room" Al says walking out of the room down the hallway
"Training room?" Vic asks curiosity evident in her voice
"I've been training with Al in combat for several years, so I can defend myself" I say
"Oh right. Can we see it?" Kim asks excitedly
"Sure" I say walking down the hall and open the training room.

We walk in and their mouths are open at the weapons on display.
"Holy shit..." Kim says walking over to gun side of our weapon collection
"I'm not biggest fan of the guns, I prefer knives. They're mostly Al's but, I'm trained in them just incase" I say walking behind Kim
"Trained in shooting and knives?" Vic says walking up to us
"I'm trained in several types of fighting, whether it be hand to hand or weapons" I explain
"Wow and you were the one who said "I have no athletic skills" when I proposed karate classes" Kim says folding her arms eyeing me with a questioning look in her eyes
I walk over to my throwing knives and clean them quickly knowing I'll forget to do it later.
"Wow, they are beautiful" Vic says picking one up and testing the balance in her hand
"Despite then being used to kill people" she continues
I look into her eyes and say softly "I haven't killed anyone, today was my first real fight"
"Oh, sorry for..." Vic says
"It's okay, up for a movie night?" I ask quickly changing the subject.
"Yeah sure" they both say

I start to walk out of the room when Vic grabs my arm
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it in that way. I didn't mean to assume." she says softly
"It's ok" I say smiling back understanding she didn't mean it in a bad way.

We walk into the living room closing the door to the training room. We get popcorn and watch a movie cuddled together. A weight was lifted off my shoulders with them knowing me fully, but, a heavier weight was added on them knowing this would put them in danger.

"Would you two mind staying here until this situation is dealt with?" I ask
"As long as your aunt is ok with it" says Vic
"Yeah same here" says Kim
"Alright hold on I'll ask her before we start the movie" I say getting off the couch.

I walk into the training room where Al is punching and kicking a dummy with incredible speed and force. One particularly hard kick and the dummy violently jerks to the left.

"Al, can Kim and Vic stay until we've this bastard put down?" I ask
"I'd prefer that actually, especially since they're in immediate danger. I'll call their parents and check, I'm sure they won't mind though" Al says panting heavily

She stops and wipes the sweat from her forehead. I hand her a bottle of water and she smiles at me.

"Thanks Kel, now enjoy your time with your friends. I'm working on some body armor for you so you won't be so easy to take down" Al says excitedly
"Body armor... That sounds great! Thanks Al" I say giving her a hug
"For the record, I'm not easy to take down" I add before leaving.

I walk back out to my friends.
"What'd she say?" Vic says mouth full of popcorn
"A-okay as long as your parents are, which they will be" I say smiling at Vicki's puffed out cheeks
"Now you said a movie. I do believe we need more popcorn since Vicki felt the need to eat all of mine" says Kim laughing
"Not all of it!" Vic says cheeks puffing our with amount of popcorn
I raise an eyebrow and we all break into laughter the popcorn in Vic's mouth going everywhere.

I get up and get more popcorn knowing we'll either probably throw it at each other or I'll just eat it like a vacuum. We put on the movie and I roll my eyes at my friends.

"A horror movie? After what happened today?" I say laughing
"Hey! At least this won't scare you as much!" Vicki says grinning
"True, true hold me if I get scared" I say to Vic grinning back
"Hey! You two what about me?" Kim says
"Don't worry, if you get scared I'll get Al to hold you" I say to Kim laughing
"I'll take a pass thanks, I think your aunt would kick my ass" says Kim
"She's kicked mine quite a few times" I chuckle remembering the first few month of training

The introduction comes and I can feel Vic and Kim shiver with excitement beside me. I throw a piece of popcorn at Vic and she pokes me and whispers
"Don't waste perfectly good popcorn!" and looks into my eyes
"Guys pass the bowl" Kim says interrupting the moment
I pass the bowl to Kim smiling at the face Vic makes when I take it away. The movie starts and we all quieten focused on the movie. For the first time today I allow myself to relax and enjoy the company of my friends.

Meanwhile in a off-grid lab in Cailifornia
"Dr Robin, it seems our attack failed on target" says an unknown man
"Do not call me that. It's Dr Adamson" he says angrily
"Of course Dr Adamson apologies" says an unknown man
"Little Kelly must have learned a few moves from her dear aunt" he says calculatingly
"She's weaker when she's alone, I bet.. Allie was a brilliant fighter. Send competent fighters this time" he says "I don't allow incompetency, if there's a next time you'll find yourself serving the same fate as Mr. William. Just won't be as quickly." He continues voice firm and cold
"Of course sir" an unknown man says nearly running away to carry out his orders.

After years of trying to track her he finally finds her only for some incompetent goon screwing it up. He will not fail again, James must pay for what he did. He walks over to his desk and opens the file named "Kelly Ferreira".

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